Power Base Visitors Log

Welcome to the Power Base Visitors Log - please take a moment to sign the log, whether its comments about the website or as an opportunity to stroll down nostalgia lane to when you first saw the show. I welcome all feedback and particularly enjoy hearing from people about their Captain Power experience. Thanks for visiting - may CP live on.

James conedera - 12/15/00 23:34:55
My Email:jconedera@hotmail.com
Favourite character: tank
Favourite episode: not sure

my favorate episode is the one where that newer biodread on wheels is 'birthed' I really want to know it's name for I 've forgatten. Plus, I've wanted to start a captain power comic book series but would like to not get sued. though I know I'd have to make money of of it to get sued, I'd rather have some more reasurance. by the way, I saw tank in cyborg 2 with angolina jolie and jack palance. he's worth suffering through the entire movie for! and angolina's boobies!

MadDog - 11/17/00 17:57:34
My Email:ehmag005@surfEU.de
Favourite character: Tank
Favourite episode: The Intruder

Greetings from Germany to all CP-Fans out there! Yes, it is true. There are other CP-Fans, I still can´t belive it! Power On!

PATRICK "WAR HAWK" BRIMHALL - 11/14/00 21:57:20
Favourite character: CAPTAIN POWER
Favourite episode: FIRST EPISODE


YOGGE SOTHOTHE - 10/25/00 04:39:46
My URL:http://www.yoggesothothe.homestead.com
My Email:darkangel666@angelfire.com
Favourite character: LORD DREAD
Favourite episode: Retribution


X1 Commander - 10/20/00 07:56:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pauldostal
My Email:x1commander@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Soaron
Favourite episode: The first one

Ok, when I look at the reruns, oh about ten years or more later, I think, damn, it had average acting at least and its CGI is ancient, but when I think about the time it was created in, I think, why was it canceled? Its plot was well developed, it had an interesting interactive part to the story, and above all, it was the show that proved that CGI and Live action are made for each other! If anyone has any good pics of Soaron and Blastarr, and/or Lacki, let me know. I want to model them in 3D to add to m collection of both well known and not so well known models. Go to my Website to look at the 3D stuff I've done! I have taken alot of inspiration for my stories and character developmets from various shows, but this one outweighs them all. I really wou d like to know how the series would have ended had it been done. If anyone can ever get the scripts, I am willing to pay for a copy.

- 10/10/00 00:54:07
My Email:mdssoldier@yahoo.com
Favourite character: The Captain who else? Okay maybe Tank.
Favourite episode: all of em!

What powered tthe technology behind the Capt. Power tv show? How were you able to fire upon the screen & it fire back at you?

Veronica Ligeti - 09/30/00 20:43:27
My Email:ligetij@mail.matav.hu
Favourite character: Jennifer "Pilot" Chase
Favourite episode: Retribution II.

This is a great show!! Everything is so perfect: the actors, the scenes... everything! According to me this story make us thinking about what means being human. When I saw the Episode Retribution II. first time, I ended up in tears. I think this is the gr atest that the writers created a beautiful love story at the end. Congratulations for everyone!

GENERAL WARHAWK - 09/21/00 17:13:50
Favourite character: HAWK
Favourite episode: FIRST EPISODE


The Double G - 09/06/00 00:11:26
My Email:kar98k_22@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Pilot and Soaron
Favourite episode: And Study War No More!

I've seen so much sci-fi on from where I am in Canada with the Space Imagination station up, and I absolutly enjoy Captain Power, the story line, characters, etc; just all of it is awesome, I also can't help imagining if it met the Star Wars universe wher most of the episodes seem like so similar to events in Star Wars such as in "And Study War No More", where Miles gets Captain Power's trust, has him welcome to stay in Haven as long as he wants with his team, and then Miles finds out that Miles is really serving Lord Dredd and are caught in a trap, its just like how Lando gave Solo and Leia to Darth Vader at Cloud City. I think it'd be cool if someone also did a fanfic of a crossover of Captain Power and Star Wars.

Marita8 - 08/15/00 16:43:47
Favourite character: Pilot and Scout
Favourite episode: I have to pick one?? Off the top of my head "Gemini Rising"

A Captain Power site! And high time, too. I knew there were fans out there somewhere. My friend and I were the only two adults I knew who discovered this cool SF show buried among the "kiddie" fare. I try to initiate the Unenlightened; my task has just become easier. :)

Tim Chesnut - 08/05/00 15:56:28
My URL:http://suppression_2000.homestead.com/suppression.html
My Email:suppression_2000@yahoo.com
Favourite character: TANK
Favourite episode: Shattered

I am a teenager who hopes to become an author. I have loved Captain Power ever since I was five. Unfortunately, I don't remember much of the show. I have the episodes Shattered and the Abyss on tape. When I found this web site, I almost cried. I would love for someone to continue the series!

Eagle Power - 07/25/00 10:37:08
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/darthmaulgirl/sw.htm
My Email:dvador@mbox3.singnet.com.sg
Favourite character: Captain Power & Tank
Favourite episode: Retribution

Captain Power is one series I will never forget. I first saw it when I was '88 on Malaysian TV and saw it again on Indonesian channel in '96. It left such an impact in my life and seems to fit my imagination perfectly. Pity, its second season never took o f. I just wish Captain Power will be back again.

Lord_Prozack - 07/21/00 03:59:26
My Email:Lord_Prozack@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Cherokee
Favourite episode: All.

I was like 4 when the show aired, so never got to see it. Then, My friend and i were digging through some old stuff, and found the movies, as well as the two guns. THAT SHOW ROCKED, especially the blinking things. BTW, Cherokee i found to be the most s ereotypical character ever.

James Cash - 07/12/00 17:35:38
My URL:Don't have one sorry
My Email:Quake700@aol.com
Favourite character: Captain Power & Tank
Favourite episode: Most of them!

I love CP and was sad when it got taken off but I hope that the Sci Fi Ch will start to show it once more and I hope that it might return with new episodes one day too!

Daniel - 07/05/00 02:40:00
Favourite character: Hawk & Pilot
Favourite episode: Don't remember title

Brings back memories! I was about i'd say 11 years old when the show was on. Now I'm 24 years old ans I still remember how I wanted to be like Hawk. I was dreaming I had a flying powersuit myself. If they were to play back these episodes on TV, i'd sure w tch them!

ANTHONY L CUNNINGHAM - 06/18/00 15:19:42
Favourite character: PILOT
Favourite episode: ALL


Simon A. Mui - 06/06/00 17:03:30
My Email:TIMEJACKER@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Blastar the BioDredd
Favourite episode: Final Episode

Wow! What a great series, huh? I can't believe there are so many of us fans out there. Well, I remember watching the show with all of my friends when I was fifteen. Back then, the show was way ahead of its time and even if it were to air now, it can give shows like CLEOPATRA 2525 or EARTH 2 a run for its money. In fact, it has inspired me to create my own futuristic cyberpunk world of Timejackers. Well, I'm off to build my own website and hopefully Captain Power fans will soon have an MUD site where we can create a character with a Powersuit. I just hope we can all fit into the last two remaining suits. POWER ON!!!!!!!

Dana - 05/30/00 10:51:12
My Email:litta@e-mail.ru
Favourite character: "Pilot"

Well, I'm from Russia and I saw this film only when I was about 8. Now I'm 18, but I still can't forget it... Thanks for all.

