- 11/22/00 20:12:54

Blah blah

Andy Webster - 03/26/00 20:31:49
My URL:http://www.andywebster.homepage.com
My Email:saam@tiac.net
Planet of origin: Endor
What did you come here for?: Kareoke
How many kinds of fish can you name?: 13 (if you count "chicken of the sea"
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): 34
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: bong

I hope my entry doesn't appear twice on the guestbook page... I pressed the key accidentally in the middle of filling that thing out... Cool site by the way. I miss the show quite a bit. (sniff sniff, weep weep)

michelle - 02/18/00 04:40:28
Planet of origin: vulcan
What did you come here for?: to observe your species.(too bad my ship crashed)
How many kinds of fish can you name?: too many
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): mint?whats that?
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: actually the correct phrase is bong tiddletaddle bong.thats a mistake made by most non-vulcans , but keep trying . maybe someday youll get it right ..
Don't type anything here.: i have too .it might get me home.

live long and prosper.oh , and if anyone with long pointed ears happens to cross your path , be sure you direct them to this board .

Peter Eric Bruner - 01/25/00 20:34:14
My URL:http://go.to/abodysite
My Email:bruschu@home.com
Planet of origin: Melmac
What did you come here for?: SCTV/MST3K Tape trading
How many kinds of fish can you name?: 189
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Wintergreen
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Why Yes! How did you know?
Don't type anything here.: OK

Good looking site. Keep it up! Question though: Am I the only guy who likes "Teenagers from Outer Space" ?

Max - 01/24/00 06:43:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/maxturbate/
My Email:maxturbatr@aol.com
Planet of origin: Uranus of course
What did you come here for?: the nice green background!
How many kinds of fish can you name?: honestly only 300
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Cinnamon counts right? :)
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Ting Biddle Biddle Tong
Don't type anything here.: Why not?

Into the weenie mobile! Weenie man away!

chud - 12/11/99 02:38:20
My Email:chud@2600mhz.freeserve.co.uk
Planet of origin: engalnd

yer baah baah black sheep is fucking miles wrong u stupid american

So's your "England." -VB

Jake - 10/05/99 23:13:47
My Email:drevil2886@aol.com
Planet of origin: Krankor, of course!
What did you come here for?: a good mst3k site (and i think i found what im looking for!)
How many kinds of fish can you name?: 3000
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): um... the green ones
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: No!
Don't type anything here.: i wouldn't dream of typing here (i let my cat run across the keypad)

this site kicks!

Katie - 09/28/99 14:07:25
My Email:rowdykt@hotmail.com
Planet of origin: Venus (was her name....she's got it, whoa, baby, she's got it...)
What did you come here for?: MST3K tapes!
How many kinds of fish can you name?: lots
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): pepper
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: if you buy me dinner first...


Andrew - 09/11/99 00:59:35
My URL:http://members.aol.com/drewdroid/index.html
My Email:drewdroid@aol.com
Planet of origin: That information is on a need to know basis, and you do not need to know
What did you come here for?: You told me to Vermin Boy
How many kinds of fish can you name?: All
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Wintergreed
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Yes
Don't type anything here.: OK

Love this site O-Dawgg

GrandDad & Nana - 08/14/99 02:28:56
My Email:vongof@earthlink.net
Planet of origin: Outer Space
What did you come here for?: To monitor favorite grandson
How many kinds of fish can you name?: Three
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Peppermint
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Why not?


Joe - 07/24/99 22:34:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/7428
My Email:SoxPop@aol.com
Planet of origin: Earth...at least, that's what I tell everyone.
What did you come here for?: Potato'sh with big ears.
How many kinds of fish can you name?: Almost all of them...well, the edible ones anyway.
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): The question was invalidated by the fact that Retsin counts.
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Isn't that what you're supposed to put in your pipe and smoke?
Don't type anything here.: Why not? What'll happen? Oh, MY GOD...ARRRRGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!

MST rules the airwaves! We love it so much that when CC canceled it we gave our cable company the boot to switch to a company that carried SciFi. Keep up the great work on the site. Surf with a smile!!

Joe - 03/20/99 20:23:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/collegepark/field/4611/
My Email:tvsgrady@aol.com
Planet of origin: Naboo
What did you come here for?: Pie. And lots of it!
How many kinds of fish can you name?: 982344239439349783497834977593939798354978579784798437437983479854789798578937984
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Retiremint
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Bah wap nini greenie bong!
Don't type anything here.: Yes, Mommy!

Cool page you got here...

Enapov - 02/14/99 14:43:11
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~enapov/index.enapovhtml
My Email:enapov@hotmail.com
Planet of origin: Thats what my parents ask me all the time!
What did you come here for?: Thats what my parents ask me all the time!
How many kinds of fish can you name?: Another question my parents ask me all the time!
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Do you know my parents?
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: The name of my parents favorite bong?
Don't type anything here.: Why?

End the senseless violins!

