Tribbles, Tribbles, and more tribbles
Tribble - is a small ball of fur that purrs and
multiplies very quickly. Tribbles also hate Klingons, when a tribble see
a Klingon it will let out a high pitch squeal. Also, that could be a
reason why Klingons hate Tribbles, too. Thousands are seen in the TOS
episode "The Trouble with Tribbles" their breeding gets out of control
on the Enterprise and the way they get rid of all the tribbles was to
beam all the tribbles over to the Klingon ship. They were so in the
animated "More Tribbles, More Trouble." it this episode it said that the
tribbles natural predators are the glommer.
Okay if you ever watched TOS of Star Trek and remember a
episode called "The Trouble with Tribble" you will know where I am
heading with this. I love to play with tribbles. In fact I am breeding
tribbles in my backyard. I don't have the problem with tribble as
Captain Kirk did, because I eat them. Their good. I fix them fried, they
don't have much meat on them, but they are nice and crunchy. If fact I
found a list of how just how to kill them.
After hours and hours of researching the Klingon database I found their
recipes for frying tribbles. This is the stuff they never do tell you
Click here to find out some of the Klingon recipes.
Tribble Movies
- Pretty Tribble - They love that sexy tribble, they always seems to multiply more after the movie.
- Nightmare on Tribble Street part 5: Tribble Child - I don't know if the tribbles multiply in this movie. I always leave the house. There always seems to be at least one tribble who thinks he's Freddy.
- Friday the 13th part 8: Tribbles Take Manhattan - The tribbles always seems to multiply more in this movie too.
- Honey, I Shrunk the Tribbles - Tribbles seems to be afraid of this movie, after I show this movie. I would have to drag them out from underneath my bed.
- Furry Tribble of Bel Air - They love to rap along with the song, but I usually turn it to something different. I can actually hear them losing brain cells.
- Attack of the Killer Tribbles - I leave the house when they watch this movie. I'm afraid they may get some idea.
- The Land before Tribbles - A very well done animated movie. About a time before tribbles.
- Jurassic Tribble - Tribble-saurus Rex is their favorite. They always love to see him eat the humans.
- The Hutchtribble of Notre Dame - I took all my tribble out to the movie theatre the other day and they finally got to see the movie. They love it, but I got the oddest look from the ticket person with I asked for 1,000 kiddie tickets.
- Star Trek: The Next Batch "Encounter at Fur-point" - They like the Star Trek episode, I often find them writing to their favorite omnipotent character 'T' from the T Continuum...
- Beauty and the Tribble - a fabulous movie, about a young girl who falls in love with a tribble, I have no idea why my tribbles like it, personally I think, Beauty, could do much better.
- Star Trek TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles" - I don't know why the tribbles like it, I guess because it is the first time where they got their success, but I'm getting a little tired of it.
- ST: The Next Batch "Imdazi" - They love this book, on how the famous William T(ribble) Riker go back in time to save the love Deanna Tribble.
- Independence Day - This was an excellent movie aliens invading, humans invading, and tribbles screeching (Hey that wasn't in the movie, oh well).
- Father of the TribbleBride - A very very funny movie, about a father who finds out his daughter is marrying a tribble.
- Ace Venture Pet Detective part 3 When Tribbles Come - This was a very funny movie, Jim Carrey was excellent, the tribble got carried away though every time he talked through his butt they wanted to attack...
- A Tribble Carol - The tribbles love this movie, especially where Ebenezer Scrooge gets trampled by tribble.
- Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Trial-and-Tribblation" - They loved the episode, basically because they got to be in it. I think one of them has Odo's autograph but refuses to give it to me. I would fry him, but he's threatened to eat it.
- The Santa(Tribble) Clause - I delighted film with a tribble who finds out Santa falls off his roof and gets killed, and finds out he's the new Santa.
- Charlie Brown and the Tribble Christmas - Yeah, after that first Charlie Brown Christmas special he made another one, with tribbles and they loved it.
- Rudolph the Tribble Reindeer - I cute movie about a reindeer who is a tribble, now tell me why does everyone tease him. Just because he's different, that's stupid... Well shortly to say I thought the movie was stupid, but apparently the tribbles love it.
- Star Wars: Return of the Tribbles - Very cute movie, but I kept getting the tribbles confused with the ewoks.
- Star Wars: The Tribbles Strike Back - Dark Tribble reveals he's Luke Tribblewalker's father, very exciting movie, hope the next one is good.
