
"I looked up to our safety mascot when I was a kid."-Anie
"And you wonder why they call you Andie McGeek on the playground."-Pacey

"Check our IDs?? Ok, you should've done that like... 5 drinks ago, cause you know what? Were only 16... no we are... and you know what else little missy? You have just broken the law, you could lose yor job over this, not only could you have lost your job, but you guys could've lost your liquor liscence. And you know what else, this is my boyfriends, and his father id the sheriff, and you should..."-Andie

"Let's make a wish... ok.... I wish, that my mom never slept with her co-ancor! Iwish, that my father would stop talking about getting a job, and actually get one. And i wish, that the 2 of you would stop your pety bickering and at least pretend to be the adults around here!
I wish, that my best friend Pacey, would just end this transformation into do gooder, A student, and all around santamonious teenager, and just go back to what he does best, which is to make me feel good about my life, because his is supoose to be worse.
And then ther's Jen Lindey, with her drunkness and revolving boyfriends, and her wild wicked ways. I want to party with you!
Then There is Jack McPhee, who likes guys, but doesn't mind stealing my girl friend. Tonight starring in his own version of In and Out! He's in, he's out, he's in, he's in, he's out. In out. Hehe.. nice hair by the way
The of course, there is my Joey, my sweet precious Joey. The only 16 year old that needed to find herself, but you know what? Thats ok, I accept it, you need to find yourseld, andi accept it. Joey... (searching for her) Joe-Joey?? J-Joey, excuse me mom, JOEY, Joe, Joey (gasp) there she is, its my joey!!"-Dawson Drunk

"I've learned one thing about my intiution into the evils of alchol. Becareful what you eat, cause you'll see it again"-Dawson

"These chick magizines are racier than playboy. There's always some artiticle in there to prolong your this, or erose your that"-Pacey

"Give me one reason why i should."-pacey
"hehe.. Ok, fine, I'll go, just dont expect me to stay awake."-Pacey

"Ta, ta Gents. Don't stay up to late, it is a school night."-Pacey

"I mean, come on. My butt, it really, it's like a magnet. Chicks just they can't keep their eyes off."-Pacey

"Hang on Dawson, its gonna be a bumpy life."-Joey

"Who's it gonna be? Is it Jen or is it Joey? Do you like the blond or the brunette? These questions aren't gonna go away Dawson, its time you provide some answers."-Pacey

"When I saw you going for Jen's hand, I mean it's not like I wanted to be the one holding your hand. I just didn't want her holding it."-Joey

"How about you, Joey? Are you a virgin?"-Jen
"Oh please. Years ago. Trucker named Bubba."-Joey

"Let me get this straight. You tried to create some kind of snail menage a trois?"-Joey

All quotes below can be found on my sounds page

"She does have that very fresh face appeal in a very J. Crew catalog kinda way." -Abby

"I Dare you... to kiss... on the lips... for 10 seconds... Jen!"-Abby

"Are you saying dancing equals sex?"-Dawson
"No, I'm saying dancing could possibly be very great foreplay."-Andie
"I love the way you think!"-Pacey

"I mean, what kind of High School memories are you guys gonna have if all you did in High School was bitch and moan about everything!"-Andie
"Bitching memories"-Joey
"Moaning memories"-Dawson

"Everyone is totally asleep, totally unstudied,toatlly unprepared, and TOTALLY SCREWED!"-Andie

"God I love footloose! Dont you guys love to dance? Im so excited about the Homecoming dance next weekend"-Andie
"The Homecoming dance? Oh my god were hanging out with Marsha Brady"-Pacey

"Assortment of sexual questions,that when told, are ment to gage you a level of sexual experience."-Andie
"Okey Doke, tine to put that away now."-Pacey

"Andie, what?, what's the problem?"-Pacey
" Tim died, he's dead ok?"-Andie

"See, your my best friend in the world, and my palms are sweating"-Dawson

"I wanted to fall, its just... she believes in me, and Im a dreamer so it's so good to have someone like that in my life....and if she goes away, i dont know what im gonna do, shes my best friend you know... shes more than that... (long pause) shes everything."-Dawson

"By restricting my acesses to Joey, what your'e really trying to do is lifeing up my sex life? You here that mom?"-Dawson

