Full name: Nickolas Gene Carter
Nickname: Chaos, Frack ,MrHyperman
Birthdate: Jan. 28, 1980
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Birth place: Jamestown, New York
Place of residence: Orlando, Florida
Family: Jane, Bob, sisters B.J., Leslie,twins
Aaron and Angel, half sister Virginia (Ginger)
6' 2"
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond
Sports: basketball, football, scuba
Pets: three cats, two dogs
Favorite past time: play drums, play
Nintendo PlayStation, poetry, drawing cartoons
Favorite color: green
Favorite food: cheese pizza, McDonald’s
Favorite music: Nirvana, Journey, Boyz
II Men, Michael Jackson
Favorite drink: Coke
Favorite movie: Aliens
Favorite T.V. show: Mad About You,
Favorite movie star: Sigourney Weaver
Favorite cologne: Gravity
Favorite type of girl: someone who'd
play Nintendo with him, somebody who's got a kind heart
When he is alone with a girl: He likes
to go slow, enjoying the moment. When Nick becomes affectionate, time seems
to stop.
What he likes the most: Kissing and
to be softly kissed on the lips and neck.
What he dislikes: Fast caresses
When he kisses… He almost always closes
his eyes. He says it is due to shyness.
A caress that drives him crazy: That
girl touch his hair softly as if they were massaging it.To him, his hair
is the sexiest part of his body and he likes that the girl who is with
him shares that feeling.
He also likes: The girl’s navel and
if they have any piercing or tattoos it is more exciting!
He likes to start with: A sweet, intense
and long embrace, those that are able to fuse two souls into one “It is
the best way to break the ice”, he says.
His favorite sensation: The hug mentions
before but under water
His intimate dream: Make love in space
His strongest confession: “I’m no expert in sex. But I think that if there
it is love, then the technique is the least that matters”
With or without lights? Without, but
with some candles light in order to see something and create a romantic
Always in silence: He does not like
talking in between kisses. He prefers to say it all in a look.
He doesn’t like: The hurries and being
kissed in public or kissing a girl who smells like she has been smoking.
“I do not like to kiss ashtrays”