There were no message boards available at this time so I created this sitefor all of you that have or need Buffy the Vampire Slayer tapes. Please read all of the messages before posting your own. Someone might have already posted a message with what you want. You may leave a message if you want specific episodes. You can also leave a message for things other than BtVS episodes.ex: interviews, movies, soaps, ect.

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LM - 04/08/98 02:36:44
My URL:/TelevisionCity/Set/1143/index.html
Titles of episodes that you need or have:

All episodes from BOTH seasons, most interviews including SMG on the Rosie O'Donnell show, SMG on SNL, BHFR an Swans Crossings, and some AMC episodes as well as mostly everything that has to do with the cast of BtVS


I have recently gotten some new interviews including DB on E!News and DB and SMG on Hard Copy as well as SMG on the Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (she won!). I have the newest interviews with SMG, DB and CC. I also have all the episodes from both s asons and just about anything you could want from the cast of Buffy. Everything I have is taped in SP/HiFi. Check out my post at the bottom of the page for a list of most of the things that I have (the interviews list doesn't list all my interviews).
-mail me if you are interested in anything that I have!
Thanks :o)

Kristin - 04/07/98 01:29:18
Titles of episodes that you need or have: I need episodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,and10 from the first season and I would also like to get all of the interviews of all the cast on TV shows, except for Sarah on SNL.

I was wondering how much this would cost me because I don't have much money. I also wondered how do I know I can trust anyone who says they will send me stuff. Oh well. Please e-mail me. Thanks.

alli - 04/06/98 20:44:57
My Email:alli77@the
Titles of episodes that you need or have: all of first season, david on mwc, most of second season

i hae the whole first season, daid on married with childrenand the following episodes from season two -innocense to killed by death -haloween -the dark age -bad eggs -ted -lie to me if anyone is interested please contant me

alli - 04/06/98 20:41:04
My Email:alli77@the


LeanneB - 04/04/98 05:50:45
Titles of episodes that you need or have: Need Eps 7-12

I'm looking for someone in Canada who has the second half of Season One (Save me US exchange!). SLP recording is preferred so I can get all 6 episodes on one tape. I will pay for the tape and the postage and a reasonable amount for time and trouble. Em il me if you can help me out!

Amy - 04/03/98 19:32:54
Titles of episodes that you need or have: I have the First Season

Hello I have the first season in order. E-mail me if interested Amy

Rob - 03/31/98 19:10:58
Titles of episodes that you need or have: all+more

I have the whole series on tape. Both seasons. All episodes to date. I also have the married with children with David, the Saturday night live with Sarah, along with some interviews including commercials with David more. I also have I know what you did la t summmer. If anyone is interested email me.

Diane P. - 03/29/98 22:13:42
Titles of episodes that you need or have: Need specific interviews

I'm looking for VHS copies of David's WB17 interview; the cast interview with KTLA; the early WB Network promos featuring David & Sarah. Will cover all necessary costs/willing to trade as I have collected many interviews of David's & Sarah's.

Jeff - 03/26/98 22:30:10
Titles of episodes that you need or have: The Witch, Halloween, Bewitched, Bewildered, and Bothered

I desperately need the episodes: The Witch, Halloween, and Bewitched, Bewildered, and Bothered. Please e-mail me if you have these available. Thanks.

LM - 03/25/98 04:16:15
Titles of episodes that you need or have:

All episodes from BOTH seasons, most interviews including SMG on the Rosie O'Donnell show, SMG on SNL, BHFR an Swans Crossings, and some AMC episodes as well as mostly everything that has to do with the cast of BtVS


I have recently gotten some new interviews including DB on E!News and DB and SMG on Hard Copy as well as SMG on the Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (she won!). I have the newest interviews with SMG, DB and CC. I also have all the episodes from both s asons and just about anything you could want from the cast of Buffy. Everything I have is taped in SP/HiFi. Check out my post at the bottom of the page for a list of most of the things that I have (the interviews list doesn't list all my interviews).
-mail me if you are interested in anything that I have!
Thanks :o)

Wile E. Coyote - 03/23/98 11:51:53
Titles of episodes that you need or have: I have all of them

I have all of the BTVS eps. All my eps are SP mode. 1st season eps are VHS w/Hi-Fi stereo, 2nd season eps are SuperVHS w/Hi-Fi stereo. what the super means is that dub made from them made from them is the highest quality possible. All were recorded by me off cable. They are originals, not dubs. Please let me know if I can help you get the eps you need.

zap - 03/17/98 10:37:48
Titles of episodes that you need or have: 2nd season except when she was bad

like many people have stated channal 7 in australia really sux and wont be showing season 2 by the looks of it. so im looking for all of season 2 except when she was bad, ihave all of season 1 except the witch thanx

Cam - 03/15/98 10:51:03
Titles of episodes that you need or have: First 5 episodes of first series....

