This is all the old news!

this page is 4 all the old news, cuz it was kinda long w/ all the old news in, so i just moved it! =)


okay, it's really l8, so i'll make this quick...i noticed i've been getting a lot of hits, but no guestbook entries!! so, if u sign it, i'll give u a free pic of any celeb! leo, matt damon, scott vickaryous, mike damus, whoever u like! but the guestbook entries can't something generic. oh yeah, be sure to put which celeb you want somewhere in the entry! okay, now go SiGn it! Hurry! =)


HeLLo PeEpOz...I'm SOOOOO sorry i haven't upd8d in what, like 1/2 a year!!! =) sorry!! i've just been SOOO busy and stuff, and kinda lazy...=) well, i kinda upd8d, and fixed the broken linx, hope it's all better 4 u! Oh yeah, and if anybody wants 2 contact me, i have..........

and Yahoo! Pager, angel143637

Okay then, i'm really i'm outties, and DoN't 4GeT 2 sIgN tHe GuEsTbOoK! =)


Hey everybody!!!! I'm kinda mad right now....there's suppose 2 b a new Breaker High ep, but UPN decided 2 play the brady bunch instead...oh, how fun! =( OH, AND....I made a my very own special webring!!!!! *yay* it's just SOOOOO kewl, and i know u all wanna join right? yeah, u do!!! =) okies, um..well, all i gotsta say now is titanic made it's 200 mill. mark 2day, n don't 4get 2 watch the golden globes this sunday (18th) on NBC. titanic has 8 nominations, and yes, leo is a part of them!! cross your fingers.....I'm kinda mad u know! on sat. UH bball played san diego st8, and we LOST!!!! cuz there was this whole fight thing goin on. and micah got ejected from the game. i thought that was REALLY uns, but whatever! micah was just being a sweetie and stickin up 4 AC. @ least the wahine sweeped san diego, by 50 points!!!! GOOOOOO BOWS!!!!! oh yeah, special note 2 nicole~thanx SOOOO much 4 letting me borrow ur yearbookie...i LOVE it!!!! =) one more note 2 everybody....SIGN BOOK!!!!


happy '98 everybody!! guess what?? i joined a new's PERFECT 4 me (especially, U, Melissa, would think so.) check it out @ my kewl linx section. well, i don't really look foward 2 2morrow, since we go back 2 fun...i slacked off this whole break, so...=) and i have so much tests 2 look foward 2, and gr8, finals r soon. =( this sux. i think i have 2 study now! =(
I just found out that we (Hawaii) were ranked #23 in the ESPN's bball poll. i was hoping 4 a higher # (19/20), but i guess not. i am in the process of making 2 new sections, one 4 webrings (that is coming ASAP, 4 now check linx), and one 4 fine guys. =) nite!


hey, hey!! i'm SOOOOOO happy u know!! can't tell u y, though, i'm VERY sorry..BIG secret..=) hey, so hope every1 had a gr8 christmas, and hope u all have a gr8 '98, 2!!!! k, and DON'T 4GET ABOUT THAT GUESTBOOK I HAVE DOWN THERE...=) k, thanx, i'm out now..=)


okay, i haven't updated this thing in weeks, but that's okay. well, i saw TITANIC on saturday, and let me tell u, that was the bestest movie i ever saw!!! not JUST bcuz leo was in it, but it was just the gr8st movie! it'll make u laugh, cry (i cried 4 1/3 of the whole movie, and even after the movie, i couldn't stop. it was just THAT sad. . .), and whatever else gr8 movies make u do. . .just go n c it. . .now!! n if u saw it already, das okay, u can go c it again!!! k, i'm out now. . . peace!


sorry, i haven't updated this in a while, but i've been busy. i'm even more busy now, cuz it's getting closer 2 christmas n stuff, i have 2 tests 2morrow, and i have 2 work on my quarter project. and, i'm REALLY pissed off now because the stupid UH bball team lost just now. we were SO close!! micah did kinda good 2nite, but did SUPER good last night. he was even the player of the game 4 UH. yea micah!!! k, well, i have nothing else 2 say. oh, i just downloaded netscape communicator, and i have a page maker program, but i have NO idea how 2 use it. =) i'm using it right now. hope this works! =) DON'T 4GET 2 SIGN THE BOOK!!! =) thanx. . .

