Things, what things ? Well, all the interesting things; facinating things; strange things; quirky things and even fortune telling things that I've collected are on this page. So book mark this page; make it your favourite page or you might miss somethings.

Doodles - Things You Draw When You Are "Unconscious"
Believe it or not ? The "Digrams of Unconscious" that you draw when you are not thinking can be your psychiatrists. They can actually be a useful insight into your personality, revealing you fears, hopes, ambitions, and dreams.
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Jokes - Medicine of Life
It wouldn't hurt to have a few laughs now and then. In fact, it actually keeps the doctor away if you have 3 big laughs each day. So, would you like to take on the challenge ? Here is the collection of jokes collected from world wide web around the world.
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Naming and Horoscope - Fortune Telling
Have you ever wonder why you are smarter than others; dumber than others; or just naturally born leader ? Could it have somethings to do with your name or even the year you were born ? Well, not sure ? Here are some common first names that you can explore and be intrigued about.
Brandon Bronwen Cheng Deng Heng Hui
Jeffry Kelvin Leng Micheal Paul Paulus
Peter Quan Robert Thanh Toni Veng
Vincence Vincent
More, please - Chinese horoscope.
Shares - Australian Stock Exchange
Interest in making a few quick dollars or have a few dollars in your pocket to spare but do not know how to start ? Well, the links in this section will link you to the right places where you will be provided with necessary informations to do so.
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