Arac Attack
The Patriot
The 13th Floor
Independence Day
Universal Soldier
Event DVD's
Devlin &
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Event Movies

About Dean Devlin
& Roland

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any news or
rumors that you
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posted here:
"We make
corn movies. We
love popcorn
movies. When
you have that
kind of passion
for the films you
make, there's a
chance that that
passion may
-- Dean Devlin
producing partner
Dean Devlin --
two guys who
know how to
crank out an
event movie..."
-- Entertainment
Weekly magazine
Very difficult.
Never comes out
of his trailer.
Also, like, where
do you park his
trailer? I love
that problem."
-- Roland
Emmerich on the
problems with
accomodating a
giant lizard on
a movie set.
"He does
the biggest
trailer. I was
pretty upset by
that. But, you
know, who's
gonna go tell
-- Hank Azaria on
the jealousy of
the other actors
towards Godzilla
on the movie set.


Check out cool
screen shots of
animated menus
from event movie
DVD's like the
above shots from
the Godzilla DVD.
You'll also find
reviews about
all of the extra
features that
can be found on
these discs.
Visit the Event
DVD's section
for more...

Check out the
Event Movies
universe section.
You'll find info
and reviews about
the original-story
ID4 and Stargate
novels that
expand upon the
movies that
inspired them
to be written.
Currently, ID4:
War In The Desert
by Stephen
Molstad and
Rebellion by Bill
McCay have been
Vote for your
favourite Devlin/
Emmerich event
movie and see
which of these
flicks is the most
popular with the
fans. You'll find
the voting booth
just below the
Recent News &
Rumors area on
the Event Movies
home page...

