All About Me
Greetings...  I am Joanna but most people call me Jo.  It's been a long while since I designed and maintained a website, but here's is my next attempt at doing so.  Let's see how long this phase will last...

I began my website designing endeavors back in high school, when we had to learn HTML and complete a simple website for an assignment for a computer course.  I guess that's when I caught the designing bug.  By combining my interests in graphic design  and computers, I see it as a way to 'to kill two bird with one stone' so to speak.  For the past five years, I've been designing and maintaining websites and some freelance graphic work as a hobby.

I am currently attending the University of Western Ontario majoring in Administrative and Commercial Studies (a.k.a. Commerce/Business).  I haven't quite decided what I want to do in life yet but once I get there I will let you know.  =)  I have a wide range of interests going from playing sports to photography to cars and auto racing to computers and technology to watching movies and TV to spending time outdoors and being adventurous (whether be it hiking, camping, canoeing to in-skating in the park).  I like to think of myself as being different from the norm and like to try new things (Not weird but independent).  I recently went on a dog-sledding trip for four days during my 'Slack' Week.  It was one of the most amazing things I've done in my life so far.  (I'll put up photos when I actually have time to scan them).  Through those interests, my main objectives are to have to fun, experience new stuff, relax, express myself and to enjoy life.

There are a few ways you can contact me.  I can be found on ICQ under the nick sillgyrl ® (uin #:6173621).  I can also be found on EFnet on the IRC network usually using the nick ^Tr|n|ty^ in the channels #dvd-x, #cinema and others.  I can also be emailed at  Have a good day, Smiles & Cheers...

© LITFL Multimedia Productions 2002