<BGSOUND SRC="Lesbians.wav">

South Park Sounds Page

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I only have  Cartman sounds at the moment, but they are really funny.  Click on text to download the sound.  And PLEASE check my other pages and PLEASE sign my guess book.

South Park Sounds

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The Best South Park Pics

Bitch song

Film Sounds

"Kiss my black ass"

Other Related Sites (Links)

"Come here quarky"

Car Pics.  Real & Drawn

A Few Cool Pics, Some Cool Animated Ones

"Don't be gay"


"Fat ass Jew"

"You got in trouble"

"I'll blow you friken head off"

"Im not fat, I'm festively plump"

"Kick ass"


"Hey, rainbows, get out of my ass"

"Screw u hippie"

"Screw you guys, I'm going home"

"I am Skuzzlebut, lord of the mountains"

"My Dad says smoking crack is kind of cool"

"Trickle treat"

"U unholy but hole bitch"

"You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen, and make me some pie"

"You son of a bitch, I'll kick you in the nuts"