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These pages are dedicate to all thats use the web as a middle of comunication. Meanly through chats which allow a interactive contact between theier users. New friends, without nacionality frontiers, races apart, or others forms of discrimination are made. The chats are in the net, however it's provided of others middles of comunication as the email, the resource with most chances offers to make relatioship among theier users. In these days as the comunications change the world in "the little global village" seens strange to us to believe that the man becomes more isolated than ever in your little insid world. This new possibility of comunication give the chance of one overture for the others, allowing us to talk without the problems normally encountered in a conversation with fisic contact, where there are very barriers hard to be crossed. The chats allows this way out for the lonely, which encounters one mean for to be in contact with the others, a psychological support. But, leting apart this aspects which concerns more to the psychology students, let's concentrate in the chat practical subjects which is our main interest.
The chat have your own language, basically formed by the country's language where the conversation is made ( english in your majority ) with the add of some symbols for time economy in digitation. Nowadays the majority of chats has voice and images possibilities with the use of a pc sound board, a microphone and a camera. If you use only the keyboard, you can use these symbols to replace face expressions (small icons with expressions of hapiness, unhapiness, indifference, etc) and you can see all then in the faces page. BTW (By The Way) with the time economy purpose are used abbreviations of the most usual words.
This neologism denominate the behaviour to be followed by all Web users. The chat as Web part must follow the same rules. It's quite clear that the social conduct rules are all applicable here. Some easy rules to be followed: - You must choose a nickname for your personnel identification in the chat's room. Once you did, don't change it because you never will be known by the chatters if you are always changing it. - You don't expect that somebody talk to you in the first time that you enter in a chat room. For this reason as soon you enter in the room, say hi for everybody, this is a pretty way to start a conversation. - Using the keyboard don't type in CAPITAL letters. Capital letters in the chat means that you are yelling with somebody (unless you wish yell with somebody !)
The web are plenty of resources to chat. The chat rooms, IRC ( internet relay chat ), the communication programs wich enable the voice transfer in real time are some of these resources. In the majority of chat rooms you don't need any special resource to talk. Just fill your nickname or real name and you are in. In some chats you need a software for to be connected (The Palace, PowWow, etc). IRC allows you to "talk" via your keyboard to another person or many others persons at the same time. An IRC client ( program ) will connect to an IRC server where there may be many different discussion groups on just about any topic imaginable and there may be many channels within each topic. The IRC is claimed to be a very anarchy place and in reality, for many channels it's true. But, if you choose an appropriate channel, where the things are more organized, the fun is guarantee!
If you dominate the English language, or is natural of some English-speaking country, should already have been noticing clearly that my English is very bad. I ask at one time for forgiveness and help in the correction of my mistakes, thanks in advance! Besides that, if you have critics and suggestions please email me:

Note that this email adress is a image only, not a link. Please clike here and change the adress in accordance with the adress in the image. Sorry by the inconvenience that this can cause but is to avoid junk email.