Marc R. - 05/22/00 03:23:04
My Email:markr@quigleymusic.com
Favourite character: Jennifer "pilot" Chase
Favourite episode: Retribution pt. 2

I Liked The Captain Power Series, And For A Few Years I Hadn't Watched It. And Just Recently Started Re-renting The Old Episodes On Videocassette, And It Brought Back Some Good Memories, And Very Old Tears For The Late Jennifer "Pilot" Chase. In Fact, I K pt Listening To The Final Moments And Couldn't Help But Cry All Over Again When Chase Died.

john michael dodd - 04/03/00 07:06:12
My URL:http://www.students.uiuc.edu/~johndodd/
My Email:scaryjohn@uiuc.edu
Favourite character: captain power
Favourite episode: can't distinguish from memory

i was one of those nine (okay, seven) year olds who got up really early on sundays to watch it before church, much to the dismay of my mother. it was great, though. i only today learned of jms's involvement in it all. that makes it THIS MUCH cooler. a d yes, my friends and i had the toys.

Nick - 03/15/00 20:17:07
Favourite character: Saoron
Favourite episode: Any with a lot of action and saoron!

I loved this show, although I don't remember much of it. What I remember the most were the credits with the cool Death Star trench look-a-like sequence. I really loved the CGI; they were very new and interesting back then. And the Soldiers of the Future ick the Power Ranger's ass any day!

Garth Bailey - 03/01/00 07:16:54
My Email:nooga_nootch@yahoo.com

I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy every ounce of your site! My name is Garth Bailey and my Fathers name is Ron Bailey. I only tell you my fathers name because he was a grip on the set of "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future". I would rea ly like it if you could e-mail me some info on how to get video copies of the show or how to get it on the air of a station in my area. I live in the U.S. though, and I know it is a Canadian program. Thank-you for al of your help!

Garth Bailey - 03/01/00 04:06:14
My Email:nooga_nootch@yahoo.com


Brent - 02/22/00 12:43:31
My Email:B.deth@worldnet.att.net
Favourite character: Everybody just imagine Gary Oldman in "The Proffesional", "...So which one of the characters is your favorite? Everyone. What do you mea everyone? EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite episode: see above

I cannot believe how many other people like Captain Power. I LOVED this show when i was 11-12. Me and my little brother & all our friends used to play after every episode. I made all the costumes, and half the power base with cardboard & duct tape in o r basement. I loved this show and all the characters so deeply, and I was so heartbroken when it got canceled. Fast forward 11 years my fiance & I are moving into a house together & I go to the local video store to open an acct. & see what they have. I almost broke down crying in the isle when I discovered four CP episodes on the shelf. I have rented them each about 5 times & now of course have made "backup" copies (sshhh) I decided to look online for any CP fan sites & found this one I am truly amazed (but not really surprised) that there are this many fans out there. This show was obviously every bit as good as I knew it was. That was the one thing I could not get over, while I was watching these old episodes; sure the FX were a little on the chessy side (although they did use some of the first CG characters in a TV show) and some of the dialog is definatley for a younger audience. But I couldn't believe how good the stories, and really the acting was. It is as enjoyable to watch not just for nosta gia but from a pure entertainment perspective as well; this was an incredible show on all counts, especially given that it was "just" a kids show. I would love to see CP episodes released on DVD, and well who doesn't want to see what season 2 (& 3) wou d have been like. Here's hoping the future sees us all glued to the TV again one day pouring over this milestone of TV history (and if we get REALLY lucky mabye the big screen). Good luck to us all. Power on!

Michael Judin - 02/14/00 00:55:21
My Email:ljudin@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Tank,Hawk
Favourite episode: ALL

All most forgot about Captain Power my former Favourite show when i was 8. Glad to see a page on Captain Power. Got a lot of captain power toys somewhere in by basement and this site just made me remember them.

Morphius - 02/12/00 16:52:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/russp_1999
My Email:neelix68@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Sauron

I am searching the web for images and sound fines relating to captain power. Can you tell me where to find them? Im a really big fan of the series.

Alexander Zegers - 02/05/00 15:07:28
My Email:alexander.z@wxs.nl
Favourite character: Cpt. Jonathan Power
Favourite episode: 22


Tyrone Diaz - 01/24/00 23:44:53
My Email:pogoman@worldnett.att.net
Favourite character: Captain Power
Favourite episode: All of them!!!

Let's bring this show back!

Kiri - 01/19/00 03:09:55
My URL:http://geocities.com/kiri_mackay/
My Email:kiri_mackay@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Captain Power
Favourite episode: Oh, please... um... all of them????

Great site! It's really great to find such a well built and loved site.

Aric Nelson - 12/22/99 18:32:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/flight_navigator_nightfall/Nightfalls_Aliens_page.html?945756767620
My Email:Nightfall707@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Pilot!!!
Favourite episode: retribution, both of them!

Kudos on your site!!! I had nearly forgotten about CPT POWER!!! I still have the ships and a couple of the tapes, think I'll go dig em up! Agian, thanx - its getting harder and harder to find original sites like this on the web... keep up the good wo k!

Jonathan Dunbar - 12/21/99 20:30:59
My URL:http://dunbarhobbies.com
My Email:dunbar@dunbarhobbies.com
Favourite character: Tank Ellis
Favourite episode: All of them

Long Live Captian Powers!

clark graff - 12/15/99 21:19:06
My Email:clark@4nr.com
Favourite character: Soaron
Favourite episode: Wardogs

I actually created all of the original sound effects in Toronto at Masters Workshop studios and was the SFX editor (that did the actual work laying in the more thn 3000 specific sound effects) on my Fairlight Series III for the first 6 shows. Ted King the director show production is still one of my best friends and he told me about this site. I am really gratified to see that you have done all this work for a show that was largely ignored. Just for the record it was the most fun I ever had and got paid for it. Thanks guys and girls.

margie - 12/03/99 05:45:01
My Email:galacticagirl@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Power and Pilot
Favourite episode: Retibution

Would like to see more fan fiction on these two

Larry Speece - 11/23/99 00:37:37
My Email:lspeece@webtv.net
Favourite character: Tank
Favourite episode: All were excellent!!

First, what a great site for Captain Power fans. I can remember when the TV episodes first aired...it was definitely a show before its time. And to think; there were toys that interacted with the television show as well. I have yet to see an animated/s i-fi series that comes close to the intrigue and action that the Captain Power series provides to its fans then and now. How "AWESOME" it would be if the production company that owns the rights to the series would place them on LD/DVD for all to see. As a video game enthusiast as well, (Intellivision Fanatic) I was very pleased to see the bulk of the games ported over to the PC and Playstation game console. Apparently it is a profitable venture or it would not have been pursued. So why can't we see the same type of revival for the countless "CP" fans out there. LISTEN UP production company...we want our Captain Power Episodes; not one, but all of them. In closing, what a great site. Keep up the fantastic work. "POWER ON"

Miky - 11/09/99 01:04:45
My Email:ovondor@tiscalinet.it
Favourite character: Jessica Steen

GREAT GREAT GREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!

Celeste Keenan - 11/03/99 01:09:43
My Email:lyndak@eagle.ca
Favourite character: Leiutenant Robert "Scout" Baker
Favourite episode: Everything before Pilot Died.

