sorry, peepo, but i'm just 2 lazy (and busy) 2 type out all of leo's info, news, and other stuff! so u'll just have 2 look @ his pix...=)

~*note: it might take kinda long 4 the pix 2 load, but i assure u it's worth the w8!! =)~*

now there's an OFFICIAL leo page!!!!

r&J banner

i have this book. . . .

u should get it 2!!!

mags w/ leo on the cover

these are pix of leo from the titanic premeire in tokyo. his hair looks kinda weird, but that's okay. . .

|cLiQuEs| UH sPoRtS| TeEn AnGeL| BrEaKeR HiGh| LeO| LeO iN TiTaNiC WiTh KaTe WiNsLeT| LeO iN TiTaNiC WiThOuT kAtE WiNsLeT| oLd StUfF|

~*if u want these pix, PLEASE ASK ME FIRST!!!! PLEASE DON'T JUST STEAL THEM!!! thanx =) ~*

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