The Educational Society for Resource Management

APICS is an international organization that offers a full range of programs and materials on the latest business management concepts and techniques. APICS was founded in 1957, and since then its members have been at the forefront of management and manufacturing. The Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) program allows for the understanding of production and inventory control concepts and methods. APICS also offers the Certified in Integrated Resource Management (CIRM) education and self-assessment program. APICS sponsors affiliate student chapters on more than 170 university and college campuses across North America. I was a member and officer of the Texas A&M University Chapter.

Plant Tour: Shiner, Texas; Shiner Boch Brewery

APICS Conference '99: New Orleans

Congratulations Dr. Vokurka!
Texas A&M APICS sponsor, Dr. Robert Vokurka, was awarded the Romey Everdell Award for the article "Strategic Supply Chain Management" he co-authored with Dr. Rhonda Lummus of Central Missouri State University and Karen Alber of the Quaker Oats Co.

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