Seeds of Evil
Port Of Adia
1. Activate three distress beacons
2. Rescue four children
3. Open up the two warp portals
4. Find and defend the energy totem pole
When you start off the ship to your left will blow up. Jump in the
water and collect all the life tokens you find. Now jump back to the
surface and get the arrows and life tokens on top of the crates.
Blow up the barrel to reveal a ladder. Climb it and walk forward and
you will see a power cell. Pick it up and go back to the beginning
where the first distress beacon was. Put the power cell in and go back
to where you were before. Climb the ladder and you should end up in a
room with a warp portal. Go the the warp portal platform but do not
enter it yet. Instead, jump across to the other ladder and climb up.
You will get the pistol. Now you can go back and enter the warp portal.
There will be a catwalk where you started. Climb the ladder the get the
life tokens. Get them and jump off. Down the hallway rests a key with
a Raptoid. Kill the Raptoid and get the key. Continue on and you will
have two kill a pair of Raptoids. Climb the other catwalk and get those
life tokens. Than blow up the barrel which will reveal a small passageway
you can crawl through. Turn left and get the pistol. You will enter a
room with water that you will visit a few times. Jump in the water and
swim right and follow the trail of red life tokens. Jump up the sledge
and hit the switch. A door will open up behind you followed by a Raptoid.
Kill the Raptoid and climb the ladder. You will notice that you are in
that room with the water again. Slowly jump on the catwalk and walk right
to the switch which is in this opening. Go back and climb the ladder at
the end of the catwalk. Go through the tunnel and get the flashlight and
go up another ladder to your left. Get the small health and walk off the
ledge. There should be a switch ahead of you. Press it and go through
the passage that opens. You will now see the first child. Go around the
child and than in the passageway. You can go up either left or right, it
doesnt really matter. At the end there is another switch which opens the
cage. After you hit it, go back to the child and in the cage. The child
will say "Thank You Turok" after you rescued her. Now go back to that
room with water and jump down. The door should be now open from the time
you hit the switch on the upper level. Go in and jump in the teleport.
When you have warped, there should be 10 bullets on both sides of the
portal. Go forward and you will be confronted by two Endtrails. Around
them you will find arrows and a ultra health. Go past them and kill the
little Compy's and hit the switch. A door with life tokens should have
opened up where the two Endtrails were. Follow them and a door should
have opened up with a Endtrail. Kill him and climb the ladder. Hit the
switch and jump down to the door that just opened. As you walk you will
have to kill two raptors. Climb the first ladder you see(it is at your
left) and hit the switch. Jump down and look back. A passage way should
have opened. Go through it and follow it. You will end up where that
ultra health was. Get it and go back to where we were before. Go
forward and you will end up to a place with a Raptoid and a pistol.
Kill the Raptoid and get the pistol. Now a door should have opened up
with a Endtrail. Kill him and go down the passageway. Soon you will
end up to this other area with a tall four legged structure. Go
forward and you will get confronted by a Raptoid. Kill him and shoot
the barrel at the top of the structure which will cause the structure
to blow up. When it does you will find 10 health and clips and arrows.
After you collected those bad-boys, turn left and go left. You will
see a big ship. Now, go forward and you will see a Endtrail.
When you kill him the door will open up with a warp. Dont go
in yet. Goto the ship and you should see a barrel. Shoot it
and it breaks the wall and get the power cell. Turn around and
climb the crates to get up to the distress beacon. Activate and
it go in the warp portal.
After you get out of the teleport, go behind it to collect the red
life tokens. Than go forward and kill the Endtrail. Climb the ships
if you want to collect some items like health. Kill the Endtrail on
the ramp and hit the switch in back of him. The switch will open two
doors -- one of which will contain the power cell for the last distress
beacon. Get it and in the same area with the ships( right of the ramp
with the Endtrail) there should be some crates. In back of them there
is a distress beacon. Put your power cell in it to complete your mission
objective. There should be another switch to hit in the other room which
will open the other door up. Go forward and destroy the two barrels.
Kill the raptoid and get the ammo. As you continue on, you will have
to kill some Compy's. Than walk forward and two raptoids with a Endtrail
will pop up. Kill them too and continue on. A bridge will lower with
the shotgun! Grab that puppy and continue forward. Kill the Endtrail
and behind him will lay a save point. Save your game and hit the switch.
Jump off the bridge onto the crates and get the red life tokens. Jump
down and kill the Endtrail's that came out from the newly opened doors.
Kill the raptor that jumped out of the tunnel and continue on forward
in the water. Kill the Raptoids and climb the ladder. Hit the switch
and jump across the newly opened passage. There will be another child
in a cage.Kill the Endtrails and a wall with a switch behind it will
open up. Hit the switch and free the child! Go back up and jump across
again. Than go right in the teleport.
Climb the ladder, kill the Raptoid and get the key! You will end up in
that water room again. Slowly jump down on the catwalk, and go in the
newly opened door with the Endtrail. Kill him and go in the teleport.
Now you will end up in a huge open area with many houses and a waterfall.
Search the houses for their items(life tokens, clips, etc.) Than go
forward next to the waterfall and follow the trail of life tokens.
You will kill one Endtrail and another one when you get up to the
warp portal. Activate it by press in the pyramid thing on the wall
with the two blue healths. In it Adon will explain about the talismans.
After the cutscene has finished go back out again. After you go up the
passageway and kill the Raptoids, climb up the ladder and into the second
floor of the house to get health and red life tokens. Now jump down and
right where the crates are there will be a switch. Hit it to open this
door right next to it. Go forward and get the might Tek Bow. You dont
need to go here yet because you will need the Leap Of Faith so you can
get the Primagen Key. But when you do, kill all Endtrails to open the
door. Anyway, go back to where that house was and continue forward.
