Captain's Log

Database Journal 996 Mark 5 (5 June 1999)
Okay - been a long time since the last database entry! Just a few minor additions. Every CP fan should be pointing their browser in the direction of Randy Evan's fantastic multimedia CP website Eden II - if you haven't get yourself over there and relive the CP experience!

I've added two transcripts to the PB site this week based on clips available at Randy's Eden II site. First is a transcript of the CNN clip on the Captain Power Controversy relating to the whole violent-interactive toys thing which killed our much loved show (get a chance to see one of the people behind the campaign that killed CP!). If you have Real Player, download the clip and see it for yourself!

The other is a transcript of an interview with J Michael Straczynski where he reveals all kind of deliciously tantalising information about Captain Power's 2nd and even 3rd (!) season. You can download the audio clip from the Eden II website.

Another project in the running is the Captain Power Virtual Season. The Virtual Season Report will keep you updated on the progress of the virtual season as we go along and announce that all important PREMIER DATE!

Finally - a little amusement - check out Jonathan Power's Scrapbook.

Database Journal 992 Mark 10 (10 February 1999)
Two new pieces of Fan Fic loaded onto the site, Jennifer Eisenbart's Memories of Moonlight and Michele Craighead's 'Untitled' piece - check them out...

Database Journal 991 Mark 10 (10 January 1999)
Happy New Year everyone. The inadvertant counter indicated that approximately 700 people visited the Power Base during the 'Anniversary' of Pilot's death, which I stretched for about 2 weeks and a bit. The general feedback was pretty good and thanks to those who dropped by to check it out (unfortunately, no one asked me about why there were 3 white roses and one red one...the answer is Hawk, Tank, Scout and Jon - go figure!). If you missed it, you can still see the memorial which replaced the normal index page and the 'Remember Jennifer Chase' feature I did for the Power Base.

I did request for some FF from interested authors to commemorate Pilot's death - a kind of rememberance tribute. They are now available on at the Fan Fiction section and at the Remember Jennifer Chase feature section.

Database Journal 9812 Mark 25 (25 December 1998)
Umpteen years in to the future, on this very day, the fictitious character of Jennifer Pilot Chase will die. In 1998 however, we can still remember her - it has after all been 11 years after her departure on our TV screens. To commemorate this occasion, The Power Base invites you to take a stroll down memory lane and Remember Jennifer Chase

Okay, it sounds corny but...

Database Journal 9812 Mark 8 (8 December 1998)
Put a nifty sound on your desktop and Power On your computer with a Power On WAV file.
A couple weeks back, I received a copy of David Bennet and J Larry Carroll's script 'Face of Darkness'. Have a look at what a genuine CP script cover looks like up close and personal. A synopsis of 'Face of Darkness' can be found on the 2nd Season Episode Guide.

Video covers collection now complete - Check out the cover art that accompanied the video cassettes here

Looking for copies of episodes or to swop videos? Try the Video Swop Program.

Database Journal 9810 Mark 15 (15 October 1998)

Captain Power sighted in CANADA - showing at 9AM PST Sundays on SPACE channel.

Database Journal 9810 Mark 2 (2 October 1998)
New information from Gary Goddard on the prospect of MORE Captain Power. Check the Season Two section for that information.
Updated Second Season Episode Guide with synopsis on the story written by Mark Cassutt.

Database Journal 989 Mark 27 (27 September 1998)
The all new, much promised Season Two information is all located on one handy page. Be forewarned, there are some spoilers here.

Database Journal 989 Mark 16 (16 September 1998)
CP creator Gary Goddard dropped into the CP site today! Check out his guestbook entry.
CP Discussion List now available. To subscribe, go to and click on the 'Find List' option in the sidebar. Enter 'Captain Power' into the search engine. You will then be guided on how to subscribe to the list. Let's get talking!

Database Journal 988 Mark 25 (25 August 1998)
New fanfic added - my own story entitled 'White Knight' written in script format.
Second season episode guide currently under construction - expected to debut in late September so keep checking back.

Database Journal 988 Mark 11(11 August 1998)
A little bit of re-organising here and there and some new sounds for the Sounds page. Drop by there but don't forget to pick up Real Audio Player first.

Database Journal 986 Mark 25 (25 June 1998)
A nerve racking day for me - My final results are out [why am I telling you this?]. But the CP news is that the Fan Fiction page is up - hopefully, we'll get more FF as we go along. Meanwhile, enjoy Pam Felton's story, the first ever to grace the CP website!
A page for sounds added. You will need Real Player(download it for free) to listen to them.

