Ever heard an Aggie talk? Never really understood exactly what they were saying? Well, take a peek into the Aggie Dictionary, and then you'll be able to decipher that conversation!
A&M: Short for Texas A&M University. In the beginning, the letters stood for Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. Now the letters are merely part of the University’s tradition and history.
Aggie: A student, former student or supporter of Texas A&M University. It is derived from A&M’s agricultural heritage. Aggies are also referred to as farmers.
Aggie Code of Honor: Aggies follow a Code of Honor, which is stated in this very simple verse: “Aggies do not lie, cheat, or steal, nor do they tolerate those who do.”
Aggieland: Home of Texas A&M University.
Corps of Cadets: A military-oriented organization, which is the oldest student group on the A&M campus. Every year, Texas A&M commissions more officers for the armed forces than any other ROTC source in the nation.
Elephant Walk: The ceremony held every year the day before bonfire in which seniors gather in front of the Academic Building, form a single line and wander about the campus like old elephants seeking a secluded spot to end their days.
Fish: Aggie freshman.
Fish Camp: Freshman orientation camp held just before classes begin in the Fall. Provides overall introduction to Texas A&M.
Gig 'Em: One of many Aggie yells.
Howdy: Traditional Aggie greeting; a derivative of “hello”. Sometimes garbled to sound like “hahdy”. Aggies pride themselves on their friendliness and greet each other and visitors with a “Howdy” as they walk across campus.
Howdy Camp: An orientation camp designed for students entering A&M in the Spring semester.
Hullabaloo: First word in the Aggie War Hymn.
Humping It: Position taken by an Aggie when giving a yell. To do this, put your hands on your knees and bend forward at the waist.
Jollie Rollie: G. Rollie White Coliseum-houses volleyball.
Kyle Field: The football field for the Fightin' Texas Aggie Football Team and Home of the 12th Man.
Mt. Aggie: The practice ski slope that hosts ski classes and practice sessions before ski trips.
OCA: Off Campus Aggies.
Ol' Army: Like it "used to be" at A&M.
Quad: Where the Corps residence halls are located.
Redpots: Students responsible for coordinating the building of Bonfire. Wear hardhats or "pots".
R.V.'s: Ross Volunteers--members of the military honor company named for Lawrence Sullivan Ross, the oldest student organization in Texas.
Rush: Recruitment process used by fraternaties and sororities.
Sbisa: Pronounced "sa-bee-sa"; claims to be the largest dining hall on any college campus.
Scamming: The process of reviewing a person's attributes for the purpose of obtaining a date with that individual.
Sco-Pro: Scholastic Probation.
Shuttle Bus: The only way to travel to Texas A&M--besides, where can you park?
Sully:Statue of Lawrence Sullivan Ross, former Governor of Texas and former President of Texas A&M; in front of the academic building.
T-Camp: Orientation camp designed for students trasferring to A&M.
Tea-sip: Student at t.u.
t.u.: Aggie term for the University of Texas, that other school in Austin.
Twelfth Man: Aggies not actively engaged in an athletic event but who support the team.
Walk: When a class is cancelled, or professor doesn't show up.
Whoop: Aggie expression of approval.
Wildcat: Another Aggie expression of approval; each academic class has it's own wildcat (Whoop is for Juniors and Seniors).
Yell: Commonly known at other universities as a cheer.
Yell Leader: One who leads Yells and Yell Practice.
Yell Practice: Spirit session, which is held regularly during football season. Before home games, it is held at midnight on Kyle Field.

Texas A&M University
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