Follow the small trail of life tokens and you will end up to another
house with some more Raptoids. Continue forward a little more and you
will see three blue healths. Across and below it will be a room with a
switch. Jump in it and hit the switch. Than jump back down and now a
little room under the waterfall will open up. Kill the Endtrail and
get the key. Now go back up to where those life forces were and keep
going down the passage. You will reach a save point with a warp. Save
your game and than jump in the warp!
As you warp out, go forward and get the tek bow and kill the two
Raptoids. Blow up the barrel to get health and explosive shells. Snipe
the Endtrail thats on the ledge. Climb all the ledges and jump to the
ladder which will take you to a switch. Hit the switch and jump down.
You have to hit two more switches that will open up a passage under
the waterfall that is located north east. Go in it. Dont forget the
life tokens in the pool either. As you walk under the passage way you
will automatically warp.
You will end up in a place with another house and a bow range. Go in
the house and hit the switch to open up a door. Go out and go through
the door in the passage way. You will end up in another big house area.
Blow up the barrel you see to collect its items and than go in the house
to hit a switch. Hit it and go outside. Now climb the stairs of the house
to go upstairs and get the box of shotgun shells. Now get out and climb
the ramp with the newly opened door. Get the life tokens, kill the
Endtrails and proceed into the warp.
Yet again, another area with a house. Kill the Endtrails and climb up
the bunch of crates to hit a switch. The switch will open up a secret
door behind those crate. Go through and down the ladder. Its time to
rescue another child. Ill let you people find out how to do it yourself.
(Im getting tired of typing easy stuff). Basically you have to drop down
and follow the passage, get the bridges down and hit the switch to open the
cage. To get out drop down and go in the teleport. Now go back to the
house next to the ramp. Jump on the house from the ramp and hit the
switch. Than jump over to the next house to get the health. Jump down
to the opened door and hit all the switches. Now go back outside and to
the other door which is next to the house with the health. Go in the
twisted passageway and out to the area with the Endtrail. Kill him and
hit the switch to open the door. Go up the ramp in the new area and hit
the switch. Go in the door that just opened and into the teleport.
Go out, kill the Endtrail and hit the switch. Climb the ladder to get
shotgun shells and ammo. Now go back forward and hit the other switch
to open up a door leading to another house with a key. Walk around the
house, kill the Endtrails, blow up the barrels for items and than go
in to hit a switch that will open up another door in the opposite side
of the house. Go in it, kill the Endtrail and hit the switch. Now go
back out, climb and ladder and get the key! Than go in the blown up
wall to hit another switch. Go in the newly opened warp.
Go out and to the crates. Climb them to hit the switch that will open
up a door. Go in it and down the passageway. When you get out kill the
Endtrails and proceed into the save point. Save your game!
Leave the Save Point, take the east way to a ledge and an attacking
Endtrail. Shoot the second Endtrail in the compartment above. Explore
all ledges and getting the arrows and health as you go on your ay. Jump
to another ledge, following the Life Forces. Follow the ledge around and
go west, destroying the Endrail.
Keep going down the corridor, wasting the Raptoids on your way until,
you reach another ledge. Crouch down this hallway and destroy the
awaiting Endtrail above you. Go left and up the ladder, grabbing the
one and only Pistol. Use this weapon to waste the Raptoids near you.
And keep killing those Endtrails on the ledges.
Keep climbing ladders until you reach another ledge. An Endtrail
will be in the building to the north. Kill him, and follow around the
ledge. Carefully, be aware of the Endtrail that will be shooting Purple
stuff at you.
Take the next ladder up to where the Endtrail was, and get the Ultra Health.
Go thru the door and get all the Life Force. Go south to another ledge
killing the awaiting Endtrail to your right, and go around the ledge and
climb the ladder.
Go into the upcoming room and follow it collecting Life Forces. A couple
of Endtrails attack. Kill them, then continue, and on to enter the door
to your left, and enter the next door. Go thru until you reach a ledge.
Keep following until you come to an Endtrail guarding a door. Kill him,
get the pistol, and go thru the door.
Go down the ledge to the lower level and waste the Endtrail. Go up the
ladder and hit a switch. Go back down the ladder and thru this new door.
There will be a new ladder to climb. Go down the hall and kill the Endtrail.
Pick up the Level 3 key.
Climb the ladder on the north wall, and kill the raptoids, and follow the
hall until you see five raptors, and as you come tto this next room, thee
will be a switch, on the west up a ladder. Now climb the next adder, and
get the shotgun, and kill the Endtrail. 2 more raptoids will attack.
Cross this bridge, and kill the Raptoids. Kill the Endtrail on the ledge,
and grab the Tek Bow. Head west. Climb the ladder on the South wall after
killing two Endtrails, then grab another Tek Bow when you reach the top.
Cross the bridge and a shotgun will be in the center. Go up one of the
ramp's and throw a switch. Watch out for the roaming Endtrails!!!!
Take one of the ladder's up to where there are 3 more Endtrails, and
recieve a Level 3 key. Go down the balcony, and 2 doors are now open.
Enter the east door and kill the Endtrail. Throw the switch. Go
back to the bridge, and kill the Endtrail if you have not already,
and enter this new door.
Grab the Life Force, and kill another Endtrail. There is a small
button around the Flesh Portal, push it, and go into the Flesh Portal.
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Das war Port of Adia!
Natürlich habe ich auch die anderen Levels für Euch!
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