![]() The World Restructure ![]() ********** 1980/Iran launches an air strike and begins the 8-year Iran-Iraqi War.-The U.S. and 57 countries boycott the Mooscow summer Olympic Games. 1981/After 444 days in captivity, American hostages in Iran are released. -Prince Chrles marries Ladt Diana. AIDDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) begins to be recognized. 1982/Violence re-ignites between the PLO and Israel in an Arab-Israeli war. 1983/The U.S. Embassy in Lebanon is bombed in a terrorist attach, which kills 63. -Oct, the U.S. invaded Grenada 1984/Over 1,000 are killed when Prime Minister Gandhi sends troops to the Sikh Golden Temple in India. -The Olympic Games takes place in LOs Anggeles and are boycotted by fourteen countries of the Sovite bloc. 1985/Mikhail Gorbachev becomes general secretary of the Communist Party in the USSR. (economic reform, "glasnost--openness) -Sandinista Daniel Ortega becomes presideent of Nicaragua. 1986/The U.S bombs Tripoli, the capital of Libya, after terrorist groups attack a West Berlin disco. -April,1986: Chernobyl accident/ A radioactive pollution by a nuclear power plant
1987/Oliver North, John Poindexter and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger testify to Congress about the Iran-Contra Affair. -Soviet Secretary Gorbachev and U.S. Pressident Reagan sign the INF Treaty in Washington, D.C., to reduce their nuclear stockpiles. A new step occurs in U.S.-Canada relations, as the two countries sign a free-trade agreement. 1988/With a death toll of 1.5 million, the Iran-Iraq War ends after 8 years. -In an attempt to remove dictator Manuel Noriega from power in Panama, the U.S. indicts Noriega for bribery. 1989/Soviet forces leave Afghanistan after none years of war.Soviet states, such as Lithuania and the Ukraine, agitate for independence. East Germany allows citizens to leave the country without exit visas, resulting in a breech of the "iron curtain" and a rush of migration to West Germany.The Berlin Wall, symbol of the chilly, decedes-old division between East and West, begins to be dismantled piece by piece. -The U.S. invades Panama to arrest Generaal Noriega on charge of drug trafficking. ***In the U.S.*** The U.S. presidents 1977-81/Jimmy Carter 1981-89/Ronald Reagan 1989-93/George Bush ![]() Voyager I explores Saturn. -Music: John Lennon (the Beatles) is shot in New York City. -Inflation is running at double-digits, aand gas is around $1.20/gallon. -Movie:"Ordinary People" 1981/The first Space Shuttle launch -TV: MTV is lanched. -President Reagan launcehs a supply-side economic program.(Reaganomics) ![]() -AT&T is fragmented into several companiees. 1983/The first cellular phone appears in the U.S. -"Cabbage Patch Dolls" become popular. 1984/Music: "Like A Virgin" by Madonna, "Purple Rain" by Prince 1985/Book:"The Accidental Tourist" by Anne Tyler -Musical: "Les Miserable"(London), "Biloxxi Blues" ![]() 1987/ "Black Monday" New York Exchange,the stock market crash -Music:the age of music video, Michael Jaackson, Whitney Houston, U2, Pink Floyd ![]() 1989/10 million gallons of oil pollute Alaska waters when the Exxon Valdez runs aground. <- 70s History| 90s History -> |
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