Having been 10 or 11 years old when Captain Power first aired I don't really remember very much about it. Then our SPACE network started to air CP again. It's brought back a flood of good memories. Keep up the great work, and let Power forever be;=)

Roger Fisher - 10/30/99 19:59:20
My Email:waytek@netzero.com
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: All

Wow... I guess I fall into the same category as many of the others, loved the show... I don't know why it was cancelled and I am very happy to see such a loyal following of fans. Great website, I hope to use it to stay informed. Too bad the videos are o t of production. :(

Niki Hollingsworth - 10/29/99 16:14:14
My Email:bluzrngr@blountsville.net
Favourite character: Jonathan, and Scout
Favourite episode: You are asking me to pick????!!! ;)

Great page, though quite a few broken links. But hey, if anyone can understand the time (that you very seldom have) and work (that a lot of times you just don't feel like doing) that go into web pages, it's me! (I have three I'm trying to keep up with a one time and not succeeding very well. :P What was it Scout said about chicken wire and good intentions? ^_^) So, overall, I still give you a very enthusiastic THUMBS UP!!! I watched this show religiously while it was on, and a few weeks ago, my friend Kate Yancey revived my interest. And boy what a revival! ^_^ Thanks for all the wonderful info. :)

Edward Queen - 10/21/99 04:43:01
My Email:elq99@yahoo.com
Favourite character: All
Favourite episode: All

Hey, if any of you guys can tell me how to get a hold of some captain power stuff (especially the episode tapes), that would be great. BRING BACK CP!!!

Kate - 10/07/99 20:49:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/isabellehunter
My Email:isabellehunter@mailcity.com
Favourite character: PILOT!!! She rocked!!!
Favourite episode: Retribution 2 *sniff*

Love the site, I had all the toys, the videos, Pilot was my hero back then ^_^ I cried for days when she died. I made a solemn vow then and there to name one of my daughters Jennifer Chase, and I'm still holding myself to that ^_^ Anyway LOVE the site, ke p it up!!

Max Oechsle - 10/07/99 06:26:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/oldbluebear
My Email:oldbluebear@yahoo.com
Favourite character: All the regulars!!!
Favourite episode: retribution part 2

This show was one of the best programs ever!! Sadly, it was killed by the greedy corporate machine that cares nothing for art, only for $$$. someday, i hope that this story makes it onto the big screen where it belongs, with no interactive toy line or cor orate sponsors to burden it needlessly!

Helen Lee - 10/04/99 22:00:29
My URL:http://www.bigedge.com
My Email:hellonw@aol.com
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: New Order, Gemini and Counting

I was in high school when the show was on, and I adored it. I have videotapes (at least 18 of the episodes, looking for the others!) and toys, but I'd love to see more Captain Power. Thanks for the site!

Carl Gamarino - 09/27/99 15:17:26
My Email:cgamarin@penn.com
Favourite character: all
Favourite episode: The Land Shall Burn part II

I that enough interest will be generated to produce a movie with all new materials. The series was ground breaking with it's interaction and special effects on TV

Edward Queen - 09/13/99 17:12:00
My Email:eq99@juno.com
Favourite character: All of them
Favourite episode: All of them (at least all that I saw)

I enjoyed watching the show, even though I only saw about half the episodes. I really like this website. I think this show should come back or at least show the old episode on some channel like Sci-Fi.

Edward Queen - 09/13/99 17:09:38
My Email:eq99@juno.com
Favourite character: All of them
Favourite episode: All of them (at least all that I saw)

I enjoyed watching the show, even though I only saw about the episodes. I really like this website. I think this show should come back or at least show the old episode on some channel like Sci-Fi.

kim - 09/10/99 02:17:54
My Email:klstarsong@aol.com
Favourite character: Pilot & Hawk
Favourite episode: How to choose?

I can't believe this site has so many hits!! I thought _I_ was the _only_ one who remembered CP - thankfully not!! I was in graduate school when it aired here in the US, and I remember translating the opening narration into Old English for an assignment - you know, "Translate something of your choice ..." - Anyway, it was more difficult than I'd anticipated, as the Anglo-Saxons had no word that translates exactly for "future." I got a lot of good-humored support from my classmates, though; it was a lot ore challenging than "Three Blind Mice," someone else's choice! But I digress. Unfortunately, I never bought any of the toys, and all I've got left is my scrappy tapes from when it originally aired, but I do pull them out from time to time. I agree wit everything you all have written - a great show, especially compared to today's standards; wish we could get it back, AND make more; no surprise it was so good with JMS involved. You know, after I watched my first B5 ep, if someone had asked me if it had any similarities to CP, I'd have said yes right away. There's just so much thought given to the characters & the details. It's also just amazing & wonderful how many of these guestbook entries are not from North America. Sci-fi fans are just the best, world-wide. If only they'd let us rule, earth would have to be a better place!! Power On !!!

Jumper - 08/13/99 22:47:27
My Email:Jumper@the-lair.com
Favourite character: Soaron
Favourite episode: ???

At last! A Captain Power page!!! My brother and I aren't the only ones who remember! All I have are the 3 animated tapes (fine Japanese made animation) that were to to be used with out toy Jet XT-7. This page isn't bad. I've had such a though time us ng the search engines to find a page on Captain Power. Once in a while, we still watch the animated tapes.

Collin The Bastard: King Of Swing - 08/09/99 01:39:25
My URL:http://www.motley.com/
My Email:Flaggelum_Dei@hotmail.com
Favourite character: I know...that guy...uh, with the weird outfit...you know who I'm talking about. The guy...with the thing. You know...
Favourite episode: You know...that one...with all the robots. And there's like...a story...or whatever.

HEY!!! I'm the King of Swing!!! Reply to my e-mail!!! IMMEDIATELY!!! Or do you think you're better than me?!?! So that's it eh? You arrogant, wanker!!! You think you're so high and mighty because you have an internet site and I don't eh? Well, lem e tell you something, cowboy...I have tons of sites!!! Millions and Millions of them!!! I'm so wired that...yeah!!!So who is so damned superior now eh? You make me sick!!! The site is nice...I like the layout immensely. Keep up the good work...or I'll kill you where you stand!!! Yea... Collin The Bastard: King Of Swing

Mark - 07/22/99 21:38:32
My Email:splash_my_bandit
Favourite character: Captain Power
Favourite episode: I don't have a fav. episode I think all of them are GREAT!!

Hey I just have to say thanx for the great page, I have been looking for even just the slightest info. on this series that I saw when I was young...please keep up the good work!!!

Emily B. - 06/29/99 21:40:42
My Email:EmmaLee763@aol.com
Favourite character: Pilot

I watched CP when I was 9, and since then, I've been trying to find out what happened to it. I always remembered that it was a really cool show, but none of my friends remember having watched it. I was starting to think I was wrong about the show's titl . I'm so glad I found this site--now I know I didn't make the whole thing up! I hope to see some reruns or new episodes on the Sci-fi Channel.

Kylen - 06/29/99 04:57:04
My Email:kylen@wctc.net
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: "Gemini and Counting"

Can't believe I never signed this thing; I've known and had this website bookmarked for two years! To all of the CP fans out there: keep the faith! Through the diligence of fanfic writers, we will bring you more of the people you love!

jennifer mathesom - 06/23/99 06:45:30
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/travism1

Hi great page=) i vaguely remember seeing a little bit of the show when i was seven=)

John Pfeifer - 06/19/99 18:52:01
My Email:johnpfeifer@worldnet.att.net
Favourite character: Lt. Michael "Tank" Ellis
Favourite episode: Retribution II

Sorry to see Pilot go, but I think Retribution II best exemplified the adult story line that gave the series such great dramatic potential. Great web site! I'll be back. (I've heard that before somewhere...)

