
Image and Sound Index

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This is a list of the images and a small description of each. The images are mostly of starships in the Star Trek universe. But I might have a non-ship image from time to time. All images are in either .Gif or .Jpeg format. I will try and rotate the number of images at least once every few months since I am limited to about one meg for my pages. The sound files are mostly computer sounds from ST:TNG. All sound files are in .wav format.

Thanks to GeoCities for offering a additional meg of space to all members homepages! Expect more starship and sound files soon!


Since Viacom wants all Star Trek related images, sounds, icons, and so forth off fan web pages, I am not sure how long this section of my site can remain open. So until then, enjoy these files.

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ACCESS: Sound Index.

ACCESS: Dblfed's Nexus Main Page.
ACCESS: F.Y.I Index.
ACCESS: GeoCities Main Page.

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Enterprise- A schematic of the original Enterprise-1701. (10k)
Enterprise-A- A schematic of the Enterprise-1701-A. (13k)
Enterprise-B- A schematic of the Enterprise-1701-B. (10k)
Enterprise-B/1- Another schematic of the Enterprise-1701-B. (60k)
Enterprise-C- A schematic of the Enterprise-1701-C. (15k)
Enterprise-D- A schematic of the Enterprise-1701-D. (17k)
Enterprise-hst- A schematic showing all the Enterprise ships side by side. (14k)
Enterprise-sch- Another schematic of the Enterprise-1701. (11k)
Voyager-1- A schematic of the Voyager. (13k)
Enterprise/Voyager- A schematic showing a size comparision of both ships. (14k)
Federation Ships- A picture of all current Federation ships. (24k)
Background-1- A schematic of the Enterprise-D.
Deep Space 9- A picture of the station. (70k).
Galaxy Map- Do you know your quadrants?
RioGrande- A picture of the runabout Rio Grande. (24k)
Stand-off- A picture of a Bird of Prey and a runabout. (32k)
Voyager-2- A frontal shot of the Voyager. (35k)
Shuttle-1- A schematic of a shuttlecraft. (Older version) (10K)
Defiant- Frontal shot of the Defiant. (33K)
Klingon-1- A schematic of a Drell 7 class Klingon cruiser. (44K)
Ambassador class- Side image of a Ambassador class starship. (25K)
Bird of Prey 1- A schematic of a Bird of Prey. (16K)
Excelsior class- Side image of a Excelsior class starship. (21K)
Bird of Prey 2- Another schematic of a Bird of Prey. (15K).
Nebula class- Side image of a Nebula class starship. (22K)
Reliant- Picture of the Reliant. (41K)
Defiant- A schematic of the Defiant. (13K)
Voyager-Defiant- Schematic showing a size comparision of both ships. (10K)
Enterprise-E- Images of the new Enterprise. Sovereign Class. (45K)
Enterprise-D- Near bird's eye image of the Enterprise-D. (31K)
Rescue Ships- Two starships approaching another ship. (37K)
Runabout-2- Image of a runabout in flight. (27K)
Triple Threat- Image of three classes of starships. (38K)
Wolf 359- Picture of starships enaging a Borg cube. (60K)
Daedalus- Picture of the USS Daedalus. (90K)
Botany Bay- Picture of Khan's Botany Bay ship. (18K)
Bird of Prey-2- Picture of a Bird of Prey. (37K)


Star Trek Gallery -has a large collection of various Star Trek images. Has links too.
Starbase 779 -good source for images,sounds, & links.
USENET: alt.binaries.startrek -This group usually has images & sound files. Usually.


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These few sound files are in .wav format. They are computer sounds from Star Trek: The Next Generation. They can be used as starup or exit sounds in Windows or in other ways.

bridg1.wav- some bridge sounds.
author.wav- computer sounds.
comm.wav- communication f/x. (can be used as a .wav file for your e-mail program)
doorbll.wav- doorbell sound.
intrud.wav- Intruder alert .wav from the first ST movie.
unablcmp.wav- Unable to comply. (computer voice)
wrkg.wav- Working. (computer voice)

USENET: alt.binaries.startrek -This group usually has images & sound files. Usually.

These sounds will be changed every few months.


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ACCESS: Dblfed's Nexus Main page
ACCESS: GeoCities


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Last Updated: 06-05-98

Star TrekŪ and all related references are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. No infringement is implied or intended.

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