This small section will list tidbits of information & rumours dealing with Star Trek that I have gathered from surfing through my links or seen and read from magazines, mailing lists, and the like. I will try list the source of the information whenever possible. I will also have other general science fiction news links as well as other sci-fi show web sites. I have also included some newsgroups.
Although I try to verify any news by listing the source, please remember that almost everything is gathered from outside sources and may or may not be totally accurate.
ST: General News Sites
ST: General News
F.Y.I: ST:Voyager
F.Y.I: Other Sci-Fi News And Links
ACCESS: Dblfed's Nexus Main Page.
ACCESS: Image & Sound Index.
ACCESS: GeoCities Main Page.
These web sites generally contain information about upcoming episodes of Star Trek Voyager and Deep Space Nine, as
well as convention dates, episode reviews,news,links, and more. Some web sites will also have news and links on
other sci-fi shows as well.
-has book reviews, con. dates, editorials,& much more.
Star Trek:Federation News Network Database
Star Trek -Official site. Has news & episode listings with video previews and more.
Star Trek: News -Has episode guides,news,convention dates, & more.
Star Trek Books Home Page -Lastest information on upcoming Star Trek novels & more.
Stardate: The ST Newsletter -Web Site for the free weekly newsletter.
Starland News Online -This site has news, links, & links related to sci-fi.
DW9 Star Trek -This site has a lot of information on Star Trek,(Warp 10 newsletter)& more.
Mr. Video Productions -has image previews of upcoming ST episodes,news,& more.
Tigerclaw's Sci-Fi Page's Index -Voice your opinions on the Star Trek shows & more.
WWTrek- This site is promoting a special edition of the Hollywood Reporter. Also has links.
(Check local listing for time.)
(Check local listings for time.)
Viacom, which owns Paramount, has starting contacting the author's of Star Trek fan web sites and
have "requested" that they promtly remove any Star Trek related image, icon, sound file and so on from
their web site. As of now Viacom is targeting the major sites, but they probably will go for everyone else
when they are done with them.
Some sites have begun to comply with Viacom's demand by removing all Star Trek related bars, buttons, images
and so on from their sites. Others have refused, and still others have decided to start a campaign to stop
I will continue to keep my Star Trek page as it is until I am otherwise "forced" to do so. My Image & Sound page
will probably be gone, but no matter what, I will not completely shut down this site.
As to why Viacom would want to do this to the loyal Star Trek fans, I don't really know....It could be greed
or maybe "they" only want their "Official Sites" to be the "only" Star Trek source of information on the Net.
This section will have some official links to web sites of other Sci-Fi shows as well
as some corresponding newsgroups. This section might also have some news or rumours concerning
other Sci-Fi shows. (But I will always try to have more on Star Trek of course.)
Star Trek Actress Dies :Associated Press reports Persis Khambatta, who played Ilia in Star
Trek: The Motion Picture, died in Bombay following a massive heart attack. Khambatta, 49, who had undergone a bypass operation in 1983, died Tuesday, August 18 in a Bombay hospital. Her funeral will be held in Bombay, her family said. She is survived by her mother and a brother.
There might be a 3D Star Trek movie made just for Imax theaters. It would be shot with CGI graphics and run
for about forty minutes. There is no info. on what cast would star or even if there might be a brand new cast just for the movie.
Help support the stand againist Viacom's attempt to alter and or close down Star Trek web sites.
MAILING LISTS-Here are few mailing lists that have general news on Star Trek.
MPLite/QP Mailing List -(type: subscribe to list); has general ST news and updates.
Transwarp Newsletter (HTML)- has news on all of ST.
Official Transwarp Newsletter Web Page
NEWSGROUPS-These groups usually contain information and discussions about Star Trek.
USENET: alt.startrek
USENET: rec.arts.startrek.current
USENET: rec.arts.startrek.fandom
USENET: rec.arts.startrek.misc
This is only a small list of newsgroups and some may not be available on your news server.