A.L. - 05/28/99 15:51:56
My Email:ladytrouble@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: Can't choose

It was great to find this page. I had no idea there was such a following. I have all the episodes. I even have doubles of a few. This show is the favorite of mine past and present. Thanks for keeping it alive.

Jennifer Chase - 05/19/99 22:48:02
My Email:jchase@clark.student.edu
Favourite character: Jennifer Chase

I wish I saw the show. I was seven at the time , and was not allowed to watch it. My new goal in life is to see the show.

Mike Schwartz - 05/17/99 21:14:50
My Email:smschwartz@sprynet.com
Favourite character: "Pilot" Jennifer Chase
Favourite episode: Judgement

Nice to find a few CP fans out there. Here's a thought: how about Netter Digital Entertainment producing new CP's using CG animation?

Paul - 05/13/99 19:03:35
My URL:http://www.???.com
My Email:pc149@hotmail.com
Favourite character: ...
Favourite episode: ...

Very Good Homepage! We need to sign a petition to get Captain Power back on TV.

Ryan Jacobson - 05/12/99 00:36:15
My Email:justdoit3@prodigy.net

Because I was really young(4 or 5) when the show started, I never got to see it on TV. But one day when I was at the video store, I decided to rent one of the videos. I instantly fell in love with the show and rented all of the other episodes. I hope that Captian Power makes a comeback and that us fans can find episodes of the show. Thanks for the awesome site.

Duane Webb - 05/09/99 11:33:37
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Bassiswild/BROKENSOUND.html
My Email:Bassiswild@aol.com
Favourite character: Captain Power
Favourite episode: Been to long to remember...

I used to make sure I was always home to watch Captain Power when it was on. I would like to see the toy manufactuers start to bring back the Captain Power toys for the T.V. show. Even it would be better to remake it with new characters and a story line o follow along with the original. Kinda of how the new shopw Beast wars follows the original adventures of the Transformers. Just an idea that I think would be cool.

John Tracy - 05/02/99 20:54:21
My Email:Devlyn@webtv.net
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: Shattered

Best site of them all

Gary Goddard - 05/01/99 03:16:33
My Email:ggoddard@landmarkusa.com
Favourite character: CALLING ALL FANS
Favourite episode: NEW CP TOYS????

CALLING ALL FANS!!!Its always good to see everyone's thoughts and comments on the Capt. Power show - and we are still working on trying to bring him back in all new episodes. WRITE THE SCI-FI CHANNEL and tell them "We want our Capt. Power" -- And, by the way, on a totally unrelated subject, KAYBEE stores recently put in an order for 200,000 special "collector toys" from another show I create called THE SKELETON WARRORS. Apparently they had many requests for these toys. SO I WAS THINKING - lets start req esing KAYBEE to stock some CAPTAIN POWER TOYS and maybe we can get a collector's line going -- how about it?

Suzanne - 04/18/99 04:19:44
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/smjworld/index.html
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: Retribution pt. 2

I've actually only seen one episode, so I guess it's my favorite. Years ago when I was on vacation in the Philippines, I saw the last five minutes of some show where some woman named Pilot died. It's stuck with me since then, and I've always wanted to kn w what it was. Thanks for a great site!

Suzanne - 04/18/99 04:04:21
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/md/smjworld/index.html
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: Retribution pt. 2

I've actually only seen one episode, so I guess it's my favorite. Years ago when I was on vacation in the Philippines, I saw the last five minutes of some show where some woman named Pilot died. It's stuck with me since then, and I've always wanted to kn w what it was. Thanks for a great site!

Dosselli Flavio - 04/16/99 07:18:39
Favourite character: Jonathan Power
Favourite episode: And Madness Shall Reign

In my opinion this is a quite good site and it is awesome that someone remembers the captain. This can sound strange to you, but here in Italy only a few remember this series and I thought to be the only one to remember it. I would be very pleased to speak with you about the Captain; unlikely I don't have an E-mail and so, if you would like to contact me, write me. This is my address: Dosselli Flavio Via Giulio Romano N 29 20135 Milano (MI) Italy

Jules - 04/03/99 01:00:43
My Email:JULES5704@aol.com
Favourite character: Jennifer "Pilot" Chase
Favourite episode: Judgement, Retribution II, Both parts of SOT

What a great webpage! It's so good to know that I'm not the only Captain Power fan on the planet. I was only 14 when the first season ended, and I can still remember how devastated I was when the closing credits begun. People thought it was only a kid' show. If they only knew! I adore the fanfiction that is making its way here, and I hope to read some new stories in the future. Power on! Jules

Sally - Mary Guiness - 03/31/99 18:50:20
Favourite character: Jonathan Power and Jennifer Chase
Favourite episode: Mostly the last 4 but it`s too hard to pick

To me Captain Power and its universe was most of the times during the last ten years of my life more real than the real world itself. I can still remember my first reaction seeing it. I opened my mouth out of stunning and I didn`t dare to make a single mo e for 30 minutes.It was the most amazing sight I had seen till then. When I was watching the show, we were a group of kids that made our own kind of religion in our playtimes, out of it.I remember that we were struggling about who would be Jennifer, Jonat an, etc.And Pilot`s death was the first death in my life and I think one of the most painfull ones. Captain Power was also one of the greatest motives that made me join the army later. But most of all Captain Power contented ideals and believes very valua le about human life and its sides (for those who cared to listen). It is one of the greatest shows ever been made. And so is your work on this website.

FATIMAH AHMAD AFANDI - 03/14/99 03:42:40
My Email:dvador@mbox3.singnet.com.sg
Favourite character: Captain Power and Tank
Favourite episode: All !

Cool man! I matured with these guys! PS:Anybody living in South East Asia who is willing to sell to me CAPTAN POWER merchandise? As long as in good condition and the price is not too steep, I am willing to buy.

Bryan Burman - 03/10/99 05:56:32
My Email:BBurman@aol.com
Favourite character: Who could pick from that crowd?
Favourite episode: Another tough one!! Probably the last one.

I first saw this show when I was about seven years old in Japan back in '87 (I think). I could not stop watching it! Every Saturday morning at 10:00 I'd sit down in my pajamas on the floor in my parents room about 2 feet away from our 35 inch TV. I rem mber the day of the last episode, my parents dragged me all the way to the beach half way through!! To make matters worse, the tape that we had been taping the show with ran out on the way out of the door. We quickly switched the tapes, but to this day I haven't been able to find out what happened in the show during those five minutes. And of course, the show never showed there again. I haven't seen it since. My dad taped over the first tape and I lost the second tape. I missed the show so much and wa relieved to find this website! Hard to believe there are so many fans out there! Keep up the good work. Everybody E-mail SciFi so we can bring back the Power!

Deb - 02/22/99 05:14:09
My Email:LadiSwan@aol.com
Favourite character: Jonathan Power
Favourite episode: A Summoning of Thunder

I was seventeen years old when I first saw this show, and the magic has never died for me. It healed some old wounds, and gave me some wonderful new 'friends.' I've kept up with the careers of the cast, especially Maurice Dean Wint and Peter MacNeill. . .sadly, I've seen very little of Tim Dunigan in recent years. But I've never forgotten. Captain Power has a place in my heart for all time.

