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OCTOBER 07, 2000


welcome to your source for all things LISA LOEB. unlike most so-called "fansites," we at LOEBWORLD pay tribute not only to LISA LOEB the musician (and aspiring actor), but also to LISA LOEB: the historical icon, LISA LOEB: the omnipotent healer, and LISA LOEB: the future of the world to come.


10.07.00: the discography page has been updated with the "bat's head soup" compilation. aaaaand .. well, that's about it, i guess. bit of a letdown for my first update in two weeks, huh? i thought so too, so i've decided to have some fun and go over a few of the site improvements people have suggested via the guestbook, or email ..

1.) everyone seems to want more pictures of LISA LOEB .. and with good reason. unfortunately, i'm in the middle of a personal hardware crisis, and can't even change up any of my site graphics, much less do any new screencaps or swanky scans, to which i reply .. "errrrgh!!" hopefully, everything should be back to normal in about a month or so, so you'll just have to bear with simple text updates til then. no uhh .. "nudie pics," though, noah. heh heh. uhm .. sorry ..

2.) amy from australia suggests a tabs section. the truth is, i was going to put one in with last year's redesign, but because i don't actually play the guitar, the tabs would have to be stolen from other sites, and that bothers me like .. well, like something really, really bothersome, and overly thefty, i suppose. so if you're big on tabs, i suggest you head over to tealou's very happening wild plums and agrimony site, which is dedicated exclusively to LISA LOEB guitar tabs. it's a well thought out, nicely designed site .. even though i miss the old "splash page" animations from a few months ago.

3.) and finally .. michael from charlotte suggests a listing of LISA LOEB "bootlegs," and gosh, that sounds like a great idea for a brand-new section .. if people are willing to participate. so with that in mind .. if you have or know of a LISA LOEB bootleg and would like to contribute to the list, just hit the email button at the top or bottom of this page and lemme know what you got. think of this as *your* chance to get all "interactive and chummy" with LOEBWORLD, if that sort of thing does anything for you. anyway, what i'm looking for specifically are:

  • the name of the bootleg (if there is one)
  • any specifics on the performance, such as date, venue, etc. ..
  • a setlist/ track listing ..
  • a *visual* description of the bootleg, so people know what to look for ..
  • how much you paid for it ..
  • and most importantly, your opinion of the *quality* of the bootleg. is it really worth picking up?
basically, the more about the bootleg you tell me, the better. a description of *where* you got the bootleg is entirely optional, and something i may or may not include .. i'd like to keep this section more along the lines of a "bootleg compendium," and less of a "shameless plug" for shops and home cd burners, if you know what i mean. and oh yeah .. let me know if you'd like me to include your email on the page when i credit you.

sound fun? a little too ambitious, maybe? then check back in two weeks or so and we'll see what sort of results i get ..


i don't know LISA LOEB. i've never met her, i don't write to her, and i don't send her flowers or polaroids on her birthday. needless to say, i am also NOT LISA LOEB .. even on those nights when i dress up like her, and cry like there was no tomorrow.

© 1999 LOEBWORLD is maintained and was designed (poorly) by me, and is intended for personal, extremely non-profit use only. all opinions and ideas expressed on this site do not necessarily reflect those of LISA LOEB, her fans, geffen records, yahoo, geocities, or the holy church of "second-day" loebism. all images of LISA LOEB (mrrrowwwrrr!!) remain the property of their respective owners and are, to the best of my knowledge, used in such a manner that won't get me sued or shut down. all images relating to the LOEBWORLD site, its design, its mass karmic essence, and the fiber of its most primal and holy being belong to me, and just me, with a little bit of ME thrown in for good measure. some animals were hurt during the making of LOEBWORLD, but in retrospect, they probably deserved it.

and finally ..

some portions of LOEBWORLD are MADE UP, and some of the people and events described on this site DON'T REALLY EXIST. CAPITAL LETTERS may be used on this site for EMPHASIS or as HEADINGS, but generally denote NO OTHER SIGNIFICANCE.


all LOEBWORLD-related images were designed on a macintosh LC475 using Deneba Artworks ver. 1.0.1 (good lord!!), and all LOEBWORLD-related text and/or coding was (poorly) rendered in 100% raw html. none of this information is relevant to anyone in particular in any sort of way, but seeing it all in print gives me a sick sense of personal accomplishment. err .. uhm. thank you. move along now.

naturally, LISA LOEB would do well in *any* event she competed in at the olympics. but what event would you most like to see LISA win a gold medal for?

the 10k fencing relay
synchronized powerlifting
the greco-roman uphill luge
uneven vertical bar gymnastics
equestrian taekwondo

(free guestbooks by phaistos networks!!)



© 1999 "Cluebasket Knows"