10/14/98 Night [Fifth Season Premiere]
10/21/98 Drone
10/28/98 Extreme Risk
11/04/98 Once Upon a Time
11/11/98 In the Flesh
11/18/98 Nothing Human
11/25/98 Timeless
??/??/?? Down Deep
??/??/?? Infinite Regress
??/??/98 Vis a Vis
??/??/98 Unforgettable
Kate Mulgrew - Captain Kathryn Janeway
Robert Beltran - Chakotay
Jerri Ryan - Seven of Nine
Robert Duncan McNeill - Lt. Tom Paris
Robert Picardo - the Doctor
Ethan Phillips - Neelix
Tim Russ - Tuvok
Garrett Wang - Harry Kim
Delta Blues: Jim's Voyager News,Blues,Reviews & more.- has good episode reviews.
MajCullah's ST:Voyager Web Page -Has links,news,reviews and more on ST:Voyager.
The USS Voyager -Has episode info.,news,quotes on Voyager. Stardate newsletter as well.
Stardate: The ST:Voyager Newsletter -Web Site for the free weekly newsletter.
Improved writing? (looking better.)
A five story arc will feature a new alien race, the Hirogen, and the return of species 8472.
Q might return later this season.
USENET: discussion of ST:Voyager.
09/26/98 Image in the Sand [Seventh Season Premiere]
10/03/98 Shadows and Symbols
10/10/98 Afterimage
10/17/98 Take Me Out to the Holosuite
10/24/98 Treachery, Faith, and the Great River
10/31/98 Chrysalis
11/07/98 Once More Into the Breach
11/14/98 The Siege of AR-588
Avery Brooks - Captain Benjamin Sisko
Rene Auberjonois - Odo
Michael Dorn - Lieutenant Commander Worf
Terry Farrell - Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax
Cirroc Lofton - Jake Sisko
Colm Meaney - Chief Operations Officer Miles O'Brien
Alexander Siddig - Dr. Julian Bashir
Nana Visitor - Major Kira Nerys
Simon's Pages- ST:DS9 -This site has pics,sounds,video clips,& news on ST:DS9.
The first six or so episodes will deal with the Dominion war.
In the August 17th edition of TV Guide, a recent
Reader's poll asked "Which show is most ready for cancellation?" and ST:DS9 came in second place (24.7%)after Saturday Night Live (46.2%).
(And I thought ST:Voyager was in trouble.)
Usenet: discussion of ST:DS9.
Viacoms' Wrath
Well everybody should know about it by now, but for those who don't...
Other Sci-Fi News And Links
According to TV Guide, Babylon 5 will
be back for a fifth season.The series will move to the TNT network and will have 22 new episodes and two
movies next year.
Mission Profile is announcing the opening of the Mission Profile Online
Bookstore . It will have a collection of SF novels from such shows as Star Trek, Star Wars, X-Files, Sliders, and more!.
George Lucas will direct the next Star Wars movie which will probably out in theatres by 1999 or so.
The movie will be the first prequel to the trilogy. This will be the first time that Lucas has directed a movie in about 20 years.
To learn more about this and the "NEW IMPROVED TRILOGY", go to the Star Wars Official site
SCIENCE FICTION RESOURCE GUIDE -Looking for something? Check here first!
The Sci-Fi Channel- Home of the Dominion. Has information on all it's shows and more.
Science Fiction Weekly -This site has general sci-fi news & links.
Convention Connection -includes listings for sci-fi,comics,gaming, and more soon.
Sci-Fi Entertainment -Has contents of current Sci-fi magazine online.
SFF-NET -has listings of ezines,publishers,authors, and other links.
The X-Files Official Web Site -Information about the series.
USENET: -disussion of the series.
USENET: -stories related to the series.
USENET: alt.binaries.x-files -images and sounds realted to the series. (Usually)
HIGHLANDER: The Official Site Home Page -Information about the series.
Highlander Official Web Site -Another official site about the series.
Babylon 5- Docking Procedures -The official web site of the series.
The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 -has news, episode guides, and more on the series.
USENET: -discussion of the series.
USENET: -discussion of the series.
ACCESS: Dblfed's Nexus Main page
ACCESS: Image and Sound Index
ACCESS: GeoCities Main page.
Last Updated: 10-01-98
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