Welcome to my Final Fantasy VII Section.
Cloud Strife
Occupation: EX-Soldier
Weapon: Sword
That gold
Barrett Wallace
Age: 35
Occupation: Terrorist
Weapon: Gun-Arm
Da Numbers
Dead lift: 850lbs
Running Speed: 18 mph
RC factor: 9.35(high)
I.Q.: 14
Alright. If you happened to buy the Versus Books stratagy guide for Final Fantasy VII this was one of the Cool as hell posters you got along with it. If you didn't WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR CHRISTMAS?
Tifa Lockheart, Age:21, Occupation: Bar owner, Weapon: Gloves, Measurments: 42",24",36"
Here's where the nightmare of Sephiroth began. It's also where FFVII begins. The ever Interesting city of Midgar(all you Thor comic fans don't say anything).
Here's Sephiroth pulling Mommy from a test tube.
Here's One of the saddest moments in FFVII. Not to many games that I've been privy to see(and believe me I've seen ALOT) have had a mian character DIE! This came as a real shocker the first time I played it.
Aeries Gainsborough, Age:22, Occupation: Flower Seller, Weapon: Staff, Favorite Color: Pink
Harley-Davidson eat your heart out. THIS is what fans of RPG's are riding these days baby!!!!
Vincente Valentine
Age: Unknown
Occupation: Former Turk
Weapon: Gun
Favorite T.V. Show:
Beast Wars
Favorite Character:
Depth Charge
Cid Highwind
Age: 32
Occupation: Piolet
Weapon: Spear
Favorite Cigerette Brands
2)Pel Mel
4)Mary Janes
Red XIII, Age: 48, Occupation: Reserch Specimen, Weapon: Clips, Favorite Passtimes: Soccer, Sleeping
Yuffie Kisrugi
Age: 16
Occupation: Thief
Weapon: Shireken
Favorite Materia:
Any Matiria She Can Grab In Under Five Minutes (and get away with)
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Mighty Leviathan Says Hurry Back!