Devlin & Emmerich's
production company

Sci-fi movie news

Sci-fi movie news
from Cinescape

Ain't It Cool News

The official site

The official site

The official site

A DVD message
forum for
Film Force
Cool movie news
Annie's Patriot
Sharon's Patriot
Sue's Patriot
Bob's Patriot
Outpost 247
(a Centropolis
fan website)
What's Next?
July, 2000:
Dean Devlin will be
making his debut as a
director for a movie
called "Cellular". The
plot centers around a
man who receives a
call on his cell phone
from a strange woman
who is being held
hostage. He has until
her phone battery runs
out to find her and
save her life. It's a
unique concept that
could translate into a
big box-office hit with
a relatively low budget.
Cinescape Online
described this
"different" project that
Centropolis is going to
be involved in:
Entertainment is teaming
up with Village
Roadshow and Warner
Bros. for a giant
monster movie called
Arac Attack. The film,
which Centropolis had
been developing, will
have a budget of $30M.
According to Variety,
the eventual pic will tell
the story of a toxic waste spill that results
in the creation and
rampage of giant
spiders. Described as a
comedy thriller, the film
will be directed by Ellory
Elkayem (They Nest)
and will shoot on
location in Australia.
Production is scheduled
to start in September.
Dean Devlin and Roland
Emmerich will produce
the project. Centropolis
Effects will handle the
film's effects.
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E-mail me any comments that you might
have and see what
others have had to say about Event Movies below... eventmovies@geocities.com
May, 2000:
Long time fan of the Devlin/Emmerich Universe. Love 'em all. Not all were
intelligent, but they were undeniably FUN to watch. Well, there's one movie thats been
overlooked, and I cannot allow this travesty to go on any further. This movie's name is .
. . . MOON 44. Directed and written by Emmerich, this is the one where he got to know
Devlin. It's also a pretty darn good (if depressing) sci-fi movie, with the always good
Michael Pare. It deals with serious things in a serious manner, and
is darker than night. Theres great maturity from Emmerich in the way he handled it. So, I
checked to the ends of the Earth, and what did I find? A single, paultry
pan-and-scan VHS edition (which I DO own, since it's the only option). Why doesn't a DVD
edition exist? Even if it only as the movie and nothing else, it would be worth it to see
it in widescreen. I'm sick that this film has been and is being ignored. MOON 44 deserves
some respect, so lets give it some.
RESPONSE: Moon 44 is an interesting movie from a
historical standpoint since it was the first major film that involved both Dean Devlin and
Roland Emmerich. Overall, the movie had a low-budget feel to it (because it *was*
low-budget!) but you could see glimpses of Emmerich's signature directing style which is
only a preview of things to come. And it was great seeing Dean in a prominent acting
role and doing a good job of it too! I will most likely devote a section of this
website to Moon 44. But this likely won't happen until after the hectic pace created
by the imminent release of "The Patriot" slows down. Have faith, Moon 44
will have its day in the sun!
April, 2000:
Hello, I am an extremely big fan of the movie ID4. I think it is the best movie that EVER
WAS MADE, EVER IS MADE, and EVER WILL BE MADE! If Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich ever
create another ID4 they should also plan on a Trilogy. After all 2 movies is not enough,
however 4 movies will kill the series.(like Episode 1) Personally I don't think there
should be any sequels to ID4 because it is already a flawless masterpiece of perfection. A
sequel can make or break a movie and I don't think a sequel is possible for ID4. Last I
heard was that Will Smith is not doing sequels to any of his movies, and what's an ID4 2
without Will Smith! I collect ID4 merchandise even now, I'm something of a 'ID4 Bounty
Hunter'. Skeptics of this film are many and that's because some people carry their IQs to
movies. I mean please! Movies are for entertainment why bother to scientifically analyse
them. As for your website, it is the best place for Centropolis fan information. I
don't think any other exists with such updated quality. Keep up the excellent work!
The Ultimate ID4 Fan,
RESPONSE: I completely agree with you about how people show up
at the theatre with their IQ's. In fact, I feel sorry for these people because they
can no longer enjoy a movie for what it is -- namely, entertainment. As for an ID4
sequel, I'm undecided about whether it should be done. As you've pointed out, many
sequels have been butchered in the past. But then you get the rare sequel gem such
as "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Aliens". Whatever happens, it
sounds very much like Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich are being extremely cautious about
doing a sequel, wisely choosing only to do it if it's done correctly and with a fantastic
script. And thanks for the kind words about the website! Praise from devoted
fans like yourself make my efforts all worth it.
hello, i just wanted you to know that i am the
biggest fan of ID4 in the world. I felt it was the most incredible, memorable, and epic
disaster movie of all time. I have no complaints about the film at all and praise it
for what it is , a fantastic movie that takes you into the most terrifying situation and
the most winning ending. I don't feel it is just a popcorn movie at all. I
thought it was one of the top 5 best movies ever made. I noticed you used the word epic
very often in your stargate description which it was I love stargate, however ID4 was epic
in everyway. Godzilla was okay but not entertaining. I did not get chills watching
it. Personally I thought the destruction of the White House alone is better then Godzilla
altogether even though I own it on dvd. I think Id4 is what real movies are about I
take it as being very real and I think movies like The Matrix and total recall and
starship troopers are just total crap. They were boring dum pointless and had no where
near what Id4 had. The ID4 speech alone is better then the matrix. Anyway I
just felt you should know I love your site and Roland Emmerich is the reason I am in
filmaking today, Not frigin James Cameron or Michael Bay.
Later Anthony
RESPONSE: I'm glad that you like my site and it's nice
to see that Roland Emmerich is a source of inspiration for you. My respect for his
talents is also a source of inspiration for me. I also believe that ID4 is one of
the most epic movies ever made -- it was just an oversight that I didn't use the word
'epic'. I do, however, mention that ID4 is "about as close to perfection as any previous sci-fi movie has ever been" which I think is pretty good
praise! And it is my favourite Devlin/Emmerich movie.
Hi! Congrats on your excellent website which
I've just visited! :) One suggestion: You may want to add a link to another great
movies site, which I've just become aware of. At http://www.acses.com
you can find any video or DVD and compare prices from all major online movies shops. It
helps you to track down the best deal on any movie!
RESPONSE: Thanks for the tip. I'll leave the link
here so that others can check it out.
I recently saw the unedited vesion of
STARGATE which is about nine minutes longer than the theatrical release. Reel.com has the
VHS extented version, but not the DVD extended version. I would like to know if the uncut
version is available anywhere on DVD.
RESPONSE: Currently, the extended version only exists
in VHS format.
UPDATE: There is a special edition DVD now available with the extra nine minutes.
I just want to say that 'ID4' was such an
over-rated movie except maybe in its state-of-the-art special effects. I personally
thought the special effects were mind-blowing but the plot was not very exciting at all
but rather another big piece of American propaganda about 'America saving the world from
alien invasion on its national day'. A few weeks earlier I had seen 'The arrival' which I
thought had a much more clever and realistic plot, and was very suspenseful as
opposed to ID4 in which you knew what was going to happen almost every minute. 'The
arrival' on the other hand was very under-rated and it is a shame that the enormous amount
of money that is invested in the launch of some movies(i.e ID4) almost always determines
the success that it will have.
RESPONSE: I agree with you that "The
Arrival" was a great movie, and your complaint about ID4 is one that many people
have. But I look at ID4 as being a "popcorn" movie which should just be
enjoyed for its sheer entertainment value. Despite its simple plot, ID4 is a fun
movie to watch for other reasons.
was looking for info on an acquaitance of my ex-husband's from
Penn State's Acting Dept. that I've been seeing alot of lately....Bob Clendenin. He
evidently has a speaking role in The 13th Floor, but I don't see him in pics...can't wait
to see the film. Wish I knew how to get in touch with
him...just to send a congrats! and way to go! But love the rest of your site too!
great job!!!
RESPONSE: Bob Clendenin has a small role
playing the bank manager. He speaks with the main character, Craig Bierko,
immediately after Bierko enters the computer simulation for the first time.