The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem The Methos Harem
Mission FAQ Ladies The Castle Application Web Rings The Methos Harem

So You Want to Join the Methos Harem?

That’s great! But the first thing you should understand is thatwe are a very close-knit group—in fact, you might call us a "family." Although the Harem’s original focus was on Highlander, the Series, more specifically the character of Methos, we quickly discovered that we have many more interests in common. So while we are dedicated to the ROG and all things Highlander, we have a lot of fun in other directions.

Still want to join? All righty then — you’ll need to answer the following questions (our application, if you will). This will give us a good idea of who you are and you a good idea of what the harem is about.

Come on now, this won't hurt a bit...


When you answer these questions, be specific. We want you to be wordy. Remember if you don't answer the questions below in detail, then we won'tknow who you are. Sorry, but we’ll just File 13 those applications that don’t tell us enough.

1) Have loved Highlander and, most importantly, Methos fora long time. Why? Come on, tell us what you love about Highlander, especiallyMethos. Give us the skinny on all your likes—and dislikes. We really wantto know.
2) Agree to defend Highlander from any detractors/flamers — and this goes double for the ROG. After all, he's the reason we're here. Let us know why you'd give your head (and quickening) for Methos and his friends. We're very passionate about this in the Harem. Be forewarned.
3) Agree to *share* with your Harem sisters. That means the ROG, Duncan, Joe, Richie or whomever our flights of fancy light upon in ourstories. This is a sisterhood; we share everything except toothbrushes.(Sorry, Maurice.)
4) You must be a semi-regular poster/lurker on the Rysher HighlanderForum or one of the other big Highlander forums or lists, or be vouched for by a currently active member of the Harem. Even if a Harem sister says you’re perfect, you still have to answer all the questions in excruciating detail. Give us some details of your participation or lurker status on these other lists.
5) You must have a sense of humor. Being a little crazy and creative wouldn’t hurt either. Face it, if you love Highlander and Methos the way we do, you almost have to be slightly "touched." From the Harem’s point of view, the key is to use that passion to fuel your creativity, whatever form that creativity may take.
6) Have concrete intentions to participate in at least one or more areas of Harem activities, such as subscribing to our mail list or posting on our private forum. This is really important to us. The truth is, there isn't much advantage to being a member if you don't plan on participating. All we have to recommend us is our wonderful stories and our great (we think so!) company. If you can't handle 100+ posts or working on Web pages or writing and/or commenting on Harem authors, then the Harem is not for you. We understand this won’t always be a 100 percent thing. RL intrudes, but participation is the only way to show you’re still interested in what we’re doing.
7) You MUST be 18 years of age or older. And we require proof. Sorry, but the legal requirements for mail lists in the United States necessitate it. The law is a scary thing, and being sued even scarier. We can't be too careful.

And now for the (drum roll please)


(These are very important. Please, make sure you read themcarefully.)

* This is a private group that reserves the right to decline any applications that do not fit the guidelines. By the same note, all applications that consist of merely a few lines stating an interest will be deleted without effort to obtain more information. However, after receipt of the application, more information may be requested.
* Membership in the group can be terminated at any time by either the individual or the group. Some grounds for termination by the group are fraud (falsification of id), rude or objectionable language to other members of the group, and lapsed activity. A group vote will be taken onall proposed cancellations for reasons other than lapsed activity, and the result will be determined by a simple majority of the participating voters. Membership will be updated periodically, requiring a direct response from the members.
* Lapsed or terminated members are only allowed to return if they meet the latest criteria and a majority of the Harem votes to allow their return.
* Clarification of Item 4. Activity on the Rysher Forum (or others) may be subject to scrutiny to see what you are like. Also, the member that you use as a reference, if you are not on the Rysher Forum, must be actively involved in the mail list or the Harem Forum. Your reference will be contactedand verified.

Now you know.

If you're still determined to try and join, send an email to Put Harem Membership Application as the subject and answer all the questions above.

Don't forget, when applying for membership to the Harem, verbosity is a virtue.

Include in the body of your post:

Your name.

Your preferred handle or user name.

Email address (the one you want to use with the Harem).

Your age. (If you are accepted as a member of the Harem, you will need to provide proof. We will provide a snail mail addy where you can mail a copy of a driver's license or picture id.)

Your answers to the questions and how you meet our requirements.

A little bit about yourself — especially what you feel you would add or bring to the Harem.

Good Luck!
We hope to see you in the Chateau soon!

Mission FAQ Ladies The Castle Application Web Rings The Methos Harem

Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by The Methos Harem

"The Sprawl" picture courtesy of MethosLuvr

Note: The rights to Methos and the television series, Highlander, are reserved by Davis Panzer Productions and Rysher Entertainment. We are borrowing them without express permission, not for profit, but for our own personal joy.