What's Going On at HammRadio
- Greatest
Pro Wrestler of all Time-
Pro Wrestling hits
the cover of Newsweek. TV Guide.
ESPN Magazine. Articles in TIME,
SPIN, and all sorts of newspapers.
Go to Wrasslin' Express to find out.
Don't forget to vote
for the Wrestler of the Century!!!
is Bringing Back Jell-o Pudding Pops
the newest feature of HammRadio, where we
try to bring back products that you miss.
Click here to visit the HammRadio
Bring Back... Page
SOC Network
has now decided to take a tip from Mark
McGwire and save the children of our
world. Too many monsters have taken the
lives of children and on the way made
their lives such hell that death was
almost welcome.
more. As we try to Entertain and Inform
our readers, we will also be trying to
make a difference. Anyone willing to help.
Anyone with the guts.
Please e-mail me at hammradio@xoom.com
HammRadio Save Our Children is currently
under construction. Bookmark this site, http://members.xoom.com/hammradio and come back after the
holidays to find something new.
HammRadio and CDNow Partners????
favorite web-site now connects you to your
favorite CD's
Everyone here
at HammRadio would like to welcome the world's
premier on-line music store to the best web-site
on the net. If you need a CD, don't go to the
store, go to CDNow.
If you'd like
to search CDNow or if you like to buy certain
artists, please go to HammRadio's CDNow Page.
and Amazon.com Partners, too???
Everyone here
at HammRadio would like to welcome the world's
premier on-line book store to the best web-site
on the net. If you need a book, don't go to the
store, go to Amazon.com.
Updated: Monday, October 11, 1999 02:01:54 AM
HammRadio's E-MAIL LIST

About HammRadio
Welcome to Ham Radio.
The newest Web-zine dedicated to critiques of all media.
From Howard Stern to Don Imus; from Al Bundy to Al Gore;
From Tommy & Pamela Lee to Snoop Doggy Dog &
Warren G; From Star Wars to the Strategic Defense
Initiative; From Bob Costas to Greg Kinnear; From Rosie O'Donnell
to Chris O'Donnell; David and Jay; Ricki and Oprah;
Geraldo and O.J. Click here for link page.
Enter the World of HammRadio
sister Publications
I have a second web-page
that you are welcome to visit. It is also under
construction, but it will have interesting features and
fun. If you have any suggestions for the sight, please
let me know.
Visit one of the largest
market research firms. TNS
Intersearch Corporation.
© 1996-1998, 1999 by
HammRadio, inc a division of Cunningham Communication Productions. All written material on this site is the
property of Mike Cunningham and any arguments to that
fact are silly. Images on this site are taken from the
web and considered public domain, unless copyrights are
clearly indicated on the picture itself. If you find any
images on this space to be in dispute, please notify us
at hammradio@hotmail.com. Thanks for visiting HammRadio.
You are
visitor , since September 9, 1996.

Contact Us
hamradio@geocities.comThank's for visiting!! E-mail me and let me
know what # visitor you are, I'd like to hear from you.
hammradio@hotmail.com Contact this address if you find any
problems are bad links or any other questions that are
not about editorial content.
Black Ice A
page dedicated to Roller Hockey. Real nice look,
interesting subject. Rated A by the HammRadio link
rating board. Also a GEOLINK.
Hey another Philly Page.
Go visit Neville's Philly Home Page. It's Stone Cold... And that's the Bottom
Line because HammRadio said so!!!!
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