Aria - 02/21/99 02:58:00
My Email:ariaw2@aol.com
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: Last One (Of Course!)

Just discovered this CP page and am so impressed by it. Also very impressed by the fanfiction. What a lot of talented writers! Watched the show years ago, but it's still heartbreaking to think about the last episode in which Pilot sacrificed herself fo the Cause (just when she and Jon were about to enter a new phase in their friendship/ relationship). Being a sucker for romance, I also cling to the belief that she was digitized and survived, to be eventually rescued by Power and gang in Season 2. Int resting to see Jessica Steen pop up from time to time over the years (Sing, Wiseguy, Earth 2, Armageddon). Keep up the great work on this Web page!

Tashia - 02/17/99 05:44:56
My URL:http://www.darkstar.tj
My Email:Tashia@darkstar.tj
Favourite character: Jennifer Chase

I completed all three levels of Future Force training and flew the Powerjet XT-7 on the final raid on Volcania against Lord Dread's battle computer. Great web site ! Brings back memories ! POWER ON !!!

Morgan - 02/15/99 00:53:16
My Email:morganstuart@mindspring.com
Favourite character: Hawk, Tank
Favourite episode: hard to choose

Great website - thanks for all you're doing to keep CAPTAIN POWER fandom alive! Best, Morgan

ron lifshitz - 02/14/99 18:08:23
My Email:reno@inter.net.il
Favourite character: all
Favourite episode: all


The Rt. Hon. B-Man - 02/02/99 20:23:44
My Email:n/A
Favourite character: Scout
Favourite episode: Gemini and Counting

Great site. IT is very imformative. keep it up. POWER ON!

Legolas - 01/29/99 23:49:36
My Email:LegolasN@aol.com
Favourite character: that big guy with heavy armor (hey, its been a while since i watched CP)
Favourite episode: where that chick gets killed by Blaster.....tears were dripping down my cheeks....

Wow!great site! Captain Power is awesome! keep up the good work!

Oana - 01/25/99 20:16:35
My Email:trnsylvanianativ@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Power

Wow, i never thought i'd actually find something on this series. First time I saw it I was 10, in 1990/1, when i was still in Romania...i guess they were thinking of showing the series, but they didn't :( I fell in love with the show instantly (even thogh it was baddly dubbed). Now i see that J Michael Starczinski was a writer, and I know why it was such a great series. I wish they'd bring it back, reruns at least.

Gary Goddard - 01/20/99 19:13:33
My URL:http://landmarkusa.com
My Email:ggoddard@landmarkusa.com

Great job on the Jennifer Chase memorial. We continue to try and put together a way of bringing back Captain Power. So don't give up. And I enjoy reading the comments from fans around the world.

Jan de Muinck - 01/20/99 10:35:23
My Email:J.de.Muinck@rcondw.rug.nl
Favourite character: Tank
Favourite episode: the episode Blastarr was born

i am a 18 year old dutch student and when i was about 12/13 they used to show CP on cable in the Netherlands, from the first time I saw it I loved it! To bad that after the series had ended it was never shown again... a real shame. So Cp has even got fans in Europe! Mail me if you would talk about it!

James Nelson - 12/29/98 05:29:30
My Email:JAMESN4@prodigy.net
Favourite character: Got to be Jenny!

This is more like it! I liked the segment on remembering Jennifer on Christmas. I liked the pictures, and you know what is missing? A picture of the brutally defeated Jennifer saying her last goodbye to Power. That would be the icing on the segment. I als want all the Power fans to know that our friend Jennifer will still be in our hearts forever. Till next time, Power on!

Neil Steeves - 12/24/98 22:55:11
Favourite character: pilot zoron blaster dreid
Favourite episode: everyohe

Just came back to see how things were going great page forgot about pilots death on christmas. Anyway great work your diffently appreciated great scripes maybe some art work should be posted if available from fans. Keep up the great work.

Rally Vincent - 12/24/98 16:35:51
My URL:http://www.talon.org/~rally/
My Email:rallyv@netscape.net
Favourite character: Pilot

Cool site, I haven't thought about Captain Power in years.

Strider - 12/21/98 18:30:25
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~strider
My Email:strider@bigfoot.com

Wow, talk about memories...

Jon Keseberg - 12/20/98 15:46:18
My Email:Jon_Keseberg@lsrhs.net
Favourite character: Power
Favourite episode: Any

I remember this from when I was a kid--just got some episodes in! Awesome!

Laura - 12/12/98 04:47:50
My Email:arakis@en.com
Favourite character: Power of course

Sweet! I love Captain Power. Watched it whenever I could actually tune in the channel. (Before the advent of cable) Heck, I still have my Power toys and tapes. Love the page, especailly the fan fic. Thanks for bring back some great memories.

- 12/03/98 02:57:18
My Email:CyberKid_1999@yahoo.com

I was raised on this stuff and things of it's nature, such as: voltron, star wars, buck rogers, that catoon with the main character Spartacus he was in search of the sun beneath the sea or something , and there's more. Screw the power rangers and barney, WHAT HAPPENED!!!? I think that because of captain power, plus the care bares, and Dr. Sues is why im a raver. even though most of it is hard to remember (im barely 18) i miss that stuff. I wish it would be put back on the air. (:>)

shannon Mobley - 11/30/98 00:36:11
My Email:claradicia@yahoo.com
Favourite character: pilot
Favourite episode: Judgment

ever sence i first saw the series i fell in love with it. The last few years have been trying to get a hold of all the episodes that i could get ahold off. so far i have the first two. my brother. ( being to young to read at the time) taped over the 12 ep isods i had at the time. i would really appricat if someone from canida were it is now playing would seend me as many episodes that can be taped. (even with the comercails) compaired to the show on for kids today this one shouldn't have been taken off the air. it was just starting to get really good.

Sir Jon - 11/11/98 21:12:36
My Email:SirJon@cyberzone.net
Favourite character: Hawk, no wait... Tank! Ugh.. no, wait...
Favourite episode: That blasted Cliffhanger ending!

Great site! At least I can finally share my opinions with others that think the show is as good as I do! Too bad I haven't seen it in 10 years... Sir Jon

Robert Bennett - 11/10/98 23:02:51
My Email:bennettrr@picasso.gmcc.ab.ca


Basil Bartolome - 11/02/98 11:12:22
My Email:barts@skyinet.net
Favourite character: Major Hawk
Favourite episode: The Abyss

Awesome! Can you add details about the toys produced and the new characters such as Tritor and Dread Commander?

Cinzia Bacilieri - 10/31/98 21:25:45
My Email:volcania@tin.it
Favourite character: Pilot and Captain Pwer
Favourite episode: All


Elke Niesen - 10/31/98 10:33:10
My Email:Ekyra@aol.com
Favourite character: Mentor , Hawk, Scout
Favourite episode: Wardogs

Ich bin ein Deutscher Captain Power FAn und suche Kontakt zu anderen CP-Fan überall auf der WElt . Leider könnte ich nicht die ganze Serie sehen , das sie nach der hälfte der Folgen aus dem Programm genommen wurde . ich würde mich freune wenn jemand mir d e Komplette oder einzelne Teil überspielen oder verkaufen Könnte. Im Vorraus danke ich . Und hoffe das sich bald jemand meldet. POWER ON!!