Desperatly need the original five episodes: "Welcome to the Hellmouth/The Harvest", "The Witch", "Teacher's Pet", "Never Kill a Boy on the First Date" and "The Pack" for a birthday present on VHS only. Able to trade any episode after "The Pack" up to "Some Assembly Required" (until Channel 7 airs more) also inly on VHS.

Rob - 03/13/98 23:31:44
Titles of episodes that you need or have: all

I have the whole series on tape and the SNL with Sarah. If anyone wants copies let me know.

Sarah - 03/06/98 04:13:28
Titles of episodes that you need or have: Need almost all interviews with David Boreanaz AKA Angel

I would really love to get the following interviews: Hard Copy (YM's 50 Hottest Guys?); KTLA interview with the cast; Vibe; Inside Edition; The Arthel & Fred Show; Regis & Kathie Lee; any other interviews (except Keenan Ivory Wayans) that isn't listed. I' prefer the entire shows on SP tape- and EXCELLENT quality is a must! Also, it would be great if anyone had any commercials with David (ie. Sears). PLEASE e-mail me if you have any of these interviews! Thanks a lot! :D

Ashley - 03/05/98 00:40:17
Titles of episodes that you need or have: both seasons 1&2

I am looking for the episodes of both seasons 1 and 2. I can not exchange tapes both I am willing to pay for shipping, the tapes, and labor. I f you can help me e-mail me back asap at thanks

Kimberly - 03/03/98 03:06:44
Titles of episodes that you need or have: I need some interviews.

I need the interview with David on Hard Copy about YM's 50 Hottest Guys, and the KTLA interview with the cast. If anyone has these interviews please email ASAP.

Lauren - 03/01/98 23:15:27
Titles of episodes that you need or have: I Have...........Welcome to Hellmouth, When She Was Bad, Some Assembly Required, School Hard, Inca Mummy Girl, Reptile Boy, Hallowee , The Dark Age, What's My Line (Parts 1 &2), Ted, Bad Eggs, Surprise, Innocence, Bewitched Bothered & Bewildered, Pasion. Plus.........Sarah on Rosie O'Donnel (Feb 98), Sarah on Saturday Night Live, Sarah on David Letterman, and Sarah on MTV Live

I'm looking for......... "Prophecy Girl", "Nightmares", and "The Pack" Plus.......... any intereviews of Sarah or David Boreanaz that I don't have.

christine - 02/23/98 07:15:15
Titles of episodes that you need or have: have some epis of the first season

have stuff from the first season.... need second season and edited epis of the first season.. also need first buffy book..the harvest

alli - 02/21/98 02:29:58
Titles of episodes that you need or have: i have innosense, phases, halloween, bewitched bothered and bewildered, and the dark age

i have innosense, phases, haloween, bewitched bothered and bewildered, and the dark age. i will be getting the whole first season soon please get back to me if you would like to make an offer

Jackie - 02/19/98 17:58:33
Titles of episodes that you need or have: Need All of Season 1, have all of Season 2 so far.

I have all of Seson 2 So far One tape. I am looking for all of Seson one, any All of David Boreanaz's appearences: Vibe, Inside Edition, The Arthel and Fred Show (October 1997) Keenan Ivory Wayns Show (February 1998) And any other apperanaces that I don' know about. I have him on Regis an Kathi Lee From the last week of January. I also Have Charism Carpenter on Keenan (Second Apperance) and SMG on Rosie (2/17/98). Email me if you need any of the eps or appearances I have, or can help me with the ones 'm Searching fo. Let me know where you live in your mesage. Charge is cost of video tape plus shipping amd a small fee for the time it will take to tape the shows. Thanks! Jackie

Joan - 02/17/98 03:11:36
Titles of episodes that you need or have: I'm looking for the Buffy/1-800-COLLECT Prize Pack

If you have a complete, new Buffy / 1-800-COLLECT Prize Pack and are willing to sell/trade please contact me. The pack contains a water bottle, hat, t-shirt, mouse pad and a bag with the Buffy logo. I'm willing to pay $$$$$. Please e-mail me. Thanks, Joan br>
Andrew Parkinson - 02/02/98 13:34:44
Titles of episodes that you need or have: All except Invisible Girl (will be here hopefully in a few weeks)

With Channel Seven (Australia) taking Buffy off the air (and I have not heard when it will be back), there must heaps on Aussie fans who want to see Buffy. I am always on the lookout for a trade. So contact me. If you have nothing to trade, let me know and we will see if we can work out something. I can do episodes in PAL or NTSC.

