Romeo and Juliet Pictures, News and Links
Romeo and Juliet Pictures, News and Links
Good 'morrow
News from Verona
Name and email address should be at the bottom of any message you send me by email!
News-June 15, 2000
Paul Rudd and Me
I saw Paul Rudd in London in a play called A SHAPE OF THINGS. After the play, I got his autograph and a picture with him! I also met Gretchen Mol and Rachel Weiss (from the MUMMY and MUMMY Returns) and goth their autographs. They were all in the play together!
News-Sept. 3rd, 2000
Yes, Jessie Bradford plays Cliff in the movie "Bring it On"! The movie was very good and recommend those young and old to see it!
News-August 29th, 2000
Well, I am back from a summer break from the TV, computer and reality, but no..I was NOT on survivor! I lived and worked in Florida! Anyways, if you have any Romeo and Juliet related ?'s, email me at
News-June 1st, 2000
Geocities delected one of my web pages that had many pictures for the Titanic web site! So, I really don't have as many pictures for Titanic nor Romeo and Juliet.
I won't have access to a computer or email until the end of August. If you have comments or questions, please go to other Titanic web sites. If you are a fan of Romeo and Juliet, you can check out my Romeo and Juliet 1968 site that is on this GeoCities account also.
News-April 12th, 2000
Titanic Pictures are not working, so don't email me and tell me that!!
News-March 35th, 2000
Romeo and Juliet adaptation ROMEO MUST DIE opened this weekend and I saw it!
News-Sept 10th, 1999
This is just a little bit of news that someone might be interested in. When I
was in New York at the end of June I went to a taping of TRL (a show on MTV).
Actually I just stood outside the studio. I didn't know who the guest for
that day would be until this girl told me that John "Tybalt" Leguizamo was
going to be on to promote Summer of Sam. My sister and I freaked. We were so
excited. We saw him from the window and he waved to us all. After the show
was over, we went to the door to see if we could maybe catch him as he was
coming out. He was standing right on the other side of the glass door! We
went in the building and went up to him. I just blurted out "I love you!" and
he said "Thank you very much" and shook my hand and asked me my name. Some
lady took a picture of my sister and I with him. He put his arm around me! I
would put the picture up, but I don't have a scanner. He was so nice. He's
really short in real life. Anyway, that's my story. I met Tybalt.
News-August 24th, 1999
I uploaded the song Exit Music from Radiohead's CD OK Computer. "Exit Music" is the song played during the credits to Romeo and Juliet 1996. If you don't own Radiohead's OK Computer, buy it. I am listening to the CD as I update and it is my best CD investment.
Hey, Jenny002 informed me that Alanis Morisette's new video for her song "So Pure" has Dash Mihok (Benvolio in R + J) in it. He is in the whole video. Pretty cool and he looks so good. BTW, Dash is in the new George Clooney movie called "Three Kings."
Jamie Kennedy (Sampson in R + J) is the cameraman in the Steve Martin/Eddie Murphy flick "Bowfinger." I haven't seen Bowfinger yet, so if anyone me.
Added some Mp3's to Romeo and Juliet 1968 page. Go check em out!!
News-June 2, 1999
About two weeks ago, I ventured to England. I visited Shakespeare's birthplace. I saw the room he was born, furniture within the house and other posessions cherished by William Shakespeare and his family.
While in England, I was looking for merchandise related to Romeo and Juliet. The only thing I found was a picture of Leonardo DiCaprio in the 1996 movie during the wedding scene. I will have to frame the picture that I bought for only 1pound.
Maria has sent me two new Romeo and Juliet 1968 photos and two photos from Leonard Whiting's movie Frankenstein. They are posted in the pictures section.
With the success of the movie Shakespeare in Love, I believe I am getting many more visits. Shakespeare is hot in the movies. I believe it all started with Romeo and Juliet 1996, then came out 30th Anniversary rerelease of Romeo and Juliet 1968 on video. Last year's release of Shakespeare in Love and presently A Mid Summer's Night Dream.
BTW, I saw Star Wars last weekend. Before the movie, I saw a short preview of The Beach starring of course Leonardo DiCaprio. I also saw a preview of Brokendown Palace starring Claire Danes. Afterwards, I saw Notting Hill. After being in Notting Hill, England two weeks ago, I reall enjoyed this movie. Just about two weeks ago, I was walking around Kensington Palace (former residence of the late Diana, Princess of Wales) and Notting Hill. I notice some familiar site in the movie.
John Lequizamo was in the People magazine in the Star Wars preimere section. Tybalt (I mean John) was holding a light saber.
I heard you can download Star Wars Ep 1 on the I wish I could download Romeo and Juliet onto my computer.
I will shut up now, but if you have any comments...fell free to email.
News-June 1, 1999
I'm a R+J fan and i live in Belgium.
It impossible to find the RNJ cd-rom.
Do you know where I can buy it?
--- Laurent
You have a great web page on Romeo & Juliet 1968. I saw that movie when I was 14 & I couldn't believe what an
impact it had on me! (My mom said I was totally obsessed with that movie - any looking back, I was!) Even
though it's been 30 years since then, your page brings back a flood of memories. I especially like the montage of
pictures youv'e put in right before the "Pictures" section. I have many pictures that I would love to display like that
as a screen saver, but I don't know how to do it. Can you tell me how you did that? Or, do you let people copy
your montage? Also, I have a 4-volume record set of the entire soundtrack that my dad bought me in 1969. It
came with a beautiful red-cover 46 pg. book with the entire dialog from the movie, all encased in an dark
Italian-looking cover with gold scrolling all over it. Have you ever come across anyone else having that set? I've
looked at alot of the merchandise that is out there on the web, but I've never seen it advertised. I'm not interested
in selling it, I was just curious if anyone else had one. Thanks for all the great Romeo & Juliet information.