Aptom - 10/29/98 23:11:50
My Email:Aptom@gmx.net
Favourite character: Soaron ;]
Favourite episode: ALL

Is there a possibility to get some epsiodes on video ?! I've searched for a long time... It would be great !

Scott Guthrie - 10/17/98 15:38:14
My Email:Karloon@dacor.net
Favourite character: Jenny
Favourite episode: Whole series

Really would LOVE to find a figure of her. I heard some were made. A friend claimed to have seen one(not in a package)

Doug George - 10/08/98 17:50:11
My Email:dgeorge@eve.assumption.edu
Favourite character: Soaron


James Nelson - 10/05/98 05:51:43
My Email:JAMESN4@prodigy.net
Favourite character: Jennifer Chase

Hi. We know how much we'll miss Jennifer. She was like our favorite and important character on the show. Everytime I see Jennifer get hurt so badly on the last episode, it made me wanna cry my heart out. She was flesh and blood to Jon ever since he had fe lings for her. The blood we see dripping from her mouth, she clutches her stomach, and can't talk clearly on the last episode made us scared to see the only woman to get killed off. We love you, Jennifer, so much. We'll think of you sometimes. She was too innocent and beautiful to die. I'll make this a guestbook funeral for Jennifer. If anybody want to say something about her life and her terrible death, type out your feelings like I did to mine. See you later. Jennifer, you're every beats of our hearts wh n we think about you. Power On!

cinzia bacilieri - 10/04/98 19:49:40
My Email:volcania@tin.it
Favourite character: pilot
Favourite episode: all !!!

power on.......

Darcy Burnard - 10/02/98 20:46:06
My URL:http://www2.ebtech.net/~dburnard
My Email:dburnard@ebtech.net
Favourite character: all of them
Favourite episode: can't remember

Glad to see that I'm not the only person in the world that remembers Captain Power. For those of you Canadians that don't already know, Space The imagination Station will begin re-running CP starting this Sunday at 12:00 P.M.

Mike Huffman - 10/02/98 01:52:07
My Email:mhuffman@cgocable.net

I actually worked on this show ! I was with the company ARCCA Animation, that was responsible for all the show's CGI scenes. Soaron and Blastaar were animated at our location in Toronto Canada. I was with the special effect team who created all the colour maps for the characters, as well as the power On effects. We also created the strobing effect that would set off the interactive toys. I actually got to go to the live action set a couple of times during filming. Mike Huffman Special Effects Animator

Marvin Polinh - 09/25/98 17:47:27
My Email:marvinp@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Captain Power
Favourite episode: all

I have been searching for somone who remembered the show for a long time. I am very excited that there is a web page devoted to keeping the show alive. I am looking for coppies of the show and perhaps some figures

Gary Goddard - 09/16/98 22:48:53
My URL:http://landmarkusa.com
My Email:ggoddard@landmarkusa.com
Favourite character: All
Favourite episode: All

I only discovered your site today. Where have I been? It's great to see that everyone remembers our show! We have been at work, not only a new show, but on a website - however, you have done such a great job it may be tough to beat! Thanks for your co tinued support of Captain Power - I assure you it was a labor of love for me and the entire crew! Power On! Gary Goddard Creator/Captain Power

Lauri Turjansalo - 09/14/98 14:51:37
My URL:http://www.kouvola.ksaok.fi/~turjansa/
My Email:l.turjansalo@kouvola.ksaok.fi
Favourite character: Soaron
Favourite episode: sorry..don't remember

Wow! So many people still remember this awesome series. Power on!

Edmund - 09/07/98 17:36:10
My Email:Ekrolikows@aol.com
Favourite character: Captain Power
Favourite episode: All

If anyone has either original or bootleg cpt power videos for sale contact me with prices or trade, !!!!!

Robert Kramisen - 09/01/98 22:15:52
My Email:RSKGREAT@Worldent.att.net
Favourite character: Lord Dread

I was 4 or 5{I really can't remember} when I first saw Captain Power. Now I am 15 and starting a campaign aganist South Park{Stop the Nazism} and Dawson's Creek{stop the sex}. I am trying to relive my childhood and enjoy life. Yes, I now I'm 15, but as yo can see I will stand idle as the FCC kicks off Captain Power and leaves South Park alone!!!!!!! Please E-mail me with information on where I can purchase Captain Power merchandise and what happen in the last episode. I saw it, yet I can't remember.....
Ricardo Alfredo Espinosa Perez - 08/23/98 00:59:41
My Email:104164.2052@compuserve.com

I remember when there was no new chapters of Captain power long time ago. Very interesting TV series. I live in Mexico so there wasn't no information about what happened to the series. I've just saw a picture about the TV series so I decided to investigat . Too bad It was shut down.

Olga Goltsova - 08/15/98 22:41:41
My Email:goltsov@phoenix.princeton.edu
Favourite character: Jennifer Chase, Jonathan Power
Favourite episode: And study war no more, The Retribution Part 2

It was 1992 when I saw the movie for the first time, and I was 12 then. Since I live in Russia and those were hard times then, I had no VCR, and the only movies I watched were on TV. So this is when it happenned, and since then my life had been divided in o two parts:before and after the event. I kinda lived this movie, for like 3 years or something. And it meant so much to me, a certain POWER to the creation, you know. A very sad one, I would cry when I saw Jenn explode the base and all. I mean it.

Tempest - 08/08/98 20:06:06
My URL:http://www.deathsdoor.com/tempest
My Email:tempest@deathsdoor.com
Favourite character: Jonathan Power

Great site. More POWER to you.

Joel Mac Donald - 08/06/98 17:21:06
My Email:silicit@hotmail.com
Favourite character: All of 'm
Favourite episode: The Abyss

Captain Power ROX. Somebody buy the rights and bring it back. If anyone has copies of the episodes E-mail me...I only have 7 If U want copies of these videos mail me!

tim collier - 08/04/98 02:05:23
My Email:tim_collier@yahoo.com
Favourite character: Dr. Stuart Power
Favourite episode: A Summoning of Thunder

I was a young father of one back in '87 when the series debuted and we loved this show. I'm 40 and now there are two other little boys that call me Dad and in 1998, while my oldest is now 16 and pre-occupied with other things, the other two love to watch the old videos I made back then and occassionally play with the toys I bought...that still work! I liked the show because it was well written, well produced, and...well, just plain fun to watch. It was then, and still is today, nice to be able to watch ne of these shows and not be embarrassed about the content. Thanks, Captain Power...it's been a fun 11 years since we last saw you kick Dread's butt!!!

Michael Hartman - 07/29/98 16:11:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/rampart/9038/
My Email:mikehartman@hotmail.com
Favourite character: I don't know yet
Favourite episode: I have only seen 5

I got my first captian power toy(phantom striker) when I was 5. I never saw any of the episodes on TV. I got shattered, Wardogs, Final Stand, Piriah, and the Abyss on tape from a video rental place. I have to get the other Episodes on tape. There is s me feeling that I left some memory in my past and the only way to get it back is to see those other episodes. If you could copy the tapes in VHS format and send them to me I would pay $25. This may sound like a small ammount but when you are 14 in the U money isn't that easy to come by. Please help me.