- Tribble Tunes - Bugs Tribbles and Daffy Tribbles are their favorite tribbles cartoon characters, well why they watch Tribble-vision I'll stick the real life Television.
- Grumpier Old Tribble - Never mess with an old tribble. They bite, but this movie puts the bite on them.
- Star Wars: A New Hope(for tribbles) - Excellent movie, great special effects, loved Luke Skytribble and Princess Leia. The tribbles loved it, in fact some of the tribbles could decide which was better Star Trek or Star Wars, but I fixed that. I ate any tribble that tried and compared the two.
- The Empire Strikes Back - The sequel to Star Wars, where the evil Darth Tribble reveals he is Luke Skytribble's(young jedi) father.
- Return of the Jedi - Sequel to The Empire Strikes Back, in this sequel fuzzy two legged creatures known as ewoks are introduced, the tribbles loved the ewoks although I kept getting the tribbles confused with the ewoks.
- RainTribble - Something about a tribble that likes rain??? got me I fell asleep during the intro
- BraveTribble starring Mel Gibson - Something I'm sure Mel Gibson would never do again.
- Tribble Recall - Arnold Swanszenager eat you heart out, the tribbles make a comeback on the planet Mars. [I always knew there was life on Mars. ]
- Terminator 3: Tribblebots - Yes, tribbles are in the future, apparently since both androids could not kill either Sara or John. The androids build tribbles, but the tribbles multiply to quickly and the androids must work with the humans to rid the planet of tribbles.
- Ace Ventura: Tribble Detective - The tribbles loved the movie, but thought Jim Carey was damn annoying. In one of the scenes where Jim Carey talks through his butt the tribbles attack him. Many tribble lives were lost that day, but it was a good battle.
- Married with Tribbles - Al Bundy is Married with Tribbles, he says he's a lot happier with the tribbles then with Peg.
- ST2: The Wrath of Tribble - Jim Kirk has met his match 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. . . tribbles get revenge and attack the ship, and Spock figures a way of killing them, but in the process of killing the tribbles the tribbles kill him too.
- ST3: The Search for Tribbles - Jim Kirk is sadden by Spock's death but soon discovers that Spock is still alive on a planet surrounded by tribbles. Kirk must destroy the tribbles again to save his friend.
- ST4: Tribbles Voyage Home - Now that Spock is now alive, he and the rest of the crew go back to Earth, but finds out Earth is under attack, and they must go back in time to carry whale back to the future to save Earth, but they soon find out that the tribbles are on Earth too, so they must destroy the tribble population before they leave.
- ST5: The Tribble Frontier - Very dull movie, me and the tribbles kept falls asleep so we never did see what the movie was about
- ST6: The Undiscovered Tribble Country - Kirk and McCoy is falsely accused of destroying the tribble home planet. He and McCoy is put on trial and found guilty, they are forced to work in a tribble prison camp. But Spock come to the rescue and proves their innocence and retrieves them from the prison.
- Star Tribbles: Generations - Captain Kirk, will no longer be able to play with his tribbles, they cried when he died. Twice!
- Star Tribbles: First Contact - The Borg are back and ready to assimilate a new race of tribbles, but they never counted on Worf being there with his bat'lech and marshmallows
- Mrs. Tribblefire - A funny movie about a divorced tribble who wants to see his kids again and willing to dress up as their nanny.
- Don't Tell Mom the Tribble's Dead - You guessed it a horror movie, they cried when those brats killed their Tribble baby-sitter
- Snow White and the Seven Tribbles - How they got the seven tribbles to not multiply is beyond me.
- Hunt for Red Tribble - I'm not quite for sure how this one goes, the tribbles always seems to manage to tie me up and lock me in the basement.
- Tribble Academy 3: Train more Tribbles - You guessed it. It's a work out tape for when Captain Kirk comes to town.
- All Tribbles go to Heaven - I sweet and adorable movie about a tribble who must make it into heaven for the second time.
- Tribblephobia - Sorry, my tribbles are now looking at me funny and I'm getting a little . . . <<gulp!>>
- Robin Hood: Prince of Tribbles - Kevin Costner is excellent in this movie, but I'm afraid he's now tribble-phobic.
- Robin Hood: Tribbles in Tights - I thought it was a great movie, but for some reason the tribble didn't like it.
- 101 Tribbles (animated version) - Aaaaaargh!!!!! I never saw the movie, but I think the tribbles liked it.
- The Tribble Bunch - Okay, the tribbles loved this movie, but since I didn't like the TV series I didn't like the movie. Aaaargh!!! They now hum "The Tribble Bunch" theme song everyday.