The origin of the Resort

The resort was started on dec. 27 1998 as a sort of experiment. It was not advertized in any way and a link to the portal was not available. The resort was created as part of a bet after I claimed robots could find the page despite it not being rooted in the web itself.

So I selected to target a small but active web-community and won the bet. It took the first robot approx. 2 weeks to find the portal. Within a month I had collected 100 hits, and once someone (Joe probably) mentioned it in the newsgroup and on his website traffic surged.


By March 1999 there was a first conflict with my ISP (then Though not enforcing this, they limit private accounts to 20MB traffic a month. The resort produced 100MB a DAY. It was responsible for over 75% of the traffic of this, then the largest independant ISP in the Netherlands...

The new-look resort was a result. The site was now completly automated. Each saturday a new set of pictures was selected, pages generated and uploaded to both providers, as the collection itself was transferred to Geocities, and the thumbnails remained at iae. This split ensured there would be no popup-banners interfering with my web-design.

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