I really like your adorable website! Iīve seen the movie several times
and I love it!
As I am a costumer I would like to recreate some of Julietīs gowns from
the movie. What I wanted to ask you is if you could help me with finding
some good pics of the costumes, especially of the red ballgown Juliet
wears to the ball at her home and of the dress she has on while she
waits for her nurse to return from Romeo. It would be so kind if you
could help me!
from Germany
I saw Shakespeare in Love recently. I liked a peom which was said on the movie but
could not memorise it all. It went: what good is light if I don't see
Verona, What good is be if Verona is not by.........etc. Please let me
know where can I find the full text of this peom on the internet.
---Mr Nedal Al-Omari from Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
News-March 2, 1999
I've visited your web pages "The Music of Romeo and Juliet 1968" and .
They are very nice and I like your work.
But you did not include the song: "What is a Youth" in there. If you
have the CD of that sound track you can convert it to the MP3 format
using CD grabber software and Include it in your web site. If you do
that please send me a copy. I'm looking for it everywhere and could not
find it.
--- Sandaruwan
I'm from the UK. I heard on a British cable channel " Trouble" that there
are plans to make another Romeo and Juliet film. The lead singer Kelly Jones
of British band "Stereophonics" has been approached to play Romeo but is
unable to because of other commitments. It's a really shame cause he is so
Anyhow please continue to maitain the best R & J site on the web.
Your Romeo And Juliet Links and news site is incredible! You have no
idea how many times I visited it! I went more than 3 times a week in the
last year and a half. There is always something new to check out, it's so
much fun! I absoluetly love Romeo and Juliet, and Leo is the greatest
actor! I Love him, yes for his incredibly hot appearence, but also for
his incredible talent. Continue your great work, I love to know that
theres someone like you out there who cares about what we wanna see. I
noticed that in the original version, Romeo kills Paris to go with
Juliet, do you think the 95 version sould've included that scene? Is
Mercutio a Capulet or just a family friend (Romeo's best friend?)!
I come from Montreal, Canada and I just want to say you that you have the most
wonderful site on the web! I just can't tell you how many times I've went in the Romeo
and Juliet 1968 page, it's just beautiful! I've just bought the Romeo and Juliet 1968
soundtrack at CD NOW in about 5 min.
If you want to share this passion for this famous movie, just write to me at
I was watching MTV today and I saw Dru Hill's video for "These are the
Times"... it was exactly the story of "Man in the Iron Mask"...right down to
the costumes, etc... I knew it was directly modeled off the movie when I saw
the end scene... the "good" twin in the iron mask is revealed and the "bad"
king walks around him with an evil stare- just like Leo did in the movie. I
thought it was pretty awesome. Just thought I'd share that, no real reason. :)
Hello, Iīm from Uruguay.
I want to buy the Romeo and Juliet 1968 video.
Please, can you tell me where do I find the tape on the Internet?
I just wanted to tell you the worst news i have ever heard in my life!!!
I think it's for good this time.... NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
News-January 17, 1999

DASH LIVES!! I just saw THE THIN RED LINE at the movie theater last night and Dash Mihok is in the movie. Remember Dash played Benvolio in R and J! Well, here is a picture above of Dash (far right) in the movie. THE THIN RED LINE web site sucks, and so does the movie!
Though, I did find a photo or two. Dash is in many of the scenes as Private Doll and I think he is the real star in the film.
Here are some more Pictures of Dash:
Dash being interviewed at THE THIN RED LINE premiere party.
Dash being interviewed at THE THIN RED LINE premiere party. #2
Great photo of Dash
Also, another star related to Romeo and Juliet in the film is Jared Leto.
Remember Jared Leto played Claire Danes' love interest in MY SO-CALLED LIFE! Here is a pictures of him.
Anyways, if you are going to see THE THIN RED LINE since George Clooney is in not go. Clooney is in the movie for 2 minutes at the must have been on the movie set for a day! Though, if you want to see Dash...go see THE THIN RED LINE.
More DASH news! Dash stars in the movie TELLING YOU! For more Dash news visit: Dash Mihok
I stumbled upon yours "Romeo and Juliet" site. I was so happy to find so
much information about Franco Zeferrelli's 1968 movie classic.
I saw it for the first time in the begining of the 80's as a apart of
our English Literature educations and fell immediatly and madly in love
with this movie. It has been my all time favorite and I have seen it
many times since then. Nevertheless, it still casts a magical spell on
Also, Olivia Hussey has always been my favorite actress and I used to
look forward to the reruns of "Jesus of Nazareth" for eastern and the
lovely "Ivanhoe" for Christmas, back in Europe.
Thank you for suppling us fans with information about this Shakespeare
romantic melodrama. You have done a great job.
News-January 10, 1999
If you would like to bid on the above poster, please visit Ebay at: Romeo & Juliet 1969 Poster (from the 1968 movie).
I recently purchased this poster from "flashback" and the poster is very pretty and a wonderful addition to your Romeo and Juliet collection!!
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