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Bloopers!!! During the final lightsaber
battle between Qui Gon, Obi Wan and Maul. You'll notice that before Maul
leaps backwards across to another catwalk that Liam Neeson is on Maul's
left and Ewan is on the right side. then maul jumps and is pursued by
both jedi. But this time Ewan is on the left and Liam is on the right.
Terry Thomas When Jar Jar is in the room with the Queen's starship's R2 units there are only three R2 units in their racks. In the unedited screenplay, Jar Jar breaks one of the R2 units and is out of the rack, but this wasn't shown in the movie. Apparently Lucas forgot to go back and put the red R2 unit back in its rack. The when the shield generator is hit and the R2 units go to the air lock, only 3 go up, but when they show the pic of the R2 units working on the generator, there are four (until they get blown off). Morgan Starr And have you noticed that when the Queen's starship takes off from the Naboo palace hangar, the ship takes up most of the hangar door, but it hardly takes up any room inside the hangar. Is the door smaller or something? Whats up with that? Morgan Starr During the Pod race, check out the dirt on Anakin's face. In some shots, he's a muddy mess and in others he's completly clean. Thanks to Kelsan One is when Qui-Gon is introducing himself to Schmi. He says, "I am Qui-Gon Jinn." If u watch Natalie Portman carefully you can her lipping that line. Also in the throne room when they finally catch the Viceroy, Natalie slips on the slick floor and then keeps walking! Just thought you'd be interested! Thanks to Ani. In the Naboo royal starship where all of the astromech droids are kept, 2 of the droids are exactly alike, down to every last detail. The weird thing is one of them is R2-D2. When they were filming this scene they must have run out of different astromech droid props and had to put in some other spare artoo they had sitting around. the only difference is the little circle below the viewport on their heads are different colors: one is red and one is white. Thanks to Mark Pokora. I haven't seen any mention of Maul's saber and comparing it when he's on Tatooine and on Naboo. Okay, after Qui Gon gets away on the Naboo ship, Maul (who's using only one blade of his saber) brings it to his side and shuts it off. You can clearly see that there is no 'hole' on the opposite end of the saber handle (the side opposite of the one that was just ignited). Kinda weird. I noticed this the first time I saw the movie. THEN when he's got the melting pit shield between him and Qui Gon, he's got both sides of his saber blazing, and after testing the shield he shuts off his saber and you can definitely see a 'hole' there! Blooper? Also, did anyone notice at the very end, at the 'ball ceremony' (for lack of a better term), Anakin had a haircut and a boy's Jedi apprentice outfit, right? Well, he also had the braid thing going on, it's hanging over his right shoulder. How much time passed between the funeral and the ball ceremony and parade? I didn't notice Obi-Won's hair (to see if he cut his braid off), I'll have to check it out Friday again. One more thing I noticed (the second time I saw it) was on Coruscant, when they showed the outside view of the Senate building, with all the tall thin warrior statues, try to watch the ship shadows going over the building (on the left side), there are some that just aren't right, they don't go all the way over the building. And for the other CGI bloopers, the MTT droid transports, when they are deploying the droid hangars, they are the exact same animation, the animation just starts at a different time and the 'camera' sees them at different angles. The scratches and blast marks are exactly the same on the two that they show. Kind of like in the scenes of the parade and the Gungan army marching to the battlefield, all the animations are the same, they just run at different times so it looks like there's a ton of them. This is a common thing with CG movie scenes, though, but I was hoping I wouldn't catch something like that. During the podrace, there is an error. When Sebulba rams Anakin's pod and the two are stuck together, you see a closeup of the two pods together, yet when the film cuts to a long shot of the two pods, they are reversed from their position in the closeup. Right after Anakin completes his first lap there is a shot of R2, 3PO and Wald turning to watch him go by. as R2's ead is turning it comes off it's hinges and pops up a ittle. they then cut to a close up where it on tight but a few shots later, the have the wide shot again and the head is off again. Observations about lightsabers: After the first confrontation of Jinn and Maul, as the queen's ship lifts off, look at the backend head of Maul's lightsaber - it's flat, no hole. Yet, in the Theed hanger duel, you see a closeup of Maul's saber as he disengages his weapon - you see a hollow entry hole. Likewise, as Jinn recovers inside of the queen's ship - the head of his lightsaber is flat, too. Then several reports of the infamous braids: Those of you that are going to see it for a second third or fourth time, during the scenes on Tatooine, watch Obi-Wan's Braid thing. It changes sides of his head, they put the scene in backwards. Miss Maul here. I am surprised that NO ONE has mentioned the everchanging Ewan McGregor hair. Kinda funny. Long light brown, short and reddish... He would look left with one style and back with another....I guess the force is VERY powerful even in hair And this about R2-D2: Right before Qui-Jonn, Padme and R2-D2 enter Watto's junk yard, you can see the stablilizer bar between R2-D2's legs. This bar in mentioned in Lynn's Diary (I forget which one). Have fun looking for more. Then this final one about a tire track in the sand: I noticed when the probe droids were coming back to Darth Maul when he was on Tatooine, there was a tire track in front of him. Maybe someone else can confirm this cause Lucas was taking all this time to digitally remove sand particles off the lens, i'm surprised he never caught a big tire track. All in all I thought it was an excellent movie!! Then finally, this about an earpiece: When Qui-Gon is talking to Watto after he won the race, and is collecting his bet, as he turns towards the camara, you will notice what appears to be an earpeace in his left ear. A Budweiser sticking out of the top of one of the buildings in the Coruscant skyline... It's just after the vote of no confidence in the Senate, just before the Queen returns to Naboo, there is a wide sweeping shot of the skyline during the daytime. Right near the end of the shot, one of the buildings is topped by a cylinder that looks like it has the red, white, & blue markings of a Budweiser can on it. I'm not sure about this, and by the time I realized what I saw, the shot was over so I couldn't point it out to anyone around me for confirmation. Can anyone confirm this, or is it just my drinking problem rearing its ugly head again? Did you notice when Anakin is fixing his Pod Racer his 'friends' come up to say hello and when the tallest girl talks to him, you can see her braces. Ewan's (obi-wan) hair keeps changing length. Thanks to Allie. The Com-links in the movie are just spray painted silver Shick lady Shavers with added metal pieces. You can see this best when Qui-Gon sends Obi-Wan Anakins blood sample. When they show the close up, its just a razor with stuff up top. Its kind of funny. Thanks to Bill Husson.
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