Seeds of Evil

For those of you that can't get the big cheat to work it DOES work you are entering
it wrong or forgetting to press the enter symbol in the lower right hand corner after
entering the cheat.

Play As The Monkey In Single Player Cheat 

Start a Multi Frag Tag Game and wait until you turn into the monkey then Press Start
and select cheats then use the credits warp cheat as soon as the credits begin Press
Start then get back to the Main Menu and begin a Single Player game once the Single
begins you will be normal Turok for a couple seconds, but then you'll turn into the monkey. 

Styracosaurus Tip 
Partially submitted by TusanQuake@aol.com 

While riding the Styracosaurus you can Press R to use the smaller more acurate gun
on the side, and while Holding Z to use the cannons you must keep Pressing R over
and over for the small gun to fire more than once. 

Cheat Codes 

The Big Cheat 

Submitted by Mike Williams 

This gives you access to all cheats in the cheat menu. 
At the Enter Cheat Menu enter BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND 

Frooty Stripes 

At the Enter Cheat Menu enter FROOTSTRIPE 

Infinite Health & Ammo Cheat (Sort Of) 

Incase you haven't noticed yet anyplace where health or ammo teleports in you can
pick it up then walk around the nearby area for a few seconds, and more health or
ammo will appear and this will keep happening as long as you need more health or ammo. 

Juans Cheat 

Submitted by Gussie 

This cheat puts Juan's face on the life force pickups. 
At the Enter Cheat Menu enter HEEERESJUAN 

Zach Attack Cheat 

Submitted by Gussie 

This cheat puts baby faces on the life force pickups. 
At the Enter Cheat Menu enter AAHGOO 

Play In Co-op Mode Cheat Updated! 

You must first earn the warp cheat (or get it with the big cheat), then begin a
Multi-player blood lust game. During the Multi-player game Press Start then go
to cheats, and warp to the level you want. Some levels with the cut scenes
before them will glitch to fix this warp to the level then warp to it again.
You can now play the level together. 

Black Out Code 

At the Enter Cheat Menu enter LIGHTSOUT 

Big Head Mode Code 

At the Enter Cheat Menu enter UBERNOODLE 

Stick Men Mode Code 

At the Enter Cheat Menu enter HOLASTICKBOY 

Big Hands And Feet Mode Code 

At the Enter Cheat Menu enter STOMPEM 

Tiny Enemy Mode Code 

At the Enter Cheat Menu enter PIPSQUEAK 

Pen And Ink Mode Code 

At the Enter Cheat Menu enter IGOTABFA 

Weird Graphics Code 

At the Enter Cheat Menu enter WHATSATEXTUREMAP 

Bird Killing 
Submitted by W. Lantos 

If you shoot all of the birds in Level 1 the gate at the
top of the ladder near the city will open. 

Don't Get Hurt By Blood Throwers Cheat 
Submitted by W. Lantos 

In the second level turn off blood, and you won't be hurt by
the guys that throw blood. 

Earn Cheat Codes 

Earn The Fruity Colors Mode Cheat 

Complete level 1 

Earn The Pen and Ink Mode Cheat 

Complete level 2 

Earn The Gouraud Mode Cheat 

Complete level 3 

Earn The Big Hands And Feet Cheat 

Complete level 4 

Earn The All Map Cheat 

Complete level 5 

Earn The All Guns Cheat 

Complete level 6 

Earn The Big Head Mode Cheat 

Defeat the level 4 boss 

Earn The Tiny Enemy Mode Cheat 

Defeat the level 5 boss 

Earn The Infinite Ammo Cheat 

Defeat the level 6 boss 

Earn The All Special Items Cheat 

Defeat Primagen 

Earn The Invincibility Cheat 

Defeat Primagen Again 

Earn The Infinite Lives Cheat 

Defeat Primagen On Hard Difficulty 

Turok 2: Please type these codes in the cheat section:

Big head mode: ubernoodle
Stick mode:holastickboy
Big hands feet mode: stompem
Tiny mode:pipsqueak
pen and ink mode:Igotabfa
Gouraud mode:whatsatexturemap
access juan's mode:heeeresjuan
access Zachs cheat: aahgoo
access the blackout cheat: Lightsout
make your characthers wear footy stripes: FrootStripe

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