The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem
Mission FAQ Ladies The Castle Application Web Rings The Methos Harem

We apologize, but many of the story links are temporarily down. We will have things fixed as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

  1. AC
    Harem Astronomer, Puppy Trainer, and SHEEP Technician
    AC's Imfamous Domain
    Requiem for a Handyman

  2. Aine
    Keeper of the Aphrodisiacs
    Aine’s Methos Collection

  3. Alexa
    Chocolatier Extraordinaire, Keeper of the Blue Nutella
    The Gathering: A Forum Fable
    The Peter Wingfield Fiasco
    The Sordid Tale of Nuwanda and the Love Muffin

  4. Alice
    Menagerie Coordinator, Invenstment Counsel
    Alice’s Induction

  5. Amanda Wannabe
    Official Scribe and Poetess of the Harem, Proprietress of the Cup & Chaucer Cafe
    Amanda Wannabe's Home Pages -
    The Highlander Addiction Clinic

  6. Aslen
    Methos' Mad Little Scribbler and Pepsi Fanatic

  7. Athos
    Harem Speed Demon and Marines & Mounties Coordinator
    Musketeers' Domain

  8. Atilla the HunEE
    Boss woof and Basement Dweller
    Atilla's Story

  9. Badb
    Protector of the Master's ASSets

  10. Bagpipes
    Art Historian

  11. Cami
    Ski Instructor

  12. 'chelle

  13. Chili Ice
    Mistress of the Works
    Chili Ice's Stories

  14. Chinook
    Keeper of the Small Details, Translator of Various Tongues (languages of course)

  15. Cinnamon

  16. Clannad
    Wielder of the Wooden Spoon

  17. Courtesan

  18. Cybergoddess (aka Cyg, Cygess)
    Harem Tarot Reader and Apprentice in the Oasis

  19. Cylander Doc (aka CyDoc)
    Head Shrink, HH's Klutzy Twin
    CyDoc's Induction Story
    Flying High: CyDoc's First Official Birthday in the Harem
    Stealing Away (all stories down)

  20. ~dawn

  21. D'ar

  22. Dragon Lady
    Cellar Mistress and Keeper of the ‘cuffs

  23. etienneofthewestwind
    Chief Tickler

  24. Evil One

  25. Fleta

  26. Gandolph
    Harem Enchantress

  27. gipsygirl
    gipsygirl's pages

  28. Harem Dancer
    Harem Dancer, Harem Chemist, Fiend from Hell
    Harem Dancer's Homepage

  29. Harem Hostess
    Mistress of the Bar, CyDoc's Evil Twin
    HH's Web Page - Everybody Comes to Joe's
    It's About Time - Induction Story
    There's No Place Like..?

  30. jax
    Harem EMT

  31. Joni

  32. Kat

  33. Kathleen

  34. Knibblet
    Offical Nape Nibbler
    Nibblet's Induction Story

  35. Ladyhawke
    Harem Editor and Cat Wrangler
    Editorial Decision
    The Lair of the Wench

  36. Laura
    Harem Bedwarmer, Harem Chemist, Fiend from Hell
    Laura's Stories

  37. Leeze
    Harem's London Correspondent

  38. LittleNut
    Coffee Connoisseur of the Harem

  39. Mab
    Harem Masseuse
    Mab's Induction Story

  40. Mags

  41. maxi
    Chief Gardener Keeper of the resident Lunatic
    maxi's Induction
    Time Travel Story with the Brady Bunch
    Memorial Day 1997

  42. MethosSlav/Sharon
    Keeper of the Master's Music Collection
    MethosSlav's Web Pages:
    Methos Watcher
    Highlander: There Can Be Only 2
    Duncan and Methos Story Archive

  43. Miranda
    Keeper of the Blades, Harem Beautician
    Miranda's Induction (link down)

  44. Misha

  45. Moon Beam

  46. Nestra

  47. Quink
    Harem Bedding Inspector
    The Quinkening
    Quink's Links

  48. RedWolf
    Keeper of the Forge, Hellhound and Weaponsmaster, Fondler of sharp shiny things and possessed of the ability to say the word "knife" in a manner that makes people very very nervous

  49. Ruth
    Consultant to Shakespeare & Co.

  50. Snow Princess
    Harem Daydreamer

  51. Softlite
    Harem Physicist

  52. Susanna
    Mistress of the Dark(room)
    Bendar the Barbarian, Cronos, and Pentateuch

  53. Suz

  54. TunaTroll

  55. Winter
    Harem Riding Instructor and Wildlife Expert
    Wintersong's Web Page
    Harem Foxhunt

  56. Zenythe
    Harem Gemologist

Mission FAQ Ladies The Castle Application Web Rings The Methos Harem

Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by The Methos Harem

"The Sprawl" picture courtesy of MethosLuvr

Note: The rights to Methos and the television series, Highlander, are reserved by Davis Panzer Productions and Rysher Entertainment. We are borrowing them without express permission, not for profit, but for our own personal joy.