July 18, 2008


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  • 07/18/08 - Family & Friends
  • 03/21/08 - Central
  • 08/24/04 - Quotes
  • Check out my profile on MySpace,

    feel free to leave a comment or two!


    Most pictures included here, plus others,

    are uploaded to SPK Flickr -- take a look!


    Check back once in a while!




    APRIL-JULY 2008

    Since I dropped the "Geocities Plus" paid option and went to Flickr for free, I've been updating this website less and less.  I realize I should be doing this more often since when I finally do decide to update it, it's a huge pain, so I guess lesson learned... again.  Anyway, things have been going fairly well overall.  I checked out Andrew's new place at the start of May, just before he and Marisa moved in, so I am happy that they are moving on to something a little bigger and better.  Celebrated Mother's Day and Father's Day with my folks, it's kind of nice to be able to do that kind of thing so easily, even if I do sometimes wish I had my own place.  Been hanging out with some folks from church quite a bit; in fact, I had a number of them over for a little July 4th get-together!  Some of us also played on the church softball team, which ended on July 13 when we lost our second tournament game. *sniff, sniff*


    Andrew shows off his new kitchen before moving in Brian, Dad, SPK (June 2008) Megan & Scott Potter (July 2008) Sarah M. and Sara E. (July 2008) Chad & Kristen Chenowith (July 2008)

    SPK with little Miela Van Meter (July 2008) So adorable!!! SPK and Chad V, hanging out and having fun (July 2008) Cayim, most likely reaching for something edible Chad chills out in the family stroller Chad & Kristen C, enjoying the fireworks on July 4th

    SPK catches for the Holy Cross softball team (July 2008) Chad V. lofts a pitch, Aaron at 1st and Andy in the outfield (July 2008) Nathan, Stephanie, Chad, Kristen at Bible Study (July 2008) Brittany, Sarah, Chad V, and David at the Young Adult Study on 07/13/08


    As always, fencing has been my big activity outside work and home.  The big news there is that after a year and a half at a place on Clubview Drive, we were forced to move out when the landlady finally found a permanent tenant.  We had used it free of charge, other than paying for utilities, but had to move on short notice once the paperwork was signed.  So, the SCFC has set up shop at Zion Lutheran Academy for the time being -- we have hosted tournaments through them the past couple years and have a nice little relationship with them, so we definitely appreciate them taking us in!  Back in April, before the move, we hosted the SCFC Spring Fling Open, and amongst other folks, it was great to see Jeff & Tanya back in town.  We have also held demos at Germanfest and for the Auburn Parks Dept, plus we held the Titan Event at ZLA in July 2008.  So, keeping busy with that and trying to keep the weight off!


    Julie K. does some sabre at a SCFC practice! (April 2008) Jeff Champa, back in Fort Wayne for the tournament (April 2008) Regan F. vs SPK in final sabre bout (April 2008) Caleb S, Jaison L, Tim H, Jon S, SPK -- Germanfest demonstrators! SPK watches and coaches at Germanfest 2008

    SPK shows an en garde stance up in Auburn (June 2008) SPK shows kids how to put on gear at the Auburn Parks Dept demo (June 2008) Jaison and SPK tally up the score at the Titan Event (July 2008) SPK vs Tim H. in sabre, looks like landing a riposte! Tim H. and SPK, hanging out at the Titan Event (July 2008)



    Rang in the new year at home, my folks actually stayed up until midnight and we all hugged when the ball dropped.  Nice way to start 2--8, right?  Celebrated my mom's birthday on January 12, glad I could be there for her!  Some interesting stuff has been happening at church in the last couple months, I've been getting more involved with a Young Adults group that meets on Sunday evenings.  We went to a "missionary dinner" in January that had presentations by various church members who had done Christian work elsewhere; my brother Brian was one of the speakers that night.  Also been staying involved in the fencing club, we had a "D & Under" tournament here in town on January 26 that went well.  I also went to the "Wright Challenge" on March 15, plus we did a demo at the Coliseum on Feb 16.  I am also very thankful that I have been able to pick up some hours at Parkview the last few weeks, I even helped Julie do a presentation at Parkview North about online resources on March 13.  Hooray!  Celebrated Easter with my family, plus Andrew came up to visit, so that was also a very nice time as well.


    Mama! (Jan 2008) With my mother (Jan 2008) http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2148/2351699157_7cca016895_b.jpg Nobody loves you like your mom... Brian gives presentation on trip to Palestine at Holy Cross (Jan 2008)

    Amber (Jan 2008) Fencing demo, Feb 2008 Holy Cross Young Adults (Feb 2008) Julie Hughbanks (March 2008)

    SPK vs Peggy at a SCFC epee event (March 2008) Easter pulpit (March 2008) Altar at Holy Cross (Easter 2008) Mom & Dad (March 2008) Andrew and SPK (March 2008)


    I figured a big reason I wasn't keeping up with this site is that it was getting too complicated.  Also, it's a fact of life that nowadays you can't have too much online, so I deleted a bunch of older (and slightly embarrassing) stuff.  Now that it's a little more streamlined and I have more going on lately, I'm going to try to be a little more faithful about updating this darn thing!







    (Due to bandwidth & storage limitations, full-size pictures from the current year only will be available here.  Please see my Flickr account for all others, thanks!)


    JAN 12

    FEB 15

    FEB 16

    FEB 28

    APR 10

    APR 11

    APR 15

    MAY 1

    JUN 7


    JUL 10

    JUL 31

    SEPT 9

    SEPT 20

    OCT 7

    OCT 16

    NOV 21

    Mom's birthday

    Nate G's birthday

    Michele R's birthday

    Ted F's birthday

    Andrew M's birthday

    Tanya C's birthday

    Champa's birthday

    Stephanie M's birthday

    Kevin S's birthday

    Jeff & Tanya's anniverary

    Mom & Dad's anniversary

    Gillie's birthday

    My brother Brian's birthday

    Kelly H's birthday

    Andrew & Marisa's anniversary

    Dad's birthday

    SPK's birthday









    Family & Friends