Gabriel Damon > News and Updates

This is where you'll want to check for any new news on Gabriel, or to see when the last update was made on this site.

Last Update: April 18, 2000

    Gabriel's latest movie now has a website here. We didn't see a release date for the film, but the site is still under construction at the moment.

    For those who are curious, the movie is about a group of misguided teens. Their parents send them off to some sort of rehabilitation institution for help. With only one councillor, the twelve teens are confined together for 48 hours, and things start going wrong.

    Jason (Gabe's character), aka "Misfit #2", is a 16 year old caucasion, white supremist with a tempramental, sarcastic personality. Here's the trailer:

    What happens when you force, 2 Skinheads, 2 Latino Gangsters, 1 Pro-Black African American, A Nympho, A Pyro, A Klepto, A Little girl who believes she can fly, A Drug Runner, A Suicidal, and only 1 Mediator, to be together in, 1 Cell For 48 Hours?

March 2, 2000

    Added a new Link today. It's a fan site that has several pictures of Gabriel in Bayou Ghost.

    Oh, since this question seems to be getting asked a lot lately... No, we do not know if Gabe is married or not. We have no contact with him, so his relationship status is unknown.

February 3, 2000

    If you haven't already heard, Gabe will be appearing in a movie titled Social Misfits which is due to air this year. We've done some looking around, but all we've found out so far is that Gabe will be playing the character of Jason. As of right now, we do not know when it will premiere, or even what the plot is (the Internet Movie Database is the only site we've found with any information, and all they have is a bit of a cast-listing). We'll keep you posted when we get more news.

    However, in the course of scrounging around, we did discover that Gabe appeared in a Blues Traveller music video (which neither of us have seen) called "Mountain Wins Again". Obviously, then, we've updated the Filmography section of the site to include these items.

January 13, 2000

    As promised, there is a new story up in the Inspiration section. Enjoy!

January 9, 2000

    Well, the world didn't end (what a surprise). Missy here, and I finally managed to get back on my feet after falling off of the face of the planet... Anyhow, fans seem to like the story I posted *blushes* and have expressed interest in reading anything else I have done. If you're one of them, click here.

    Now that the shameless self-promotion is over with, we should hopefully be getting another story in soon (yeah!). Until then...

November 15, 1999

    There is now a piece of artwork in the Drawings section, submitted by Drakelah.

November 7, 1999

    A short story was added to the Inspiration. Just got tired of that area of the page being so empty, so Missy dusted off an old story of her's and posted it.

    Remember, if you have any kind of Gabe-oriented fan work (drawings, stories, poems...), we'd love to post them. Anything based on one of his movies works as well (written any Newsies fan fiction lately?).

October 26, 1999

    Ok, finally got around to checking on the previous updates (took long enough, ne?), but we can't seem find the links that we had been trying to add. We'll try and hunt those up sometime soon for you. Did go through and fix a couple of typos and whatnot. Not that that's a big deal.

    It's a little early, but have a Happy Halloween, Merry Samhain, El Dia de Los Muertos muy Feliz, and all that jazz for whatever holiday you happen to be celebrating ^_^

July 15, 1999

    Added some more Links for your viewing enjoyment. A couple are to sites with lots of pictures, one is a fan site with Bayou Ghost stuff, and the last is a site that lets you know when Gabe's movies/guest appearances will be on TV.

    Also, we added a few more items to the F.A.Q. and altered the setup of the Email a bit. Not much, really, but it will hopefully make keeping up with our mail a bit easier for us.

    Lastly, corrected a couple of goofs on the Filmography. Thanks for noticing our mistakes!

July 12, 1999

    Well, the new site is now up and running! We hope you enjoy it. Sorry about the delay... the rennovating took longer than we origionally thought.

    About Bayou Ghost, that page with some information is here. If you wish to buy the movie, go here.

    Going to the Newsies Rally (we really wish we could!)? Maybe you just want to make some very last minute plans. Well, go to this site for info and even t-shirts (btw, you don't need to be at the Rally to get a t-shirt).