2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 |
1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 |
1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1989 |
1988 | 1987 | 1986 | 1985 | 1984 |
1983 | 1982 | 1981 | 1980 | 1979 |
How long till Love's next birthday? |
2000. December 2000 . November 2000 . October 2000 20-OCT-00 TV Show: VH1/Vogue Fashion Awards 9:00-11:00 P.M. (ET/PT) on VH1 from the Theater at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Love will be a presenter. 00-OCT-00 Magazine: Premiere #3 on Premiere's E*list of internet stars . September 2000 00-SEP-00 Magazine: FHM Color picture & short bio including the Nokia ads coming soon. Love is #2 on the Top 10 list of American Beauties . August 2000 13-AUG-00 Ad Campaign: Nokia also just signed teen queen Jennifer Love Hewitt for an ad campaign. "She has a wide appeal across age groups, but espe cially 18 to 25," said spokesman Keith Nowak. 04-AUG-00 Democratic Party Political Ad "I Know What you Did In Texas" Presidential election campaign 2000 . July 2000 . June 2000 14-JUN-00 TV Show: TOYL returns on June 14th !! Wednesday Nights Yay! 13-JUN-00 Live chat: 7 PM (EST) 13-JUN-00 OnLine News Clip: Philly News "Time of Your Life" returning tomorrow night at 9 on Fox 07-JUN-00 OnLine News Clip: Philly News article about adoption themes in recent TV shows like "Time of Your Life" . May 2000 26-MAY-00 TV Show: "Teen People's 25 Hottest Stars Under 25" -- returns to ABC at 8 (Spokane, WA) . April 2000 16-APR-00 TV Show: Kids Choice Awards(rerun of 16-APR-00) 4:00 P.M EST 15-APR-00 TV Show: Kids Choice AwardsLove presents Rosie O'Donnell the KCA Hall Of Fame Award & nominated for fave actress :) 8 to 9:30 P.M EST 15-APR-00 TV Show: True Life - MTV 6pm (rerun) :o) 06-APR-00 OnLine Magazine: The Record Online Note about how Carson is over Love because he has a new girlfriend, Tara Reid. 06-APR-00 OnLine Magazine: The Record Online Note about "Audrey Hepburn Story" winning the TV ratings. 05-APR-00 OnLine Magazine: The Record Online Note about Love's new movie, "Heartbreakers" 04-APR-00 OnLine Magazine: The Village Voice Erroneously mentions Love as starring in "Sabrina" . March 2000 31-MAR-00 Magazine: Entertainment Weekly Color picture plus one page articlen about the Audrey Hepburn Story 27-MAR-00 TV Movie: Audrey Hepburn Story ABC (3 hours) 27-MAR-00 Magazine: TV Guide (small version), lots of pics of Love with a 3 page interview where she talks about Audrey, critics, boyfriends, and cracks a few jokes. :) 27-MAR-00 Magazine: Ultimate Cable Guide (TV Guide big version), full page pic of Love along with MORE of the interview (not in the small version) and some ads for it. :) 27-MAR-00 Newspaper Article: Miami HeraldReview by Jonathan Storm 26-MAR-00 Magazine Article & Cover: TV Week Feature abiout the Audrey Hepburn Story 26-MAR-00 Newspaper Article: Miami HeraldReview by Terry Jackson 24-MAR-00 Live Radio Show: WXKS 107.9 FM Kiss 108 Matty In The Morning guest star ! xx-MAR-00 Magazine: People Weekly (Diana's limo driver on the cover) There is an ad for the Audrey bio. it also has an interview and a pic of her :) 22-MAR-00 TV Show: Tonight Show with Jay LenoJennifer Love Hewitt, Michael Chiklis, Ice Cube 08-MAR-00 TV Show: Access Hollywood Audrey bio clips, it looks goooood. Love is gorgeous. :o) 06-MAR-00 TV Show: Access Hollywood 01?-MAR-00 TV Show: Time Of Your Life moves to a new time and night Wednesday at 9 PM Eastern / 8 PM Central on FOX 00-MAR-00 Magazine: Bop Full page color pin-up of Love
February 2000 21-FEB-00 TV Show:(rerun) Conan O'Brienrerun of the 11-NOV-99 show 09-FEB-00 TV Show: Access Hollywood Segment about Famous Teens who got tooo sexy tooo fast. Love was mentioned along with Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, & Jessica Simpson 08-FEB-00 TV Show Ad: Access Hollywood (Airs 09-FEB-00) 07-FEB-00 Magazine Awards Luncheon: Cosmopolitan Love named "Fun Fearless Female" at the 4th annual Cosmopolitan Awards Luncheon Plaza Hotel in NYC 21-FEB-00 Online Magazine: AskMen Love is #16 on Top 50 list 00-FEB-00 Magazine Cover: U National college magazine with article "Jennifer Love Hewitt, the perfect date" 00-FEB-00 Magazine: Bop Full page color picture plus ad for "Facts & Frames" 00-FEB-00 Magazine Cover: Cosmopolitan Feature article & full page Neutrogena ad
January 2000 00-JAN-99 Magazine: Maxim New 1/4 page color picture & letter plus small picture of NOV-99 Maxim cover 00-JAN-00 Magazine Cover: Sky (UK) Same picture as Love's SEP-99 Detour cover |
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