For the less informed of you, MST3K is the best show in the world!=0) Basically, here's the plot: A guy and two robots are forced to watch horrible, horrible movies, and they heckle them (We see their shadows in the corner of the screen). If you want a more in-depth explanation, click here. Be warned...
Ben Edlund, creator of the comic book/TV show The Tick is working on a remake of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians! You know what that means: A new Dropo!!
The Trumpy Fan Club
Now you can worship Trumpy with the fan club the professionals use!
Play the Public Domain Karoke Machine!
Click on the picture of Torgo at the top of the page to hear my new, improved original mix of Torgo .WAVs!
Click here to go to my IMDb directory to MST actors!
I now have a sound library! Currently, there are only sounds from Pod People, but there are more to come! Finally updated, with the whole "potato" routine! You know you want it!
The Film Anti-Preservation Society!
Come trade tapes with me! Please?
The lyrics to "Mystery Science Theater Picture Show" by Luke Ski's Psycho Potpourri!
The Vermin Cave-O-Icons
Now you don't have to leave this site for great MST3K desktop icons!
Mystery Firesign Theatre 3000
See my incomplete list of Firesign Theatre references in MST!
Hey, look!
I adapted the MST-O-Matic to my page! See it now!
Works in progress
These are the things that aren't quite finished yet, but I'll let you see them anyway.
My Caption This! Gallery- Where I showcase the best captions I can find. Currently, there are only a few caps. It will get better. Hopefully.
Snausage Links- Links. Need I say more? Yes? Well, tough!
Got an MST3K site?
Hey you! Do you want to be on Aadgka? Sure, we all do! Anyway, I happen to be a reviewer for AADGKA! Links, so if you have an MST3K site that isn't on the site, Tell me about it, and I'll review it! It gives your site more publicity, it saves Suzanne (the owner of AADGKA!) time, and it gets me closer to the Teacher's Pet Award, so it's beneficial to all involved parties!

Be sure to check out my in-progress main page, The Vermin Cave!
Sign my
View my
Guestbook! (Or better yet, view my older, better guestbook that Geocities won't letr me use anymore).
You are MSTie number
since September 20. Actually, I doubt you are. These GeoCounters aren't too reliable
I won Leslie Haire's "Cool MST3K Site" award! HUZZAH!
I won the Novak Award, too! DOUBLE HUZZAH!!

AND, I won the Golden MSTie Award from Caption Mistress Cari! TRIPPLE HUZZAH!!!
To see the HTML codes for the webrings that I happen to be a member of, click here and/or here.