Buffy The Vampire Slayer Tape Trade
Message Posting Rules
As of November 4th, 1997

This is a message board just for tape requests.  I will accept requests for Buffy episodes, actor/actress interviews, actor/actress episodes from other shows (ex: SMG in Swans Crossings and movie appearances.

Please don't include your REAL Mailing Address on the board.  If you choose to give out that information over e-mail, fine, but don't do it on here.

Try to avoid duplicate postings. All duplicates will be removed (the first will stay but anything after that will be removed!)

If you are looking for more than one tape, and you have tapes of your own you want to trade, list what you're looking for, and then what you have.

Most replies can go directly to the person and don't have to be posted as a message. 

Please don't put up a post for David and Sarah on the Rosie O'Donnell Show. They were never on.

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