Ricia Overlord - 02/11/99 01:20:28
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~thericia/index.html
My Email:thericia@excite.com
Planet of origin: Gibblefritz
What did you come here for?: To eat potatoes and kill cheezy teenage singers
How many kinds of fish can you name?: cod,halibut,shark,marlin,herring,tuna,goldfish,angelfish,clownfish,dogfish,catfish,haddock,yellowtail,cod,sturgeon,...uh think that's it
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): spearmint
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: A wop bob a loo bop a wop bam boom
Don't type anything here.: Don't tell me where I can type little creature

I love this page! I want to live at this page. It's just so great! I just got "Pod People" in the mail so this I found this site at just the right moment.

Elaine Ricketts - 02/03/99 13:10:57
My Email:erick@aol.com
Planet of origin: miscellaneous
What did you come here for?: to improve my self esteem
How many kinds of fish can you name?: does Wanda count?
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): frangomint
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Ting Biddle Biddle Tong

You have really interesting friends, Oscar. Have you read the Once and Future King yet? It's one of my favorite.

Loree Lee Harper - 01/06/99 15:34:11
My URL:http://www.StuntFX.com
My Email:BurnNfly@pacbell.net
Planet of origin: Mars
What did you come here for?: To make Merriment
How many kinds of fish can you name?: ten million thousand
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): cinnimint
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: ta bong too've ta bellow
Don't type anything here.: I broke down...couldn't resist...sheer torture

full speed ahead....

susan - 11/25/98 22:51:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Disco/7910/
My Email:susan.credit@gecapital.com
Planet of origin: oberon
What did you come here for?: I think it was the Trumpy fan club, but I can't remember
How many kinds of fish can you name?: I don't like Phish.
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): I like those blue ones that are in the front of restaurants.
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: shtemloe?
Don't type anything here.: NO

This is a great site. I am humbled by your awesome power. Seriously though, I do have about sixty episodes of mst3k on tape. I'll have to break out the list to see if there are any that you need to complete your collection. Most of mine are from the secon season so I kind of doubt that will be the case. Anyway, come check out my page if you feel like it.

Lyman Goff - 11/17/98 23:12:37
My Email:vongof@wilmington.net
Planet of origin: Good question!
What did you come here for?: Another good question.
How many kinds of fish can you name?: Big, medium and small
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Peppermint
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Why not?

Neat page. KUTGW!

CaveDweller - 11/16/98 13:13:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Crater/5793
My Email:rwtrail@evansville.net
Planet of origin: Certainly not Earth. And I sure wish my people would come back and pick me up. I'm ready to go home!
What did you come here for?: Free beer and hookers! Where the heck are they????
How many kinds of fish can you name?: Does Abe Vagoda count?
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Rumplemint....actually, I've never even had a Rumplemint, I just like the word!
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Is'nt that the remake of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang"?
Don't type anything here.: HA HA HA!!! Look! I'm typing something here!! I'm just a CaveDweller without a cause. I'm like the wind, Baby!

Hi Vermin! Nice site you got yourself here! I didn't even know you had a site. Oh well. Live and learn I guess. It looks good! Thanks for checking out my lame-ass site. See ya at Caption This!

Theocar - 11/14/98 05:57:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/2935
Planet of origin: Avenalia, sector 93204
What did you come here for?: Gathering MST3K specimens
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Not at this time.

Nice pages! Take the Tour and sign my book, too.

the great Luke Ski - 11/09/98 10:23:57
My Email:LukeSki@Juno.com
Planet of origin: You know, that one. With the water.
What did you come here for?: Ego improvement
How many kinds of fish can you name?: The wet kinds.
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Andes Candes
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Two bits!
Don't type anything here.: Okay.

Well, I wish I knew exactly who is responsible for this website, but I just wanted to say thank you for giving me credit for writing the song "Mystery Science Theatre Picture Show", and for including the ordering information for my 2 CD set. By the way, here was a follow up to that song called "Cheesy Movie, Curse My Soul" (parodying "Hot Patootie, Bless My Soul", also from Rocky Horror), and if you beg me, I just might send you a copy of it on cassette. Come to think of it, you haven't groveled before e lately have you?... I encourage anybody and everybody to E-mail me. Talk to you later! (Mitchell!)

Devlin - 11/06/98 01:36:39
My URL:http://webhome.idirect.com/~korta
My Email:korta@idirect.com
Planet of origin: Transexual, Transylvania
What did you come here for?: The Flesh Buffet.
How many kinds of fish can you name?: All the fish I know are named "Bob".
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Fort Knox.
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: I think I did that once in summer camp...
Don't type anything here.: Oh, just one shameless plug..."Visit HiP ShockWaves!!!" (there, I'll be good now)

Loved the webpage, MST3k Rules! Keep up the good work!!!

