Here is one quote from each episode.
Here are the words to The Rimmer Song.
When recording this series, there was no live studio audience, instead they previewed it to a select few and recorded them to dub over the sound track. This allowed them to do things they couldn't in previous series.
The whole seiries looked like a film, it actually looked like they were there, even in Starbug's cockpit. (Very confind)
Ed Bye made his return after 2 series as Producer. (He's a funny bloke)
The episodes are:
The crew are left in an alternate universe by having been killed by them selves. All curry and beer was wiped-out by an explosion. Lister takes the guilt chip from Kryten's spare head two and changes it for Kryten's main head. Now Kryten has no worries about using the time-drive to go order a ship load of curries. But Kryten makes an error programming the time and place and they end-up stopping JFK getting killed and ruining America.
Well, this is a great first episode with some great moments, most due to Kryten having no guilt. This is just the starter though, wait until you see some of the others.
Ace saves the day, but gets seriously injured, off he flies to a near by dimension, where the Boys from the dwarf are. Ace askes Rimmer to be the net Ace. He accepts and leaves the crew (for this seires).
If you like Ace then this was the episode for you. If you like Rimmer this is the episode for you. If your a fan, thi was a great episode, and if not it was good too. It is fun watching Rimmer trying to be Ace. And a great line comes at the end. Also this episode shows that Lister has grown to like Rimmer really (or is he trying to get ri of him? I don't think that was his motive.) A fine episoe for Chris to leave on.
The crew (with-out Rimmer, as it will be from now on) find a Dimensional rip and make contact with an alternate crew where Lister is a hologram and Kristen is alive. After being hot at Kristen is seperated with her crew and on 'our' Starbug. Kryten becomes jelous and is determined to get her back to her correct dimension. The make conntact, but things go wrong and she is stuck in our dimension.
Not the best episode, but it has a good twist to Listers past and Rimmer is in one scene. Kryten is even more noticable human than ever before as he become jelous of Kristen.
Kristen is depressed at being stranded in this dimension and Kryten is worried she's going to take Lister away from him. Then the power fails and they are forced to crawl through the air ducts to get to the cockpit.
Kristens character is 'aired' in this episode and was probably written to show how she related to the rest of the crew. Not a great episode, but has a few lines. And it tastfully jokes about being gay.
Lister is missing Rimmer and so Kryten tries to help.
I got the impression that they were struggling to keep the story going, this caused the episode to come across as more of a Red Dwarf sketch show. This wasn't all that bad. There was a few scenes that weren't important to the story, and this is unusual in Red Dwarf episodes which are normaly action packed. An example is when Kryten is telling the Cat about Kristens Knickers. The best bit is the end, but the last time they did a musical bit was great too.
It's the annerversry of Lister rescueing Kryten, and Kryten has cooked a very special meal, but everyone else goes to the AR machine. Kryten blows his top. The crew meet a simulant and he tells Kryten some bad news.
My favorite episode. There is some great stuff in this one, like the tank in 'Pride and Preduce'. Also, another great twist on he crews past.
The crew find a JMC (Jupiter Mining Corp.) ship, everones dead, except one person in ice. Over night the woman defrosts and gives Lister a Frenchy and a guenius virus. The chop Listers right arm off in an attept to kill it. But fail, but they kill it eventually.
They've chopped Listers arm off!!!!! I like the virus its personality was great. This episode shows that Lister is a selfless bloke when it counts. It also shows that Kristen can be heartless. "Don't be such a wimp!". A good episode.
Lister has no arm, so Kryten makes Lister a fake. This don't work so they go in search of Krytens lost nanobots to help. They find a planet which turns out to be Red Dwarf. And has Holly. The Nanobots rebuild Red Dwarf and give Lister an arm.
A bit slow at the start due to them making a big thing of Lister having no arm (it's not a big thing, not really, it isn't.). Worthy of its position at the end of the best series yet. Just when you thought they couldn't get any better, they did. Lots of things happen once this episode gets going. And I'm sure we're all happy that Holly (in his Norman Lovett incarnation) and Red Dwarf are back!
One thing I liked about this episode is you can't tell how they got Craig's arm off and then put it back on after recording, it must have cost a fortune to chop his arm off and put it back!!!! And how did they talk him into doing it.