(Due to bandwidth & storage limitations for this website, some older photos

that have not been uploaded to SPK Flickr may not be available here.)




My beloved family (Easter 2003) Brian Koehneke, Richard Koehneke, Mary Koehneke, Steve Koehneke (August 2002) Mary and Richard Koehneke (Easter 2004) Dad gives communion to Mom (April 2006) Richard and Mary Koehneke (May 2004) Mom & Dad (March 2008)

Mary Koehneke (April 2006) Mother's Day (May 2006) With my mother (Jan 2008) With my dad (Appleton, Dec 2006) Dad displaying gift  on b-day (Oct 2004) Brian, Dad, SPK (June 2008)

Brian Koehneke (Dec 2006)  Brian opening a belated b-day gift (Oct 2004)  Brian playing mini-golf  Brian playing the guitar  With my brother (Sept 2003)




Uncle Mark and Aunt Priscilla (May 2001) Aunt Ruth and Uncle Ron (Sept 2007) Grandmother with her only son, my dad! (Dec 2006) Aunt Kathy, SPK, Uncle Truls (Dec 2006) Jay, Christina, Jonas (Dec 2006) Grandmother (Dec 2006) Uncle David, Carrie, Aunt Barbara

Grandma & SPK (Dec 2006) My cousin Chris & Aunt Jan (Aug 2002) Koehneke boys with their grandmother (Aug 2002) Family reunion (2003?)



With Michele (May 1999) Michele and Dan (May 2000) Matt & Michaela (2003) With Michaela (Jan 2006) Erin and Ted With Ted and Erin (June 2002)

Ruth S. (Jan 2006) David & Ruth (Jan 2006) SPK and Katie B (April 2005) SLIS grads: Lisa, Andrea, Sara (May 2004) With Andrea at the IN State Fair (Aug 2004)

With Andrea (Feb 2005) SPK and "Onion Gal" at the Symphony (July 2004) Jessica T spells "orgy" on the Scrabble Jr board (Aug 2004) Muff at the bowling alley (Nov 2006) Daniell & Mike get married! (Oct 2006) David Brown on Halloween (Oct 2004)

Amy with her newest toy (March 2007) Sarah Mae & SPK (June 2007) SPK and Amanda, outside after church (April 2005) Amber (Jan 2008) SPK and Chad V, hanging out and having fun (July 2008) Megan & Scott Potter (July 2008)

Chad & Kristen Chenowith (July 2008) Julie K & SPK (May 2007) Steve, Regan, and Seth -- ready for sabre! Tim H, SPK, Paul G (June 2005) Congratulating Tim on his victory (March 2006)


Andrew, Nate, Steve (Feb 2001)  Nate's graduation (Dec 2000) Nathan Gardner (Dec 2001) Nate Gardner (Feb 2003) Kicking Nate's butt on Game Boy (Fall 2003) Nathan Gardner, Andrew McDonald fighting for video game supremacy


Indeed... (May 1998) Christmas 1998  Marisa and Andrew (May 2003) SPK and McD at his wedding (Oct 2004) Kim, Andrew, Kate (May 2003) Renault Winery near Atlantic City, May 2000

At my graduation in May 1999 At Andrew's graduation (May 2003) Steve & Andrew (Nov 2006) La Hacienda (April 2007) Jesus smiles on us in Salt Lake City (May 2001) In the stands at a Yankees game (May 1998) Steve Koehneke and Andrew McDonald (May 2000?)

Andrew McDonald (May 2003) Andrew hard at work, taking a break to update LJ! (Jan 2006) Andrew plays with grave intent (March 2007)  Steve Koehneke, Nathan Gardner, Andrew McDonald (2002)