What is Alanis well connected?
Well it's kinda something I made up one day talking to one of my Tori friends. It will be like Tori Fest!
What is Tori Fest?
Well it's a lot of Tori fans who live in one state who meet every month to exchange cd, mp3's...etc..
But my friend said Alanis fans are not as nice as Tori fans so that's why we don't have one. Well I just wanted to show her up by making a better Alanis club, and I thought it would be cool. I think everyone should start one in their state. Sorry Dallas-Fort Worth people I already started one here, but if you want to join and you live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area I would love for you to be in Alanis well connected! Please e-mail me if you want to join (when we get more members we will choose officers.)
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