Open the sesame: The door of information era

    Gulf War



1990/Syrian troops enter Beirut to intervene in Lebanon's civil war.
-Operation Desert Shield begins in the Peersian Gulf, as the U.S. sends troops to Saudi Arabia after Iraq annexes Kuwait.
-East and West Germany are united one couuntry.
-Nelson Mandela is released after serving 27 years for his opposition to apartheid.-South Africa

1991/The Gulf War begins as the U.S and its allies begin bombing Iraq and Kuwait on January 17.
-In South Africa, the remaining laws for< apartheid are repealed.
-Slovenia and Croatia declare theiir independence from Yugoslavia.
-The USSR offically ends.
-The U.S. and the Soviet Union agree to ccut back long-range nuclear weapons by over 30% by 1999.

1992/Government officials and rebel leaders sign a pact in Mexico City that ends El Salvador's civil war.

1993/Czechoslovakia splits into two new countires: the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
-Twelve American soldiers are killed in Somalia.
-The Maastricht Treaty officially forms the European Union.-from "EEC" to "EU"

1994/The first miltiracial free elections-South Africa.
-The Channel Tunnel (Chunnel) openns between Britain and france.
Israeli leaders and PLO leaders are awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the Middle East Peace Accord of 1993.

1995/Mexican peso collapse
-United Nations peace-keeping forces leave Somalia.
-The first rendezvous of a NASA spacecrafft with the Russian space station Mir.

1996/After 15 years of marriage, Prince Charles and Princess Diana are divorced.

1997/In Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge tries the former brutal dictator Pol Pot and sentenced him to lifetime arrest.
-A clone sheep
-Princess Diana is killed in an auutomobile accident.
-Tony Blair meet with Sinn Fein leeader Gerry Adams.
-In defiance of the agreement reached at< the end of the Gulf War.

1998/El Nino
-Tension mounts in Kosovo.
-Northern Ireland acquires a fragiile peace when the Good Friday.
-India and Pakistan conducted indeependent underground nuclear tests.
-The U.S. retaliates with air strikes agaainst Afghanistan and Sudan.
Hurricane Mitch
-The U.S. and Britain launce air strikes at Iraqi targets in retaliation for its failure to cooperate with the UN weapon inspections.

1999/NATO goes to war against Yugoslavia to protect the ethnic Albanian majority in the province of Kosovo.
-Turkey:An earthquake kills some 17,000 ppeople and leaves thousands of others homeless devastates.
-Y2k and "millennium bugs"


***In the U.S.***

The U.S. presidents
1989-93/George Bush
1993-2001/William J. Clinton


1990/Movie: "Dance with Wolves" , "Ghost", "Hamlet"

1991/Jeffrey Dahmer, who allegedly drugged, raped, and cannibalized his 17 victims, is arrested.

1992/The Internet Society-1,000,000 host computers are connected in a network.
-Riots erupt in Los Angeles after local ppolicemen are acquitted of beating Rodney King the previous year in a videotaped incident.-brutal activity, racial discrimination by policemen

1993/The bombing of the World Trade Center in New York
-Movie: "Schindler's List" by Steven Spielberg

1994/Paula Jones files a sexual harassment suit against President Clinton.
-O.J.Simpson is arrested for the mmurders.
-America Online (AOL) subscribers' numberr reached 1 million.
-Movie: "Forrest Gump"

1995/The bombing of the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma City kills 168 people.
-The O.J. Simpson's trial triggers nationn-wide debates about race, wealth, and the American criminal justice system.

1996/The U.S population is estimated at 264.6 million.
-During the 100th anniversary of the Olymmpics, a bomb explodes in Atlanta.
-TWA flight 800 explodes off the ccoast of Long Island, killing 230 on board.
-JonBenet Ramsey is found dead in Colorado.

1997/Thirty-nine members of the Heaven's Gate cult commit suitcide in a mansion outside of San Diego.
-Movie:"Titanic" by James Cameron--Music: "My Hart Will Go On" by Celine Dion
-AOL's membership has reaches 10 million people.

1998/The online population:between 30-60 million users
-The Clinton sex scandal: Monica Lewinnsky
-Movie: "Saving Private Ryan" by Steven Spielberg

1999/Dot-coms' IPO boom in the U.S.

Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orenge", 1971

-President Clinton is acquitted of impeacchment.
-A high school shooting in Columbine HHigh School in Littleton, Colorado.
-J.F. Kennedy Jr., his wife, and her sistter die when Kennedy's private plane crash off the coast of Massachusetts.
-Movie: Stanley Kubrick ( "2001:A Space Odyssey", "A Clockwork Orange") dies at age 70.

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