Red Dwarf
Red Dwarf Pictures
Kerrin's Red Dwarf Page

For those of you who have spent more than the last 10 years in a monestery in some remote corner of the world; Red Dwarf is the best TV program ever (and it is British).

In short Red Dwarf is a science fiction situation comedy.

Here is a great Red Dwarf set of pages (better than mine).

Here is someone elses Red Dwarf page to cheer you up. It is very good and includes SCRIPTS.

If you haven't seen Red Dwarf before take a look at this picture.

Red Dwarf News and stuff

Red Dwarf is over 10 years old. There was lots of revamping and some special shows recorded for the 10th anerversary.

Red Dwarf 8 is the last series to be made, but one film is to be made too. At least that is what we are told, but Series 8 ended with the caption "The End.....The Smeg It Is!"

Look at the Red Dwarf Anagrams Puzzle page on these pages.

Reviews and things page for Red Dwarf VII.

A Christmas special has never been made to my knowledge, even though we were told many times it was on the cards.

Immaterial Park MOO has a Red Dwarf ship (off of main street). It's mine, so any suggestions to me.

Here is a Midi file of the Red Dwarf Theme Tune, but I don't think it's that good.

Oh starbugger, my image of Starbug is corrupt!

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Last updated the 8th of August 1999