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Goto Dionon's Main Page | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Goto Dionon's Dragonball Pic Archive | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Goto Dionon's Tomb Raider Pic Archive | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Goto Dionon's FFVII Section | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Dionon's FanFic Archive. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This is my Fan Fic archive. *Note These are not written by me unless otherwise noted in the story (or the link)* | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
I don't have many fan fics up yet but give me time. The first to go up was written byJuuhachi-Guu and Mirai Bulma |
The next author to contribute is Ablewhose Fanfic "DIMENSIONS" boggles your mind, and settles a very serious argument in the world of DBZ fans. Our next contributor is Sean with his story "Dragonball FX: The Ash Series". The story takes place 1000 years in the future. Have fun reading it!! Guess what peoples I'm writing a Fanfic. It's almost finished(I hope it's 63 pages currently) so I thought I'd put up a Coming Attractions sort of thing. So Click here to read it. |
Walk This World: In the DBZ timeline Mirai Trunks came to avert his world's horrible future. He thought he acomplished his goal and left. Then after that exept for seeing his battle with the Cyborgs we never hear from the boy. He never writes, he never calls, NOTHING!! So what happened after his battle? Did he settle down? Have a family? Who knows. Juuhachi-guu and Mirai Bulma have come up with a masterpiece as a possible answer. READ ON NOBLE VIEWER! Chapter One |
Chapter Two | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chapter Three Chapter Four |
Dead Souls: Bulma's Plans in "Walk This World" came to frutation. Now it's time for healing and reunions. Unfortunatly an escapee from Hell won't let it be as peaceful as everyone wants.Juuhachi-guu and Marai Bulma have come up with the second master work in this wonderful series called Dragonball Super Z. Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four |
Just Another Day Somethings in the past just won't stay there. The same is true for our heros. So when the past comes knocking what's a Saya-jin Prince to do? Read and find out. Juuhachi-Guu and Marai-Bulma do it again by writing another masterpiece in this GREAT series. Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four |
Enough to Heal Wonder what goes on when Trunks and Juuhachi-Guu wander off together. This citrusy little one parter tells the tale. Juuhachi-Guu and Marai-Bulma once again lay down the good stuff. ENJOY!!! Read "Enough to Heal" Night Flight Alright this is a not so censored look at the romantic side of everyone's favorite Saya-jin prince Vegeta. Just how does he act when Trunks is in bed, Goku's Gone home and all the threats have been beaten back for one day? Find out in this VERY citrusy story.No Hentei. Read "Night Flight" |
Night Thoughts What lurks in the mind of Vegeta? Um... I don't know. Why don't you ask him Huh...Huh? Anyway this is a look into the mind of the most secretive character in all of Dragonball. join him as he looks back at his life and the people that mean the most to him(even if it doesn't say it ever). Oh well... Here goes... Read "Night Thoughts" |
Walking on the Sun Here's the next masterpeice in the Dragonball Super Z series. "Walking on the Sun is the greatest one yet. Think about this one before you read "How would Vegeta get along with himself" Oh well Enjoy!!! Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 |
DEMENSIONS: The author of this fanfic has written one of the best pieces of fiction I've ever read. It's scope is Multiversal and also hits on thepersonal level in a few cases of "What If?" or DeJaVu. It also solves one of the biggest arguments in the DragonballZ community. If you like time travel, parallel univeses, and of course DBZ you'll love this work. This is a definate 9 out of ten. Read on noble seekers of enlightenment. Chapter 1Chapter 9 Fav. Quotes of the Author Chapter 2 Chapter 10 Email Able Chapter 3 Chapter 11 Chapter 4 Chapter 12 Chapter 5 Chapter 13 Chapter 6 Chapter 14 Chapter 7Chapter 15 Chapter 8Easter Eggs(booboos) DRAGONBALL FX: THE ASH SERIES This story takes place 1000 years in the future. An alien invasion has been successfull and Earth has been subjegated. After many years a warrior like no other arives and threatens to take the planet back from the Aliens. Along the way we meet some interesting characters. Can this warrior succeed? Does he have enough power to do it? Find out by reading Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 |
When Power Goes Bad | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
This is a good one parter that shows Vegita's desire to defeat Goku in combat and the consiquences of making the wrong turn. This story also introduces a new SSj form SSj5. And it introduces a new move for Goku. Read on noble viewerRead "When Power Goes Bad" |
Kuririn vs. The Robots | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Here's a story that takes place inbetween the the time that Goku defeated Piccolo Daimioh and the Tenchi-Bodoki where Goku defeats Ma Jr. beter known as Piccolo. This is a unique story in the fact that it depictes Kuririn as the hero. For all you people out there that have only seen American edited DBZ that's Krillen. It also shows the origin of one of Kuririn's best moves. Read Kuririn vs. The Robots E-Mail Vegeta, Boy of Destiny!!! |
An Unexpected Guest
This wonderful story is set in the Marai-Trunks Era. It introduces someone Trunks never expected to see, and I'm not telling who. You'll just have to read. Heh Heh Heh. It's full of turmoil and surprises so go on read it. It's good for you.
