Wonderful World of Links
This link page will continue to grow. Most of the following links are places that I like to follow. Recently, I messed around with my bookmarks and lost a whole bunch of cool places to visit... With this page... I can always have a back-up.
Many of these links I have reviewed so that you have a sense
of what youre about to click. I have no intention to sell
you anything with any of these links. This is a Free Web Page From GEOCITIES and
I cannot have advertising on my site, but others might, so be
Some of these links may endorse certain philosophies, products, ideas, images that the web-site publishes. However, it must be noted that I am not responsible for any of the sites, nor the information, images, photos, and etc. therein. If you are offended by any material in any way, please voice your opinions to the webmasters of each site. Do not take it up with me. I provide the door, you must open it. I will try to give explicit details of the web-sites so that youre aware of anything that you might find offensive! But I will not act as parent for you. You must do that for yourself, or your children.
I have specially marked my
neighboors at GEOCITIES. These Geolinks get priority only because
of my communal ideals. There will also be specially marked pages
of individuals who have helped me pave my way on the Information
If you have a home page that you would like featured and reviewed feel free to E-Mail me. Or if there is a page on the net that you think I should check out, let me know, as well! I ask that you consider my page for review and/or link on your page.
[Cover Links] [Campaign 96] [Film Links] [Television Links] [Radio Links] [Print Media] [Music Links]
[Friends of HammRadio] [JFK links] [Sports Links] [Wrestling Links]
[Take ACTION] [Babe Links] [Other Links]
Philadelphia Sports Headquarters!!!! Do you want to get the
latest in Philly Sports? Well this is the only place!
Boulevard featuring Mike Cunningham, another Cunningham
Communications & Productions creation
David Letterman --
The Late Show.
Lakeat Sony Pictures Television
Al Bundyand his
place of business.
Dennis Miller
Ranting and Raving.
Gore24 hours a day. The office of the President of the
Information Superhighway.
for President of RapSnoop Doggy Dogg.
Star Wars -- Episode One: The
Phantom Menace is on it's way in 1999. Stay Tuned to HammRadio
and StarWars.com for all the latest info.
Chris ODonnell
-- Holy Rusted Metal, Batman!!
Howard Stern -- The Interactive
King Of All Media Newsletter Web Site
Brown's Movie Page...Current movie reviews.
These links taken from a
Neighbor. Visit Them.Return to
Visual FX page
Visit these Cool Star Trek
![]() |
The Official Star Trek Web Site | ![]() |
Radio and RecordsOnline.
Friggin 'Howard Stern Stuff' Home Page
The Interactive King Of All Media
Newsletter Web Site
WDEL -- A Delaware
Radio station with a Real Audio broadcast!!!
original Radio/TV Dial Pages (* & more)......by Michael Lewis
98.5 KRZ FM -- Scranton,
Wilkes-Barre, Hazleton, PA
Philadelphia Newspapers --
The Daily News and the Inquirer.
To Pathfinder-- Home of Time Magazine and Entertainment
these Comic Strip related sites!!
Garfield | Dilbert | Rubes or e-mail @ mailto:rubes@csiway.com |
United Features Syndicate | Nancy | Creators Syndicate |
E-Mail your Favorite Comics!
Frank and Ernest | Rose is Rose | |
Concert Tours Database
Pollstar Search for your
favorite artists tour dates in your city.
CHALLENGE rated the #1 most fun (and largest) trivia system
on the web.
Mellencamp -- press release
Prince -- Excuse me the
Artist Formerly Known As Prince -- (love4oneanother.com).
INDEX -- Midnight Oil Web Page
ultimate band list Search for your favorite bands web
Visit a neighbors great page.
7 Mary 3
Web Site.
My friend used to be in this band.... I haven't seen their new
look yet!
The Official LIVE Fan Club Page!!!
to Intersearch Corporation --My Company
NetReach -- My Internet
service provider
Cyberdelphia --
an Eagles Mailing List member with a great page!!!!