Cindy - 09/29/98 06:56:01
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

William Henry Christopher Roberto SteppanWolf - 06/09/98 05:12:44
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Stepopolis/index.html
My Email:non_aspirin@hotmail.com
Planet of origin: Betelguese IV
What did you come here for?: Mission to collect Pink Floyd music
How many kinds of fish can you name?: Quite a few, actually
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Poodlemint
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Yes
Don't type anything here.: Why the krunk not? Oops....

If you are reading this twice, it's cause I pushed "return" before completing all the forms. Schmitt happens. If you don't like that, you can bite me. Anyhoo, I like the site. Keep it open, and when you get some money, get off of geocities as soon as ossible.

Mike Keskeys - 05/06/98 22:40:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/2296
My Email:Deadpool182@yahoo.com
Planet of origin: Bizzaro planet
What did you come here for?: To find the Holy Grail
How many kinds of fish can you name?: 37
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Pep-O-Mint
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Bong Tiddle Tiddle Bing Bong~!
Don't type anything here.: Huzzah!

Huzzah! What a kick ass site. Check out the website, while not mine, it's still pretty cool. Chief? McCloud!

JoeCrow - 03/16/98 22:35:35
My URL:http://www.dvnc.net/crowthers
My Email:crowthers@dvnc.net
Planet of origin: Back-seat 54 Studabker
What did you come here for?: about 15 minutes
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Franklin
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Liddle Tibble Boo
Don't type anything here.: OK

Nice site Verm, I didn't know it was here. Not much of a novelty there though, I'm well aquainted with being disoriented....

DBCooper - 03/10/98 07:38:20
My URL:http://www.westworld.com/~johnston/mst3k/cst3k.shtml
My Email:johnston@westworld.com
Planet of origin: Reticuli 4
What did you come here for?: Enlightenment
How many kinds of fish can you name?: All - Fred, Max, Jill, Greg, Bozemer, Gary...
What is your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Malt Liquor
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: No thanks, i'm trying to cut down!
Don't type anything here.: The Feds are looking for me! Don't tell them I was here!

First, I'd like to thank everyone in the academy. Second, i'd like to thank me for being there when I needed me the most, not to mention all the people whom I had to crush to get here first. Oh, and my bowels thank me too.. No! Thank YOU!

Roland Hand - 02/01/98 18:34:22
My URL:I prefer the more traditional "Earl" spelling.
My Email:Only when necessary and please be careful.
Planet of origin?: One very much like this one except there are even more drive thru restaurants. Mmmmm, home sweet home.< r> What did you come here for?: I was drifting aimlessly and also looking for a shoe shine.
How many kinds of fish can you name?: I will gladly provide a name to any fish in need of a name for as long as there is breath in my body.
What's your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Nothing beats the enlightening flavor of parchment when you're thirsty for knowledge, my son.
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Probably not.

What do I win for not typing anything in the previous field ?

Adam Bozarth, again - 01/12/98 02:09:24
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~RobinsonAndNelson/mst.html
My Email:bozarth@adams.net
Planet of origin?: It WAS earth
What did you come here for?: To plug my web site.
How many kinds of fish can you name?: What kind of question is that? I'm huge! Oo ah ee no!
What's your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): mints are mince
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: What do you mean by that!? You don't care about me! No!
Don't type anything here.: Why?

Visit my web-site and book mark this one! Go on! Click it! Click it! Push the clicky-clicky thing! Weenie monkees!

BuckFifty - 01/10/98 16:31:48
My Email:buck50@efni.com
Planet of origin?: the planet of Dicken's Cider
What did you come here for?: Hard Core Nudity or Corn, whichever I find first
How many kinds of fish can you name?: Well I know Jaws, Flipper, Orca...wait a minute...
What's your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): Strawberrry...wait! NO, I mean...um, damn...should'a studied more
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: Walla Walla Bing Bang?
Don't type anything here.: Temptation too great...must type something here....ahhhhhhhh *volts of electricity course through Buck's body*

Ola amigo! Keep up the good work on the page! I'll be sure to check back and see how it's going. Now to look at my guesbook entry and see how huge it looks. Hmmm, wonder how THIS WILL LOOK (hee hee damn upper case letters)

Adam Bozarth - 01/05/98 01:35:02
My Email:bozarth@adams.net
Planet of origin?: Um, I didn't study. I'm sorry
What did you come here for?: my record
How many kinds of fish can you name?: maybe 10. Yeah ten. Definitly.
What's your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): The one the freshens my breath
Bing Tiddle Tiddle Bong?: I though that was illeagle.
Don't type anything here.: There, I didn't type the word "anything". Ah, CRAP!

Would you make the guestbook smaller? And tell me where my record is! Where is it?! Oh yeah, the Trumpmiester rules!

douglas jackson - 01/04/98 01:06:43
My Email:bonka@compuserve.com
Planet of origin?: mildew
What did you come here for?: cruising for molten wenches
How many kinds of fish can you name?: all of them
What's your favorite flavor mint? (Retsin counts.): disillusionmint