Chapter 1Automatic Flowers
After a year's vacation a characters return spells unexpected trouble for Trunks. Can he overcome his difficulties and find the truth? Read on!!!
Chapter 1A Moment in Time
This story is sort of a prologue to the epilogue of Automatic Flowers. It happens the year between Chapter 6 and, of course, the Epilogue. So enjoy.
Read "A Moment in Time"Another Day's Work
This is a look into the life of Pan, workng mother!/font color>
Read "Another Day's Work"The Final Round
After the defeat of Buu, peace has returned to the DBZ world. But some one has it in for the Z-Senshi and has reserected one of their greatest foes to get the job done. What a ride theis should be. This is the first unfinished fic I've put up, and so far it's great.
A Day to Fear
Ouji Vegita has written a really funny fanfic. It's about Vegita doing something he truly DISPISES. Read on noble one.
Another by Ouji Vegita, this is a really cirtusy fanfic about a particularly NASTY fight between Vegita and Bulma
Two Princes
Ouji Vegita strikes again with this rare father son moment. Which father and which son you ask? Read and find out
Dot Warner brings us a nutty fic. Here's the scoop. Goku... Vegita... Kaiosama SWITCHES THEM!!!!!!!!! It's hilarious so read on.
Sleepless at Capsule Corp.
This is a little side story happening in the middle of "Mix-Up". Why wasn't it part of "Mix-up"? I don't know. But it's pretty cool so read on!!
Always is Forever
This one beautifully written story by Hiro Yui, about the death of this timeline's Bulma touched off a series of sequals mostly written by Dot Warner, with one written by Kiku, about what happened after. The next six stories are this series.
Those Who Mourn
After reading "Always is Forever" Dot Warner wondered "What Next??" She then wrote this, showed it to Hiro Yui, was showered with praise, and the series was born.
They Shall Be Comforted
After "Those Who Mourn" Dot was being mistaken for the author of the origional story. 'UH OH' she thought as people waere asking her to bring back Bulma. She couldn't because she WAASN'T the author so she does the next best thing.
A New Dawn
After "They Shall Be Comforted" Kiku read it, was amazed and wrote a sequel.
A New Start
Dot couldn't leave "They Shall Be Comforted" unfinished, she had origionally wanted to go longer. She wrote this sequal then discovered that Kiku had sequaled it. It was a great work but Dot wanted to finish it up her way, so here it is.
Peace at Last
Finally Mirai no Bulma is recognized for her works during the twenty year Jinzeningen crisis. But what she does is even more touching. Read the(so far) last part of this story.
Super Soldier Battle
Set after DBGT, Bulma and Vegita are having a quite expidition to an Ice planet, when... Well I'm not going to tell you read it.
The Super Awsome Power Battle
After the end of SSB things return to normal, until a new menace arrises. What is this new menadce, where did it come from, and why does it look like Vegita?! Find out read on
Piccolo's Plan: Ressurection
In "Freshmen" written by Juuhachigou, and Mirai Bulma. The Mainstream DBZ Univers is destroyed. But now only a few weeks after "Freshmen"'s ending, Piccolo has a plan to come back, and only Goku knows what it is. Come everyone and read my first attempt at Fanfiction with "Piccolo's Plan"