oh my gosh!!! u know what??? the official leo dicaprio site is finally open!!!! yea!! well, and, i put up some new titanic pix from the site. it's pretty kewl, u should go there!!! hmmm. . .what else? i dunno what else 2 say, i'll make this short. byee! =)


hi again! well, 2day sucked. i took this really hard math test,and i failed it, cuz i 4got all the formulas n stuff. oh well, so n-e-ways. . .mari s~so, did u get ur permit yet?? can u go driving around now?? u looked soooo taylor 2day!!! oh yeah, check out the linx, i put one in especially 4 u!!! =) more congrats 2 the UH bball team, they kicked again on sunday!!!! and micah played more than he did the other time. he has 2 make some freethrows, though!! =) k, well, gtg now, byee!! DON'T 4GET 2 SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!! =) hey, u know what?? UH updated it's vball '98 roster page now!! now there r all the new players, and the seniors last year r gone. . =:::(. so, now u can learn more about the new players n c their pix as soon as UH posts it. so i know more about gabe (ring, jason's bro), but i still don't know what he looks like. UH only has the pix of the players that r returning this year on their page, like look at mason kuo's pic, and clay stanley's pic. it's really funny!!


hi, well, first of all, i would like to say, congrats to the UH Men's bball team on their opener against Indiana!!!!! we kicked butt!!!! n another congrats to aaron wilton, kramer's MAN OF THE YEAR!!! i decided that i'm gonna make different sections in my site 4 all the other stuff i had. it was just taking so long to load everything on the school's s-l-o-w computers, so i'm gonna make it faster now!! well, i'll leave u all w/ the quote of the day. . .

"Micah [Kroeger] is where it's at."
~Artie Wilson, one of the announcers during the UH game last night.


hey, sups again! well, hmmm, i made kinda a lot of changes to this page, huh? do u think it looks better like this?? oh, and should i make a different page in my site 4 the teen angel, aaron wilton, and breaker high stuff, like how i have with the leo pix?? it'll look more organized, huh? and it won't take such a long time to load 4 peeps w/ s-l-o-w modems (kat. . .). oh well, i dunno. whatevers. oh, and janice, check out the guestbook, i made it like that ESPECIALLY 4 U!!!!!! =) ur soooo welcome!! =) i hope u like it, cuz if u don't, i can always change it!! =) DON'T 4GET 2 SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!


hey, well, i'm back again updating this page. guess what? i'm going to the volleyball game 2nite!!! yea!!!! aaron is suppose to be coaching, so i wanna c if he really is. 2day's game is an exhibition, though, against pepperdine. i think that's the team rick's playing on now or something. oh well, hmmmm, what else. . .oh yeah, doncha think aaron, scott, and mike look alike??? they kinda do, yeah?? aaron and mike look more alike, but scott KINDA looks like them, 2!! =) well, hey, gotta go now, so i can c the team warm up!! byee!!! DON'T 4GET 2 SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! ps~janice, did ya know that jason's bro is on the team now??? well, i'm bringing my camera, so, u can c 4 urself. =)

hi, well, i'm back from the game, and wow! it was soooo fun!!!!! i had a gr8 time, but i didn't pay much attention to the game, cuz i saw jason and aaron there!!! jason was to my left, aaron to my right. (jason was wearing a shirt n blue jeans, and aaron was wearing a white CK shirt n blue jeans.) well, i was taking choke pix of them 4 peeps like mari n janice who wanted me 2. i never saw gabe, though. well, i didn't know which one was him so, i never took pix of gabe, sorry janice!! =) well, UH won, 3-0. and, after the game, we went over to jason n he signed our tickets (it said, "Jason Ring USA 8"), n he took a pic w/ me, yea! he said he doesn't live here n-e-more, and he probably won't be coming back for the next game. oh well. . .oh, and when we were leaving the arena, we went past gym 1,and guess who i saw practicing?? MICAH. this game was soooo fun!!! =)


hey!!! wow, look at this page, it's WAY better now!!! yea!!!! i KINDA know how to put pix up on the page now!!! but i have some that i have no idea how to get on. oh well, looks pretty good, now, doesn't it?? well, better than b4, that is. yea!!! =) DON'T 4GET 2 SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!!


