Gabriel Damon > Email
Have some new info, a new link you want us to look at, or a question that you would like an answer to? We'll be happy to hear from you. However, please remember that all information we have on Gabe is somewhere on this site. We don't know anything else. Be sure that you've read the Fast Facts and the F.A.Q. sections to make sure that you aren't asking us something that could be answered by simply checking out one of those sections (since that's where most of the answers seem to be). Thank you, as that will help us keep up with the emails and get responses out quicker!
One final note to remember: Gabriel does not have access to this email address. Any mail sent is recieved by the webmistresses, not the man himself. The only method we know of contacting him is via the snail-mail address given elsewhere on this site.
You can email us at: