April 2007

Shooting begins for John Woo's THE BATTLE OF RED CLIFF and CHOW YUN-FAT out of the picture?? 16 April

Picture © thebeijingnews.com

A ceremony was held in Zhuo Zhou in China's He Bei province on 14 April 2007 to mark the beginning of shooting for the epic movie based on an episode of the novel, Romance of The Three KIngdoms. Pictured above is director John Woo with producer, Han San Ping. However, with the exception of actor Zhang Feng Yi (who portrays Cao Cao), the other cast members, Chow Yun-Fat, Takeshi Kaneshiro and Lin Chi-ling were not present and will only join the rest of the crew in a week.

Art Director Tim Yip and martial arts choreographer Dion Lam were present at the ceremony as well. Yip intends to give the movie a 'romantic look'. Lam will choreograph 'special moves' for the various combatants in the movie. For more pictures, head down to the full article at thebeijingnews.com.

Just when everything seems to go smoothly, another report from thebeijingnews.com states that Chow Yun-Fat was dropped from the movie during a last minute decision. A reason given was the 'unreasonable demands' by Chow Yun-Fat. Rumour or not, I don't know. But if it's true, it will be a double blow for John Woo after Tony Leung Chiu Wai's depature from the movie earlier on. As fans, we can only hope for the best and prepare for the worst.