Ariel Torres - 07/28/98 19:57:36
My Email:ajrodi8@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Soaron
Favourite episode: A Summoning of Thunder, Part One

This series is mad cool!! I wouldn't have none of it if my girlfriends wouldn't told me. I love to see that crazy bird flying in the sky by the way I am a puertorrican cutie. I hope that the fanitics of this series will keep it alive.

Agustín J. Rodríguez - 07/28/98 19:47:30
My Email:ajrodri8@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Blastarr
Favourite episode: The Ferryman

Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future has been the best creater series. So it is, and because of it I am using it as my University research project.

Iceman - 07/22/98 21:54:59
My Email:fireball5672@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Pilot

Add me to the list of people that was happy to see "Pilot" in Armageddon! I remember in high school occasionally being up early enough to catch this show and loved it. I'd die to find copies of old episodes if anyone has them. Live action Saturday morn ng shows like that were the best...does anyone else remember Jason of Star Command?

Tim Grant Jr - 07/20/98 15:26:36
My Email:tgrantjr@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Jonathan Power
Favourite episode: Raid on volcania video

I remember captain power when I was very young and i am suprised that there are pages like this on him

Jeff Horbinski - 07/10/98 18:28:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Set/5118
My Email:mrjlove@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Hawk, Captain
Favourite episode: New Order, Part I and II

Captain Power is awesome!!! I watched it when I was 9 and 10, and was gladly surprised when a fellow CP watching buddy from grade school and I saw Pilot in Armageddon!!!!! I wish it would not have been cancelled. Come on re-runs!!!!!!!!

dawn wright - 07/01/98 19:12:09
My Email:ladyunicorn@hotmail.com
Favourite character: pilot
Favourite episode: gemini and counting


Thomas MAcleod - 06/29/98 06:14:44
My Email:OUTLAN5525@aol.com
Favourite character: Lord Dread
Favourite episode: A summoning of Thunder parts 1 and 2.

This is with out a doubt the best source for Captain Power information any where on the web, hell any where in the world. I have found more here than I ever expected. Great work. One thing to add: Lots of pics from episodes, CP was visually stunning, pics should be a major part of this page.

Pam Felton - 06/06/98 16:00:57
My Email:yoshi@surfshop.net
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: Retribution I

This is a great site! There are more of us out there than I had imagined. I'm in the process of writing some fan fiction. My first story is going to focus on how Pilot met and became a member of Power's group. If anyone is interested send me an e-mail. I' l probably post it on a newsgroup when I'm done. Remember, Captain Power is only truly gone when we forget.

Joel Seles - 06/05/98 16:54:31
My Email:jseles@accesstoledo.com
Favourite character: Hawk
Favourite episode: Judgment

This page is long overdue. I remember watching the show whenever it was on. I got the XT-7 for Christmas one year, and my dad got an Interlocker for himself. He really enjoyed it. Of course I bought all the videos and recorded the episodes, most of whi h I still have. Then the show wasn't on anymore. The XT-7, Interlocker, and Phantom Striker are all taking up space in the attic. But every so often, out they come, along with the videos and the training tapes. It's still just as cool flying through Ski- a province to take out the Tower of the Seer(which is really the John Hancock building!!) as it was the first time. Keep up the page.

James Nelson - 06/04/98 06:18:40
My Email:JAMESN4@prodigy.net
Favourite character: Jennifer "Pilot" Chase
Favourite episode: Retribution part II

I just want to say that "Pilot" has got to be my fave characters since I was 11 watching this show. I'm 21 now, so I still like Steen's acting. We were in grief when "Pilot" had no choice but to sacrifice herself. It was heinous, but heroic of "Pilot" to estroy Blastarr and the Powerbase. We ask ourselves, what if Blastarr could've digitize Jennifer before her manual bomb sequence? Jennifer was seriously, and badly injured, or bleeding bad (Did she really bleed in that Retribution II episode? It would've een interesting to see Jennifer bleed.). With all ya guys, I agree that they WILL do the season where Retribution II left off, if they have the guts to do it. Her touching line, "I love you, Jon...so much. Goodbye. You think of me sometimes." spins within our heads as "Pilot" said this under her dying breath. Indeed, Jennifer will be in our hearts forever. We all love her. Gotta go, tell ya more about our fave character when I get the chance.

Jennifer Hart - 06/03/98 03:51:09
My Email:SparksRfd@aol.com
Favourite character: Cp. Jennifer "Pilot" Chase
Favourite episode: any and all of them

I discovered Captain Power midway through its one and only season but I've been a fan ever since. I thought I was the only one to remember the show. Glad to see I was wrong.

Tommy Sorrells - 05/21/98 14:25:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Campus/6012
My Email:tsorrells@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Tank Ellis
Favourite episode: The Intruder

I enjoyed watching Captain Power. I still the Power Jet. They took off Captain Power around here as well. I did record each episode I watched. Keep it up!

Justin Killam - 05/19/98 17:58:20
My Email:silverbolt@rocketmail.com
Favourite character: Hawk, Pilot
Favourite episode: Retribution 1&2

For the last decade or so, I had retained fond memories of the Captain Power series, and often wondered if it would ever be brought back. The idea was perfect, and I think would take off now, given the age of technology. If the reason the show failed wa because of the lack of sales in the toys, then it should be brought back without a toy line. Hawk and Pilot were the two stars of the show. Hawk was the consummate soldier...the oldest of the group, he commanded respect from those around him, and who can ever forget the air battles between Hawk and Soaron? I like the battles as they never we e decided by one or the other...they both had their wins and losses. The character of Pilot intrigued me...here was a Dread defector joining the most respected resistance. I loved the development of feelings between Power and Pilot, leading right up to the cataclysmic end, when Pilot sacrificed herself to save everythi g. Even though it was a fictional show, even now I wonder if I, thrust into the same situation, would have had the guts to do what she did. The raw currents of emotion that flowed through all watching should have been proof to the producers that the ser es could have survived, by losing the toy angle and finding a new sponsor. I hope in the future, this happens. This page brought back a lot of memories, and you have done an exceptional job. Keep up the great work!

Brad Wooldridge - 05/16/98 05:31:54
My Email:SarlaccFood01@yahoo.com
Favourite character: Captain Power
Favourite episode: The Ferryman

Great site! I thought for a long time I was the only one who remembered the gallant Captain Power. I had almost all of the toys, and two interactive videos. They were fun, but once the show went off, like most other kids, my interest dissipated. The o ly remnant of that short infatuation is a Lord Dread figure, complete with his cape. I have no idea what happened to his little laser sword. This action figure is a great piece of nostalgia, but if anyone is interested in getting it, please e-mail me.
Lord Dred - 04/29/98 09:09:19
My Email:sysadmin@executive.lvl.ru
Favourite character: Lord Dred of cause
Favourite episode: one of last, where Dred destroy Powerbase

Sorry, I'm from Russia and don't know English Not bad page, but there is low photos

James Payette - 04/23/98 19:32:03
My Email:jamespayette@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Hawk
Favourite episode: Wardogs

I love the sight. I've been looking ofr a good sight dedicated to the Soldiers of the Future and now I found one.

Not of this World - 04/21/98 05:32:52
Favourite character: Hawk
Favourite episode: Retribution Part 2

I've been really dissappointed for a long time that they took this show off the air. Thank JMS for Babylon5 at least!

