StarChild's Fic Reccs Return to Homepage
No I don't write - I can play with images lots and turn people completely upside down in my wallpapers but no i can't write. Anything I write comes out as utter rubbish. So here's my little tribute to those who CAN and DO write - from someone who reads waaay too much fanfic for her own good. I've read lots of amazing fic and decided i needed to save them before i lost them completely in the backwash of the internet - so without further ado - the resulting list of links...
The Aeryn Years Compilation Series [G to PG-13] -- by aeryncrichton, Atana_Mirtai, birthsister, huzzlewhat, CrystalMoon, imloco2, KernilCrash, orchidcactus, PKAmmoTroop, ScapeArtist, UCSBdad, wiscaper, Shipscat
Spoilers: Anything up to and including The Locket.
Starchild Says:
A series of stories by many different authors dealing with Aeryn's time on the favored planet (The Locket) filling in the 160 cycles of her life not shown in the episode. Each story is amazing in its own right - highly recommended!
DeEvolution [ Part 1] [Part 2: The Resurrection of Man] [PG] -- by Speedbump
Author's Summary: Ok, I'm going on the assumption that John was somewhere around 35 when he got spectacularly lost in the Farscape module. Hopefully I'm not too far off on that. This should only be a two parter, but may end up three. I know where I'm going with it (it's DONE in my head) I just have to have time to get it down. This is your basic 'let's get John really lost and separated from the others for a loooooong time and watch how he DeEvolves into the ultimate survival machine.' In other words, it's NOT SACCER fare. Sorry crew!
Starchild Says:
I actually read Part Two of this first but together they make a very powerful, raw story. I like it!
In the Company of Ghosts [R] -- by KodiakkeMax
Part 1: The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies
Author's Summary: A mere moment, passing unnoticed. A choice, unremarkable in a daily web of choices. And thus two Prowlers, two pilots . and two very different destinations
Spoilers: Everything through "Lambs to the Slaughter, Part 2: In the Lion's Den".
Part 2: Escape Velocity
Author's Summary: A sequel to P1: The Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. John Crichton and Captain Aeryn Sun meet again. All hezmana breaks loose.
Spoilers: References to the final four of Season 3
Part 3: Effects at Perihelion
Author's Summary: *Peri-he-lion (n): The point in the path of a celestial body that is nearest to the sun.*
Spoilers: References through 322
Starchild Says:
A story of epic proportions - It proceeds to rewrite farscape history in an 'alternate universe' version of all the farscape episodes and then... well, you'll have to read to find out. I WILL admit that I'm rather partial to epic tales but this is one AU story that'll be hard to put down (unless its 4 am and way past your bedtime *grin*)
I juz link to their stories but here are the sites where you'll spend hours of happy reading: Here's a list of great Farscape archive sites
Star Trek: Voyager
Connect the P/T dots -- Barbara Watson
#1 Barriers [Part 1] [Part 2]
#2-5 Dreams & Nightmares [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
#6-8 Ranks and Rationalisations [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
#9-10 Vulcans and Other Strangers [Part 1] [Part 2]
#11-12 Balance and Imbalance [Part 1]
[Part 2]
#13 Friendly Fire [Part 1]
Author's Summary: A canon-consistent history of “the longest flirtation in Starfleet history...”
Spoilers: Progressively along the seasons
Starchild Says:
Well-written prose with interesting events that "fill-in" what we don't see onscreen with regards to the P/T romance - warning: each part comes out very slowly, but they're well worth the wait!
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Oswiecim [PG-13] -- by Gabrielle Lawson
Author's Summary: Shall I whet your appetite? A Klingon ship with Cardassian registry runs at the station and then veers off toward Earth. The Defiant must follow, unknowingly carrying a changeling infiltrator. Just as the ship nears Earth, it changes course and heads right for the sun: a trip that takes it four centuries into the past. The Defiant, again, must follow, to insure the timeline is secure. Don't let that fool you. It's not what the story is about. Two hints: the title--Oswiecim, and the year they go back to--1943. (And it was annouced as the winner for alt.startrek.creative's Best DS9 Story for 1998 and an Honorable Mention from Fan Q 1999.)
Starchild Says:
Amazing novel-length story. This is one you won't be able to put down. Check out the author's other stories, mostly Bashir-related HERE
And here are the Trek Archive sites
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