Black Ice -- Designed my GeoCities Banner. If
you like Roller Hockey check this page out. The page looks great.
Some neat features. A real treat of a page!! A
Ariel and SweetAPPLEs
Web Page -- This is a true 90s love story
Has a whole bunch of links and describes them for you. Basically, an advertisement for a couple of related books, but it does have some good links. Nice look too!! A-
JFK Library
index of material
Got some free time? Comprehensive listing. Done by the library of course. Try to be aware of what youre searching for specifically.... you could get lost. By the way, if you ever visit Boston, you must add the JFK library to your list of places to visit along side Fenway Park, Cheers, U.S.S. Constitution, etc. you wont be disappointed! B
The Kennedy
Assassination Home Page
Believe Oswald acted alone? Well, you can visit Marquette
Universitys John McAdams and hell tell you about it.
Organized, well-documented, good resource, for arguement.A-
AssassinationHome Page
Neat looking. Well-Organized. B+
Philadelphia Sports Headquarters!!!!
Phillies Home Page
Phantastic Philadelphia Phillies
The Baseball Server: Philadelphia Phillies
to the Philadelphia Phillies Home Page
Phillies -- At USA Today
Eagles -- CBS Sportsline
The Wrestling
Confidential HOMEPAGE!
The Bagpipe Report
- The Premier Force In Internet Wrestling Media
Total Pro Wrestling by William C.
Daniels III
MAIN MENU! -- ECW !!! ECW !!! ECW!!! ECW !!!
Welcome to the Professional
Wrestling Online Museum
Mo's Wrestling
City This is a pretty good page, with some interesting and
original stuff not seen on other pages. Some of the neat stuff
links to wrestlers' real names, WWF title histories, who's
related to who in wrestling, etc. It has a nice look with some
sophomoric original art. But at least that's better than stealing
icons like I do!!! HamLinkRating: B+
The following organizations and web-sites have in some way my
endorsement of their cause. I am not necessarily a member of
these organizations for whatever reason, be it money or time or
whatever, but I believe in their cause and suggest you take a
look at it yourself. STAND-UP for what you believe in... only you
can make a difference, to steal from Smokey the Bear. If there
are any causes that you would like listed here because you think
it will make a difference please E-Mail me at hamradio@geocities.com and
I will take a look at the cause. I cannot guarantee that I will
endorse it, but I will take a look at it and respond personally
to your message.... Thank you.
Digital Doomsday Clock
Telecommunication Watch
Privacy Information Center
National Organizaion for
the Reform of Marijuana Laws
See Disclaimer
Crazed Continuum -
Internet Babes Link Page
"E" -- a listing in Alphabetical order of pages of
mainly female celebrities. Heres letter E to
get you started.
The Realms of Magic:
Supermodels and Celebrities
Visit these Other Web-Sites!!!!
Submit It! Inc. -- Tell the
world that your web-site is there!!!
Art -- Wanna add some Ascii art to your e-mails
Starting Point -- A search
The Icon
Depot -- A resource for icons.
- Page of the Day Vote -- Hey vote for my page -- http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6755
Personal Start Page Info
Page Hey did you ever want to start up your browser and have
it look right at your world.
Riddler Register for the best
game show on the net!!!
RealAudio Homepage -- The
future of broadcasting on the net!!!
What's New on the Internet
-- Yeah, Whats new this week!!
UnOfficial Guide to Drinking Games
legendinc.com -- A neat page,
Check it out!!!
The Home Page of That
Wacky Cutup, Gautam Peri
Challenge to Internet Censorship
1996 Telcommunications Reform Bill
day in the life of Cyberspace -- MIT
Peter Yu's Spiffy Cool Home
You are
, since September 9,
Thank's for visiting!!
© 1996-1998, 1999 HammRadio, a division of Cunningham Communications & Productions.