hey, i'm back!!! wow, i haven't updated this in a long time, and nobody's coming here anymore!!! =( well, hey, tania, mari k, and i were on tv 2day!!! yea!!! we were on KHON news. we were on during the ending part, where they show everybody doing the shaka. i looked soo retarded. well, don't know what else to say. . . .oh!! SIGN THE GUESTBOOK, PLEASE!!!! =)


hello again!! well, i'm still kinda sick, my throat hurts, but that's okay. . .i took my stupid geo test 2day, and it sucked. i didnt' do soooo many problems. . .man, i'm gonna fail. . .oh well, geo sux, when u guys take it, you'll know what i mean, alg is sooooooooo much easier!!! hey, 2day, i am actually all of your guyses age!!!! i'm so proud! => well, thanx to: mari k~ thanx 4 the pretty ginger lei, it's nice!!, malia~flowers were so pretty!!!!; amanda (cc, or mt??? =>)~my mom really luved ur cookies, thanx 4 the pen and candy!!! (and the chain lei thingie =>), janice~ your kewl little email, kat-o-retardo~ thanx for the balloon. . .i still couldn't fix the ribbions to look the way i wanted it to. .=>, tacy~ thanx 4 the lei, it smells sooooo good!! i love tubarose!!, steph~ thanx for the small, little balloon (j/j =>, it's the thought that counts, right??), david (or should i say liv tyler?)~thanx for the bday card, it is sooo true!. well, anyways, everybody has to watch BREAKER HIGH!!!! i swear, this is like the best show. . . .i kinda didnt' like 2days episode, though, max is like now officially going out with cassidy. . .but, whatever! n-e-ways, well, don't have anything much else to say, nobody's helping me. . . . .=P bye!!! HEY, WAIT!!! i know u guys r coming here, cuz i have a counter, u know. so, y did only like what, 5 peep-o sign my guestbook??? hmmmm. . . . just say hi, whatever, i dunno. u don't sign it, i'll bug u soooo much, until u do. . . .please sign. . .my counter thingie lets me see who comes here, and it's from all these different locations and accounts, so i know ur here!!!! PLEASE SIGN!!!!!! oh yeah, one more thing~ jen, shut up. je, when r u gonna do it?? lena, hi lean!! *LoL*. mari s, did u get ur permit yet?? did ur mom have 2 call the cops on u again??? =). . . .bye!!!!


hey peepo!!! i can't believe i even got this far. i have pix up. i want ones of aaron, and jason (4 u jan =>), but i have no idea how to do it!!! well, hey, stop teasing me!!! i know this page is lame n all, but hey, i don't see your web page, now do i. it's hard. so darn confusing. i have to type all these codes and stuff, and if i type it wrong, it screws up the whole thing. if only i had a program to make it.......(tania....=>) well, i'm sick, with a fever today, and i fell so miserable. yuck....


wow, okay, so those of you who actually got here, i have no idea how to make a page. i know i cant do anything, but, i thought this would be soooo easy n stuff, but this is so hard. i dont even understand these HTML things. well, i just got a book yesterday, hopefully it'll help me. i tried reading it, but i'm still clueless. oh well....bye!!!

|cLiQuEs| UH sPoRtS| TeEn AnGeL| BrEaKeR HiGh| LeO| LeO iN TiTaNiC WiTh KaTe WiNsLeT| LeO iN TiTaNiC WiThOuT kAtE WiNsLeT| oLd StUfF|

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