Sign: Cancer
Favorite Alanis Song: King Of Intimidation, Sympathetic Character & King Of Pain (sorry i can't pick just one)
Favorite Animals: cats, dolphins, tigers, and seal (oh yeah and and polar bears)
Pets: One black cat with green eyes! Kirk (look below for picture)
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Meatless Pizza
Favorite Member of The Sexual Chocolate: Chris Chaney (He is the hottest man alive!!!! if you want to see pictures go here I LOVE YOU CHRIS!!!! If you can read this and if you didn't hear me at all the concerts.)
Favorite Bands: Alanis Morissette (duh!!), Blink 182!!!!, MxPx, The Beatles, Lisa Loeb, Korn, Nirvana, Our Lady of Peace, Sherly Crow, No Doubt, Creed, Tool, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, NoFx, A New Found Glory, and Moby.
Bands I Hate: Garbage (their music sounds like garbage), Hole (Courtney Love (Bitch) need I say more?), Jewel (ewww!!!), and Tori Amois (crack whore).
Favorite Movie: Road Trip, Nightmare on Elm Street (123456 & the new one), Scream
Favorite TV Show: Days Of Our Lives, The Simpsons, Charmed, Buffy, & Angle.
Hobbies: writting (I have a poem published called "I Just Listened"), acting, and creating.
Men I want to marry: Ringo Starr & Chris Chaney!!!!
People I look up to: Alanis Morissette, Wes Craven, and my sister (Aisha)

This is my kitty his name is Kirk! I love him muchly!! (feel free to tell me how cute he is! j/k)
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