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Angela Millie
I've known her for...... well, since grade 11. She's kind of a cool person to know, I mean, she always keeps her cool. She was my locker partner in high school, and at first she was kind of hard to get to, but by God's grace, I made it through the 1 1/2 year with her!! :) Ha ha.... just joking, k, ange? Anyway, I'm really glad that at least I got 1 good friend in high school. Thanks for being my friend, ange! Millie is one of my close friends I made in UBC chml gang. She has this unbelievable talent of doing two things at the same time: school and party! One of the hardest working people I know, and also one of the greatest party animal. Really, how she managed to enjoy life so much and yet still get fantastic grades. Hats off to you, sweetie pie!
Jay Cal
Jay here is a great guy with a keen sense of the business world. I always thought he was in the wrong field! Should've been in the business faculty, dude! I'm looking forward to hear the news of him going into MBA. Cal is one of my cousins from the Cheng family. The oldest among the three crazy boys. Speaking of cousins, I have quite a few of them in Vancouver.
Jedi Winston a.k.a LJ
A friend I made on the net. He's from SFU, same as Ange. This is the brother of my good friend from Brisbane, Australia. Only got to know him better after I left Australia.
Pang Yen Kit Meng
He has many nicknames, so I don't know what to call him except his real name. Ranging from Kopi, allegator, k a n g to rose garden. Hmmm...... A very interesting guy, with a wacky sense of humour. One of the UBC alumni working here in Singapore. A Malaysian, if I remember correctly. We met, along with a few other alumni at one and only one function we've had so far in Singapore. I'm really sorry that we haven't had another gathering after that 8 a.m. breakfast.

Last Updated: January 24, 1999

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