Database Journal 986 Mark 10 (10 June 1998)
New graphic for the front page - some bugs still lurk otherwise it would be a lot jazzier!
Decided to stick the graphics all in one place - check out the Photo Gallery
Bored? Then prepare to be even more bored by my Site Disclaimer - the handiwork of the bored law student :)

Database Journal 985 Mark 29 (29 May 1998)
Michael Reaves on writing for Captain Power. Also, while you're here, please take the time to vote for your favourite CP episodes in the Captain Power GEOS

Database Journal 984 Mark 30 (30 April 1998)
More interviews with writers - Marv Wolfman and Katherine Lawrence
While you're here, please check out the Captain Power Global Episode Opinion Survey (GEOS) and vote TODAY!

Database Journal 984 Mark 15 (15 April 1998)
Uploaded Larry DiTillio Q&A
Ratings exercise formally commences - Fill in the Captain Power Ratings Form today!

Database Journal 984 Mark 10 (10 April 1998
Finished all episode reviews EXCEPT 'The Abyss', 'Final Stand' and 'Fire in the Dark' because these are the one's I can't remember!

Database Journal 984 Mark 1 (1 April 1998 [3.53pm])
Happy April Fools Day!
New graphic for front page of the Power Base - Imagemap soon hopefully.
The Captain Power Theme now is permanently stored on my server. However, you need REAL AUDIO to play it. Download it free from their site.

Database Journal 983 Mark 20 (20 March 1998 [3.43am])
More tinkering - arrow icons to manuever around episode guide [STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION!]
Added two episode review - Summoning of Thunder Part I and Part II.

Database Journal 983 Mark 18 (18 March 1998)
Some minor tinkering - character biographies now moved to individual pages for each character.New pictures added. Menu bar added for better manuevering between pages

Database Journal 983 Mark 2 (2 March 1998)
Re-arranged links page and added link to Christy Marx's Homepage.

Database Journal 9710 Mark 28 (28 October 1997)
Added short E-Interview with Christy Marx

Database Journal 9710 Mark 19 (19 October 1997)
Added text of the snippet from the Ain't It Cool News Website on the possible return of CP - See the CP Newsflash page to read what Glen Oliver turned up.

Database Journal 9710 Mark 26 (26 October 1997)
Latest news on the CP revival front does not look good - Check theUpdate for the latest news as I get it.
To help you guys make up your own minds as to whether the latest CP news is bogus, I've uploaded onto my site the folder sent out by MediaWorks.

Database Journal 979 Mark 21 (21 September 1997
Added a page for CP articles with an interview with Tim Dunigan and a STARLOG feature on Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future

Database Journal 979 Mark 16 (16 September 1997)
Added interview with Jessica Steen from STARLOG.

Database Journal 979 Mark 15 (15 September 1997)
Added interview with Captain Power creator Gary Goddard
Updated FAQ

Database Journal 978 Mark 28 (28 August 1997)
Added information about possible new CP series in 1998 - See CP Newsflash
Added artwork for new CP series.

Database Journal 977 Mark 24 (24 July 1997)
Some minor housekeeping - tidying up the pages.
Added pictures of Pilot and Captain onto the What If... page on Pilot and Power's relationship.
Added a picture of Pilot to the Pilot Lives page.

Database Journal 975 Mark 8 (8 May 1997)
Added BIG WAV file of Captain Power theme.
Added BIG wav file [7MB] on 'What Would Pilot and Power have Talked about...' page

Database Journal 974 Mark 23 (23 April 1997)
Added page with JMS posts on Captain Power to newsgroups
Added post on Captain Power by Gharlane of Eddore - 'Gharlane Speaks...'
Added page of links to other Captain Power sites.

Database Journal 974 Mark 19 (19 April 1997)
Added a page on What If Pilot Lived
Started Declare Yourself A Captain Power Fan page.

Database Journal 974 Mark 14 (14 April 1997)
Added interview with Captain Power Story Editor Larry DiTillio from Starlog
Added a page on Power and Pilot's relationship - Captain Power and Pilot - What would they have talked about?

Database Journal 973 Mark 1 (1 March 1997)
Added link to Captain Power Episode Guide by David C Steigers on the Episode Guide page.
Some re-organisation of the Episode Guide to make it more easily manueverable with each episode on separate pages.

Database Journal 972 Mark 27 (27 February 1997)
Added link to Domain Portal Captain Power Homepage on Episode Guide page.

Database Journal 971 Mark 30 (30 January 1997)
Captain Power Homepage goes on line.