Stacey - 02/02/98 02:01:57
Titles of episodes that you need or have: need two interviews

I need a copy of SMG on MTV live and Charisma Carpenter on Keenen Ivory Wayans. PLEASE! if you have one of these interviews e-mail me.Thanks

Cassandra Fabian - 02/02/98 00:18:39
Titles of episodes that you need or have: The First Season(all of the episodes)

Please I am a needy person. I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I would really like to have the frist season episodes. Thank u, Sincerely, Cassandra FAbian

Brian Ko - 01/31/98 04:43:01
Titles of episodes that you need or have: Needed episodes in PAL format

Hi! I'm looking for th 2 pilot episodes in Pal Format if anyone has these please get in touch

Alan Merzon - 01/31/98 02:49:43
Titles of episodes that you need or have: The Wtich, Lie to Me, Never Kill a Boy on the First Date, Bad Eggs, What's My Line (1), The Dark Age

My VCR taped over all of these episodes. If you have them could you E-Mail me and work something out. I would prefer EP of SLP because I am trying to put them all on tapes by season. Thanks

Robert - 01/29/98 19:42:04
Titles of episodes that you need or have: have all

I have all the episodes of Buffy and also Saturday night live with Sarah and the Married with Children with David. If anyone is interested drop me an email.

Rebecca - 01/29/98 06:29:04
Titles of episodes that you need or have: bad eggs, surprise, innocence, phases

Hi, I am looking for the above episodes. I have all the other ones so if you have these episodes I would be more than willing to trade tapes, if not I would like to pay for the tapes, shipping and handling, and the effort. If you can help me, please e-m il me.

Tara Cooke - 01/28/98 23:32:59
Titles of episodes that you need or have: need Phases

Last night I tried to tape Buffy because I was going to an AHL game with my dad, but my VCR picked that night to be tempermental, so(sigh) I missed Phases. If you have it please please please contact me. Thanks, Tara.

Shannon Rizzo - 01/28/98 15:52:25
Titles of episodes that you need or have: Phases

Have never posted before, so I don't know what I need to do to receive the tape. If anyone has a tape, please contact me! Thanks.

Angelface - 01/27/98 06:24:48
Titles of episodes that you need or have: Anything w/David Boreanaz (except Buffy episodes)

Hi, I'm looking for anything with David B. except the BTVS episodes (I already have those). I'd really love to get the episode of Married With Children. He was Kelly's biker boyfriend. I caught it by chance one evening but wasn't able to tape it. :( Other things David was in (i.e. commercials, interviews, etc.) is of extreme interest to me. Contact me if you can help me with any of those. I can't trade anything but I have cash! :)

holly - 01/26/98 23:39:38
Titles of episodes that you need or have: need "the witch" "bad eggs" "welcome to the hellmouth" "never kill a boy..."

please could you send me these? I will pay in cash for shipping, vidio, and labor. united states please.

Love - 01/26/98 20:55:48
Titles of episodes that you need or have: All of them!

I almost forgot, if you have all the episodes and are willing to send them that would be great! And please send Saturday Night Live with Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy)!

Love - 01/26/98 20:49:04
Titles of episodes that you need or have: SNL with SMG & Inca Mummy Girl

I never got to watch both of these and I'm dying to see them! I heard Saturday Night live was funny. I know what your thinking, How could you miss a Buffy episode?!?! My mother thought it might be a nice idea to go to a cabin by the ocean on a Monday (I d dn't have school) and the power went out! I was at a friends house on Saturday and she wouldn't let me watch SNL! She was all like...I hate that show! it sucks! I got so mad at her and I really want to see it! †

JaT (Jackie) - 01/26/98 06:14:51

I'm looking for that Kodak "Too Dark" commercial featuring Seth aka OZ (Isn't he lunchable?) and the Carl's Jr. hamburger commercial.

Tim Mayo - 01/24/98 18:17:32
Titles of episodes that you need or have: need first season, have second

I have all of the eps from the second season, and I also have Invisible Girl. I am looking for any eps from the first season, but ESPECIALLY Prophesy Girl. I would rather trade then buy, but email me and we can work something out.

Rob - 01/23/98 13:07:24
Titles of episodes that you need or have: all

I have all episodes from both seasons. If anyone is interested let me know and we can work something out.

ramsey - 01/22/98 22:45:37
Titles of episodes that you need or have: Never Kill A Boy ON the First Date

It did not occur to me to record during the first run of the season so there are other ones i missed as well,but this one is needed badly

LM - 01/22/98 09:15:31
Titles of episodes that you need or have:

I have all BtVS episodes, Cast Interviews, Beverly Hills Family Robinson, Swans Crossings.


I have all of both seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Swans Crossings and BHFR with SMG and the following Interviews:
SMG on the WB ch11 News, SMG on Regis and Kathie Lee, SMG on Letterman, SMG on Vibe, SMG on Leno (both times), SMG on A cess Hollywood, SMG on E!News, SMG on Screem 2 Rules on MTV; Sarah, David and Nick on Inside Edition, David B. on Vibe, David B. on Arthel and Fred, David B. on Regis and Kathie Lee, Charisma C. on the Keenen Ivory Wayans Show.

If you are interested in any of these things please e-mail me to work something out.

Thanks :o)

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