"She does have that very fresh face appeal in a very J. Crew catalog kinda way." -Abby
"I Dare you... to kiss... on the lips... for 10 seconds... Jen!"-Abby
"Everyone is totally asleep, totally unstudied,toatlly unprepared, and TOTALLY SCREWED!"-Andie
"Andie, what?, what's the problem?"-Pacey
" Tim died, he's dead ok?"-Andie
"See, your my best friend in the world, and my palms are sweating"-Dawson
"Uhhhh... mom and dad.... hey ummm.... you remember Joey right?"-Dawson
"Wow... you look... different."-Dawson
"And you better clarify yourself right now before I rip your head off"-Jen
"I'm not above witnessing your harmonial suicide.. so count me in"-Joey
"Clap hard Dawson... you might be tinkbells last hope"-Joey
"Even Spielbeg outgrew his peter pan sentrom"-Joey
"I understand everything...I'm tired of understand... All i Do is understand!"-Joey
" I don't think Im getting a thing for you.."-Joey
"Ok.. Poof... didnt happen Dawson, see you later."-Joey
"Im gonna watch TV tonight, i hear luke Perry is back on 90210"-Joey
"Where were you last night?"-Bessie
"No where.... Dawson's"-Joey
"Start talking"-Bessie
"I got nothing left"-Pacey
"you got your hand"-Abby"These questions are not going to go away Dawson, its time for you to provide some answers."-Pacey
"I'm the best sex you'll never have"-Pacey
"You are grade A 100% scary catworth" I dont know what it means, who says it, or who they say it to!
"Your not gonna let Rudolph join in any of your perverted Reindeer games?"-Pacey
"I'm gonna have to see your licsene and regestration too little miss"-Pacey
"No way, Emilo Estizez, he was in those duck movies.. man those were classics"-Pacey
"You know...one day this cafetria is destined to make a fry that TASTES LIKE A FRY."-Pacey
"Thank you."-Andie "Would you eat them in a box? Would you eat them with a fox?" Suess."-Pacey " She's cute. He's cute. They've never met before. They're complete opposites. And it's going to get ugly in ooh, 20 minutes."-Pacey
"Thank you."-Pacey
"No, thank you."-Andie
"No really thank you."-Pacey
"No really thank you."-Andie
"I insist, thank you."-Pacey
"Thank you."-Andie"You're the single most important being to grace my existense. Andie. I am falling hopelessly in love with you."-Pacey
"I so hate you right now."-Andie
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