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"You know, all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae."
- in Flaunt Magazine, July 2001

"Some people say that you should go to all the parties, to the nightclubs, the Viper Room, and make contacts, and I look at them and say, 'You don't want to have contacts with those people.' Look at what happened to River Phoenix (who died in 1993 of a drug overdose outside the Viper Room). If you get caught up in that, it ruins you. Hollywood is garbage."

"Surfing soothes me, it's always been a kind of zen experience for me. The ocean is so magnificent, peaceful, and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me when I'm on a wave."

"I'm into being a dad, that's where my focus is most of the time. I'm an actor that's my job, but it's not my life. I have a lot of other interests too."

"I'm a dreamer. I've got this whole thing where I think I'm supposed to be a musician. I live by the seat of my pants, but I'd like to think that I'm also pretty sensible."

Meet the Deedles

Killer Dismount" -phil and stu
"I'd love to be the Deedle in her haystack" -phil
 "I totally crave your wave" -phil
 "Hi, welcome to Jellystone, I mean Yellowstone. Are you familiar with Jellystones, I mean Yellowstones park rules and regluations." -phil
 "You see a cake, I see a forest fire" -phil
 "We're a walking Kodak moment" -phil
 "Hello it's Ed and Dick, you may be a winner....or, a loser" -phil and stu
 "Yeah, just like Captain Pine is short for Caaaaptinnn Piiiiiiinneeeee" -phil
 "Your so diculous it's rediculous" -Phil (thanks to Malisa for this one)
 "We should have birhdays more often" -Phil
 "Hey I never did get that pony" -Phil
 "Whoa a bowinkle!" -Phil
 "Look a Bambie and dead Pepie La peu!" -Phil
 "Whoa your gizer is a giser!" -Phil
 "Dude that's exactly why she melts me. She's not like anyone i've met before man, she's special. When I see her I hear harps and elevator tunes,and these cartoony hearts start floating around my head. I get this rush like i'm charging mac and pipeline. Dude if that's not love than what is!?" -Phil
 "Yeah hitch hikings dangerous" -Phil (thanks to Lori for the last 7)
 "Why cant we get our birthday off like everyone else.....who is everyone else?.....Washington, Lincon.....Marty Luther King, the baby Jesus dad!" -Stu, Phil and Mr Deedle

She's all that

"Well, well, well, check who's back from spring break lookin all fine and shit" -Dean
 "Rectal archeology, very nice" -Dean
 "Hey now, check out the bobo's on super freak, ya know zac, from up here she almost looks normal" -Dean
 "Hey you guys check it, guess who jammed a 30 year old flight attendent at 26 thousand feet...bullshit...i swear to god" -Dean & Preston
 "Screw you Zac! You know for 5 years i watched you fool people into thinking your some sort of god in this place! Well guess what this is one contest your gonna loose, your goin down asshole!" - Dean
 "Will you spare me this wak shit about replaceable cuz were talkin about Taylor Vaughn here. Sorry man but hes right. Yeah of course I'm right. I mean the girls an institution in this place, every girl wants to be here and every guy wants to nail her" - Dean and Preston (Thanks to...the chick who gave me the last 2 quotes!)

Varsity Blues

"We're gonna run the oop de oop... we need 5 wide recievers and Mox will call the plays from the line" -Lance
 "Ya know out of all these guys you're the only one that visited me in the hospital, your a great friend" -Lance
 "I was lying in bed last night (wooohhh) and i had a dream that we were beating Bangville 14-3...but i woke up kind of sad (awwwww) then i cheered up cuz i realized i know we'll beat Bangville by more than that" -Lance
 "I dont know if I can concentrate here baby...Relax let the dryer do the work" -Lance and Darcy "I love you man" -Lance (Thanks to Meghan and Marsha of all of them!)

The Skulls

"You live by the rules you die by the rules" -Caleb (thanks to Ashley for this quote)
 "I'm sorry Luke. Don't be sorry, just tell them the truth. No, I'm sorry for what I'm going to have to do to you" -Caleb and Luke(Thanks to the girl who emailed me this quote!)

The Fast and the Furious

"You break her heart, I'll break your neck.....that's not gonna happen" -Dom and Brian
 "So check it out, it's like this, if I win, I take the money AND the respect" -Brian
 "So, we should go out sometime......oh I don't date my brother's, that's sucks, I'm gonna have to kick his ass then" -Brian and Mia
 "Everything I felt about you was real, I swear to God" -Brian
 "So what the hell was that all about.....I'll tell you later, it's a long story....we have a 20 mile hike, humor me" -Brian and Dom
 "Is this your ride.....yeah, I'm standing right beside it aren't I" -Edwin and Brian
 "Dude I almost had you" -Brian
 "You're gonna win, I'm gonna win" -Brian
 "Are you sure you wanna do this......I owe you a 10 second car" -Dom and Brian (Thanks to Tracey for all of them quotes)
 "Meow! I smell [sniffs] skanks! why don't u girls pack it up before i leave tradmarks on ya face" -Letty
 "Try fat burger tomorrow you can get a double cheese with fries for $2.95 faggot!"-Vince (Thanks to the girl who emailed me this quote!)
 "You almost had me? You never had me. You never had your car. Granny shifting, not double clutching like you should..." - Dom(Thanks to Lance for this quote)


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