"Uhhhh... mom and dad.... hey ummm.... you remember Joey right?"-Dawson

"Wow... you look... different."-Dawson

"And you better clarify yourself right now before I rip your head off"-Jen

"I'm not above witnessing your harmonial suicide.. so count me in"-Joey

"Clap hard Dawson... you might be tinkbells last hope"-Joey

"I have breats!"-Joey
"And you have genatail"-Joey
"I've always had genatial"-Dawson
"But theres more of it!!!"-Joey
"How do you know???-Dawson
"Long fingers"-Joey

"Even Spielbeg outgrew his peter pan sentrom"-Joey

"I understand everything...I'm tired of understand... All i Do is understand!"-Joey

" I don't think Im getting a thing for you.."-Joey

"Oh, Let me see... people stare at you when you walk down the hall we've seen that, they whisper behind your back, you suddenly over hear your name in a conversation of strangers, and pretty soon theyre a justicfiable paranoya sets in and whether they are or not, your convinced everyone is talking about you."-Joey

"How often do you walk your dog huh??"-Joey
"You know what I mean, what time of day, how many times a week?"-Joey

"Ok.. Poof... didnt happen Dawson, see you later."-Joey

"I just think, our emerging hormonies are distinted to alter our realtionship and im just trying to limit the fall out"-Joey

"Uhh Jen.. you a vrigin?"-Joey
"Thats mature"-Dawson
"Well, because dawson's a virgin and 2 virgins really make for a clumsy 1st encounter don't you think?"-Joey

"Im gonna watch TV tonight, i hear luke Perry is back on 90210"-Joey

"Where were you last night?"-Bessie
"No where.... Dawson's"-Joey
"Start talking"-Bessie

"Hey Joey, i love your lipstick, what color is it?"-Jen
"Wicked red, i love your hair color, what number is that?"-Joey

"I got nothing left"-Pacey
"You got your hand"-Abby

"These questions are not going to go away Dawson, its time for you to provide some answers."-Pacey

"I'm the best sex you'll never have"-Pacey

"I dunno... deginty, humility, faith?"-Pacey
"Ah, not like you had any of those things to begin with."-Andie

"Everythings different now!! You got Joey, and our friendship just can't compare with what you've got!"-Pacey

"You are grade A 100% scary catworth" I dont know what it means, who says it, or who they say it to!

"McPhee, we really should just bite the bullet"-Pacey
"All this verbal sparring is getting dangerous so we should just go on a date before someone gets hurt."-Pacey

"Your not gonna let Rudolph join in any of your perverted Reindeer games?"-Pacey

"I'm gonna have to see your licsene and regestration too little miss"-Pacey

"No way, Emilo Estizez, he was in those duck movies.. man those were classics"-Pacey

"There once was a girl named Christy, the thought of her made me misty, a night on the town, we both go get down, and by the end of the date she will kiss me!"-Pacey

"You know...one day this cafetria is destined to make a fry that TASTES LIKE A FRY."-Pacey

"Your rich... rich people dont end up in the street they end up in Flroida."-Pacey (Editors note.. I live in florida, and most people down here arent rich.)

"Thank you."-Andie
"Thank you."-Pacey
"No, thank you."-Andie
"No really thank you."-Pacey
"No really thank you."-Andie
"I insist, thank you."-Pacey
"Thank you."-Andie

"You're the single most important being to grace my existense. Andie. I am falling hopelessly in love with you."-Pacey

"Would you eat them in a box? Would you eat them with a fox?" Suess."-Pacey
"I so hate you right now."-Andie

"I'm the Queen of keeping dirty secrets,so I understand why you didnt jump forward with the information i think i was more shocked that you have so much experience and I..."-Andie
"You're such a jerk."-Andie
"Slacker jerk."-Pacey
"Champion slacker jerk."-Andie

"Of course. How could you? I'm a witless bore."-Pacey
"Oafish clad."-Andie
"Major cad. Kiss me?"-Pacey
"Thought you'd never ask."-Andie

" She's cute. He's cute. They've never met before. They're complete opposites. And it's going to get ugly in ooh, 20 minutes."-Pacey

"The light was clearly red, Pacey."-Andie
"Oh no, it was turning red, there's a difference. I agree with you, red means stop, but a light that's turning red, that's like an invitation to hit the gas."-Pacey

You don't dance? You are beyond immature."-Andie
"You're overbearing."-Pacey
"Pick you up at 7?"-Pacey

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