Matt Boardman - 04/21/98 01:30:28
My Email:VoyagerMB@aol.com
Favourite character: Jonathan Power
Favourite episode: Shattered

Captain and the team rule!

Tristan Montano - 04/17/98 09:17:01
My Email:tommyclyde@hotmail.com
Favourite character: Hawk Masterson
Favourite episode: The Abyss

YES!! Thank God there are several hundred others out there who love this show just as much as I do. I've been babbling about this show for 10 years while my friends just look at me funny. Nobody else here in the Philippines knows Captain Power. Thanks ernice, for a really first-rate site! Keep up the good work. I'm still hoping that one day, we'll all get to see the end of the Captain's fight.

Patricia MacDougall - 04/12/98 07:10:20
My Email:dollars@sprint.ca
Favourite character: Captain Power/Pilot
Favourite episode: Hard to pick one

I am looking for copies of the videos, if anyone can help. Also, I would like to contact Christy Marx about obtaining copies of her scripts, including the 5 part mini series, that wasn't produced. I am unable to connect to her E-mail server. So, if anyone can ask her to contact me that would really be great. T ank you for your help. I would also, like to say, that I am really impressed by all the efforts to web sites and information and updates to all these sites. Keep up the great work, and keep pushing your local television stations to re-air this wonderful show. All the best to all of you out there....POWER ON!!

Terry Crotinger - 04/11/98 23:33:13
My Email:montana@ctaz.com
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: anything showing the Dread Youth org.


Holmes - 04/06/98 12:55:47
Favourite character: Pilot/scout
Favourite episode: And study War no more

Nice page. CP Rules. Can't wait to see Jessica Steen in Armageddon.

Mark Lewis - 04/04/98 16:11:39
My Email:PauLewis@msn.com
Favourite character: Jennifer "pilot" Chase
Favourite episode: Judgement

I think that this Web Site is great. I live in England and CP has only just started here Please email me

Tommy T - 04/04/98 11:27:21
Favourite character: Tank
Favourite episode: Final Stand

Cool Site. Long live Cap'n Power.

Rebecca Lovett - 03/30/98 20:44:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/captainpower
My Email:jennifer-chase@rocketmail.com
Favourite character: Pilot

Love what you've done to the front page, dear! LOVE IT! Just wanted to let you know that! Later!

Alec - 03/28/98 23:43:03
My Email:106606.366@compuserve.com
Favourite character: Tank/pilot/Hawk
Favourite episode: They were all great

Being british, I used to watch the shows on Cable Super channel, about 10 years ago when I was 12. Now I'm 22, about to start at Drama school And I still love watching the re-runs on channel 5, I've got most of them on tape anyway. I wish they would bring it back. I like the macho repartee between Tank and Hawk,it was funny. A very underrated series. I recently saw the pilot episode of the A-team, with Tim as face. iT WAS A WEIRD EXPERIENCE. Dirk was better. But Dirk would have been a shite Captain power.< r>
Jake Cutter - 03/28/98 23:22:26
Favourite character: Hawk
Favourite episode: Most of them

"Captain Powers here. People, Why are you hidding from me?" "If you Had a thousand of them, they couldn't keep me from you" Some fav quotes of mine. Hawk was cool.Why wasn't he in charge. looks like he would have been if they'd made a second season. wow, reading what would/could have been certainly fuels the imagination. Season two would have rocked like a Bitch. For Gods sake someone bring it back. Thats all I can say. If someone wins the lotery, buy the rights to the show and sell it to a company that will make it. I good Idea, I think.

Jeff Cannon - 03/28/98 14:08:46
Favourite character: Hawk
Favourite episode: Final stand/Madness shall reign

Great site. I'm a brit, used to watch the show on super channel. nice to see other brits are fans too. WHy couldn't/can't there be more shows like CP?

Legacy - 03/25/98 02:11:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Castle/9035/
My Email:fyfe@netarrant.net
Favourite character: Scout
Favourite episode: Hmm..tuff...

Man I never had any idea that fellow CP fans existed. I am always online and can't belive in all my hours I never looked up CP on Yahoo! The only reason I found you guys is because of a link from a Babylon 5 site. I'll might just have to set up a CP si e. L.

Random - 03/22/98 10:55:58
My URL:http://listen.to/melissa
My Email:random@cybermail.net
Favourite character: Lord Dread
Favourite episode: All of them

Captain Power And The Soldiers of the future kicked so much ass few years ago (when I was about 12 or so :). It's still awesome, and I would love to see these episodes again and again. Unfortunately, here, in Australia, nobody bloody knows about them. and that sucks, guyz. that really does ;)

Joel MAc Donald - 03/12/98 20:33:33
My Email:raymac@auracom.com
Favourite character: Soaron
Favourite episode: 3 Hour TV movie

WOW!!!! I've been a power fan for 10 years I have videos posters EVERYTHING. How long has this site been running? I did have a Power website but no one visited ( no longer exists). Is there any where I can get Merchandise? Make Me a Fan (the link does no work.

Anders Jönsson - 03/06/98 11:14:20
My Email:anders.jonsson.lc97@edu.sandviken.se
Favourite character: Captain Power
Favourite episode: Don´t remeber. They are all very good

Coll page! I would like see a few more pictures, though.

Lori - 02/27/98 04:33:27
Favourite character: Pilot

Cool page!

Susan L. - 02/26/98 16:37:35
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: Gemini and Counting

Forever, she lives in our hearts. She will never die. Not as long as I'm alive. She is my HERO.

Natalie - 02/21/98 14:12:49
My Email:PilotChase@aol.com
Favourite character: Pilot (like you hadn't already figured that out)
Favourite episode: Retribution pt.2

Still looking good Bernice, but how come the site hasn't been updated in 4 months. It must be mighty popular to have gotten over a million hits in just a year.

Robert Yeldell - 02/19/98 05:25:24
My Email:rjydelljr@worldnet.att.net

Babylon 5 fan. Saw reference to CP in B5 site about JMS. Looks interesting. Can you tell me where I can find a video.

George Cifrancis - 02/13/98 09:00:39
My URL:http://www.jessicasteen.com
My Email:gc3@infinet.com
Favourite character: Pilot (of course!)
Favourite episode: all of em!

Great page!

Rebecca Lovett - 02/09/98 13:51:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/captainpower
My Email:jennifer-chase@rocketmail.com
Favourite character: Pilot/Captain Power
Favourite episode: Love Them All

Hey! I love this page! I mean that! I've been a die hard CP fan since, oh, lets see, the very first episode back in 1987! Love it! I've got my own CP page, check it out if you want to! I still have to finish my synopsis guide (takes FOREVER) but I'm getti g there. I think when I finish it, I'll be actually done the page, so that will be good. Anyway, I'm just babbling, so I'm going to go. Power On!

neil steeves - 02/04/98 00:13:50
Favourite character: pilot
Favourite episode: allof them

excellent i thought i was the only person who liked the show maybe it willcome back

Jeremy - 01/26/98 17:46:40
My Email:DJ_LF_HOLMES@Prodigy.net
Favourite character: Chase
Favourite episode: Any

Will there be an update to the CP fans list soon?

Bernice Low - 01/26/98 13:34:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/6213/index.html
My Email:llylbl@hermes.nottingham.ac.uk
Favourite character: Pilot
Favourite episode: Gemini and Counting

As Web Site Administrator, I guess I should get first crack at the Visitors Log?

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