Welcome to the Biehn Ring homepage!

The Biehn Ring is a group of Michael Biehn fan sites around the Web, linked together in a circular fashion. You can travel a ring in either direction, either jumping to the next site or previous site in the ring; you can also jump to a random site in the ring, or simply get a list of all pages in the loop.

On this page, you can find:


Membership Requirements

Membership is open to

Joining the Ring

  1. Click here to access the Michael Biehn Ring Navigation page (will open in a new window) and click on the "Join This Ring" button near the top right-hand corner of the page.

  2. You will be prompted for your Yahoo! ID if you're currently not logged on to the Yahoo! system. If you are a registered member with Yahoo!, sign in with your ID and password to proceed. If you are new to Yahoo!, you will have to sign up for a Yahoo! account before you can join the Ring. Simply follow Yahoo!'s instructions to sign up and log on.

  3. Once you're logged on, click the "Join Ring" button.

  4. Provide your site URL, name, and description. Remember to read all instructions on the page.

  5. On submitting your site information, your site will be placed on the Ring's queue. A Ring navigation system has to be installed on your site before it can be added to the Ring. Instructions for doing this will come in two emails.

  6. The first email will be an automated email sent by Yahoo! about installing their new Server-Side Navigation Bar (SSNB) on your site. If you like the look of the SSNB, go ahead and follow those instructions, then email me to let me know that the SSNB has been installed (remember to include your site info). If you should prefer the old Ring table (as seen at the bottom of this page), however, please HOLD ON to that automated email (don't delete it) and watch out for the second email.

  7. The second email will be a personalised one sent by me, with instructions on how to install the old Ring table (these instructions are reproduced below). Follow the instructions, then email me once you're done (again, be sure to include your site info in your message).

  8. After checking out your page for Michael Biehn content and the required Biehn Ring navigation system, your page will be added to the Ring. You should then receive an email informing you that you've been added.

  9. Congratulations! You're done!

Editing your site info

  1. Go to Yahoo! Webring and sign in with your Yahoo! ID and password.

  2. Click on "My Rings" at the top right-hand corner of the page. You will then see a list of all the Rings you're a member of.

  3. Click on "Manage Site" for the entry you want to edit.

  4. Make the changes and submit them. Note that there may be a brief delay before Yahoo! WebRing updates your site info.

Installing the original Biehn Ring table

  1. Take note of the SSNB URL emailed to you by Yahoo! WebRing on submitting your site to the Ring. The URL should start off looking something like this:
    From this URL, note down your site ID (in this example, the site ID is 123).

  2. Save the two Biehn Ring images you see at the bottom of this page to the same folder as your Michael Biehn page.

  3. Copy and paste the following code onto your Michael Biehn page:

  4. Where the code says YOUR_NAME, YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, and YOUR_SITE_ID (6 occurrences), change these to your name, email address, and the site ID which you have noted down in Step 1.

  5. You're done!

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This webring is made possible by WebRing

BiehnRing created: 15 Sep 1997
Last modified: 14 Dec 2000
Access Log since 14 Jul 99: