Welcome to My Home page
The number of people visiting this page since April 17,1996 is

I thought that it was about time to open a home page for myself;
so here it is!
Don't expect too much from this page though! you'll have your basic
stuff: (Drum Roll)... access to movie sites, film schools, film competitions;
links to cool soccer pages etc...(perhaps it's not so basic after all...)
I am currently a proud Film and Media Arts undergrad. at Temple
If you would like information about Temple university, click
information This site isn't opened yet, will be opened shortly so come
back later to get some info. on ME!
I will be providing access to a page which will have my first film
script "DESPAIR" in a while. (just informing those who would
like to read it and waste time...)
Since I'm majoring in Film & Media, I guess you're expecting
some links to cool film sites... Well, here they are:
- Do you want information about film schools around the world? Then
the Cinemedia
film schools guide is the best place to go! It has a list of Film schools
from around the world, along with links to them...
- Are you as eager as I am to have your films shown in festivals?
Just click
here and you'll see on your screen the names of MANY film festivals
(more than you would ever need) along with links to each and every single
one. Trust me, this site rules...
- If that's not enough, than this site should be Try
- OR...You could try the UFVA
film festival

- If you would like access to quicktime movie sites then click
Maybe you'd want to read some movie reviews? This site has reviews
for tons of films, all you have to do is: well, they'll tell you when you
get There
How about reading Scripts!
I don't know about you, but I'm a soccer fan! Here is a list of
some cool soccer sites. Browse these sites even if you hate soccer ( I
hope there's no one like that out there!). Perhaps they might help you
fall in love with the best sport on earth :
I am a Turkish-Canadian. Why don't you check these two great countries
All comments will be appreciated...